
Insane Tech, New Skills & Stats, Steakhouse!

Inside the box was a phone he'd seen all too often in adverts, it was an expensive one at that. An information window immediately popped up.


Stark Industries QuantumPhone MobiX

Description: The Stark Industries QuantumPhone MobiX is a ground-breaking smartphone that meets the communication and security needs of The Front Line personnel. This powerful device combines advanced features with top-tier performance, setting a new standard for mobile technology.

Price: $2,250


Processor: QuantumFusion Mobile Chip

Memory: 512GB StarkNet QuantumMemory

Display: 6.5-inch Quantum-Color SuperAMOLED Screen

Battery Life: Advanced PowerCell (up to 168 hours)

Operating System: StarkOS Mobile

Security: QuantumShield Security Suite

Design: Premium alloy body with edge-to-edge Quantum-View Display

Additional Features:

QuantumTouch Screen Interface

BioScan Unlock

StarkLink QuantumConnectivity

QuantumCamera Pro with AI enhancements

Durability: Resilient alloy body and robust screen protect against drops, shocks, and environmental challenges, maintaining an elegant appearance. Built to endure the toughest conditions. (5000/5000)


What the hell? This phone makes my Computer look like one of those massive ones from the 1950s. Wait a minute, if the small box contained a smartphone like this, then the larger one must be...

Dan opened the second box and was shocked once more.


Stark Industries QuantumPad XE-Mark IV

Description: The Stark Industries QuantumPad XE-Mark IV is a leap forward in computing technology, designed with the needs of The Front Line in mind. This sleek and secure tablet brings extraordinary capabilities to the fingertips of Front Line personnel.

Price: $7,960


Processing Power: Quantum-Matrix Processor

Memory: 1TB Quantum-Core RAM

Display: 16-inch QuantumVision ProDisplay

Storage: 5TB StarkNet QuantumStorage

Battery Life: Advanced PowerCell (up to 168 hours)

Operating System: StarkOS Infinity

Security: QuantumShield Security

Design: Premium aluminium chassis with unparalleled durability

Additional Features:

StarkTech Holographic Keyboard

QuantumTouch Interface

BioScan Security

StarkLink QuantumConnectivity

Durability: QuantumPad XE-Mark IV: Reinforced structure, shock-resistant, temperature-resistant, drop-proof design ensures reliability in demanding conditions.


"I really don't know what to say, apart from thank you again!"

Angela laughed good-naturedly at Dan's response. "Don't thank me, thank The Front Line!"

I guess I'll do that then, this is just insane!

"I'm really looking forward to whichever Restaurant you're planning to book for us."

"Of course! Oh, and one more thing. As well as being your mentor, I will be your personal trainer too! There will be times later on in your apprenticeship, where there will be more physically demanding responsibilities."


"Wow! I was planning on finding a personal trainer for myself, but I guess that Alejandro was one step ahead of me!"

Angela nodded, but corrected him. "It was actually the president, Victoria Sullivan, who asked me to become your mentor and personal trainer."

So the president cares enough about me to cater to my every need, this is crazy! "I'll have to thank Madam President if I ever meet her."

"She prefers being called Vicky, she's never liked honorifics, then again, nobody here does."

"I see, well, it was lovely meeting you today, Angela! I'll see you at 7:30, oh, just saying, my friends might not be expecting to meet someone like you."

Angela waved off his concerns, "don't worry, I'll put one some make-up to cover up the claw marks."

"Alright, that'll do, hopefully. See you later Angela!"

"Bye Dan, see you at 7:30 PM!"

They both parted ways, Dan walked outside and saw Carlson waiting for him. Once he got in, they drove off, they exchanged small talk for a little while until they arrived back at Dan's apartment complex. Once he settled down inside his apartment, he decided to check the system notifications.

 Oh, it looks like I received a bunch of skills in the various divisions at The Front LineWait, I received stat increases? Sapience and Vigour increased by 1! Let's see the skills first, and then check my Stats, I haven't looked at them. Let's see them.


Hero Management Division:

Hero Registration (Level 0) - You can actively assist in the registration process for new heroes (0% proficiency).

Hero Background Checks (Level 0) - You can passively observe and understand the background checks conducted on registered heroes (0% proficiency).


Mutant Research Division:

Data Analysis (Level 0) - You can actively assist with data analysis using specialized tools (0% proficiency).

Research Methods (Level 0) - You can passively observe and understand the research methods used in mutant studies (0% proficiency).


News Reporting Division:

News Writing (Level 0) - You can actively contribute to composing basic news articles (0% proficiency).

News Gathering (Level 0) - You can passively observe and understand the methods for gathering news from different sources (0% proficiency).


Field Operations Division:

Camera Operation (Level 0) - You can actively assist in camera operation to capture events in the field (0% proficiency).

Interviewing Techniques (Level 0) - You can passively observe and understand the techniques used in conducting interviews (0% proficiency).


Production & Editing Division:

Video Editing (Level 0) - You can actively assist in navigating video editing software (0% proficiency).

Cinematography (Level 0) - You can passively observe and understand the principles of cinematography in film and video production (0% proficiency).


Oh, so I was right, they're all related to each division. I'm guessing that my proficiency will start to really increase rapidly when it comes to trying it myself. Let's see my stats.



Vigour: 24

Sapience: 26

Deftness: 15

Constitution: 14

Luck: 33

(A/N: Value of 25 = Average Human. Vigour = Physical & mental strength, vitality, energy. Deftness = Agility & Dexterity.)


I guess I was expecting Deftness and Constitution to be much lower than the others. My Vigour is much higher that I thought it was. The same goes for Sapience and Luck. That luck value definitely contributed to my success. Thank god I only have to think about 5 stats, unlike those with 15+ stats.

It was now 5:40 PM, just under 2 hours until it was time for that celebratory meal he'd promised his friends. They were probably all waiting for him in the communal area. It was time to tell them, otherwise they'd pester him will all sorts of questions when the time came. Dan exited his apartment, and he could hear hushed voices from the end of the corridor.

They seemed to quieten down when he got nearer, Andrei poked his head around the corner and spotted him. "It's the man of the hour! Come on over Dan, we were just discussing dinner plans."

Dan was amused once he heard that, but he kept that to himself. "I may already have something organised, thanks to my wonderful mentor. She insisted on taking us somewhere nice after I told her about our little celebration."

The others were all suddenly staring at him. "She? Tell us the details Dan, don't leave us in the dark!"

Luckily, it was pretty easy to come up with an answer, everyone in this group of friends. In fact, most of the residents in this Apartment complex had a positive outlook towards the powered and mutant communities. Come to think of it, the landlord had only been accepting those with either a neutral or positive stance towards those communities. But that was another conversation for another day.

"Well, you guys will understand once you meet her."

Andrei looked at him knowingly, he may have seemed like a goofball most of the time. But that didn't make him an idiot, not by a long shot. "Well, she told me that someone would be picking us up. She's reserved some fancy restaurant, and she told me to bring you all with me."

They all continued to tease Dan for a bit, before everyone returned to their rooms. Dan also returned to his room for a bit to pass the time, in the end, they'd all agreed to head down at 7:10 PM. He decided to check out his new laptop, he quickly booted it up. It loaded even faster than the computers at work. He ran a few of the usual tests, a stress test, tried watching dozens of films at the same time.

Of course that Laptop was completely fine with running something as simple as this. It seemed a little overkill honestly, but he wouldn't complain. Maybe he'd find a use for an overpowered laptop like this in the future. On the bright side, he'd never have to wait absolutely ages for a subpar Desktop computer to boot up ever again. Time seemed to fly by, and before he knew it, it was 6:40 PM.

He quickly showered, and got changed into more of a smart-casual outfit. This consisted of a buttoned-up shirt, dark jeans, a casual blazer, a leather bracelet. After that, he brushed his hair until it at least looked neat. Before heading over to the communal area to wait, he decided to weigh himself, to see if there would be any noticeable effects from the evolution process so far.

The last time he'd weighed himself was 3 days ago now, he doubted there'd be much of a difference yet. He stepped on the scales, expecting to see only a minor decrease, but was pleasantly surprised. Instead of weighing in at 189 kg, his weight was now 187.7 kg. He couldn't help but wonder how he'd lost over 1 kg in that short a time period, and without any real exercise. Of course! The Flight Adaption & Evolution process, it mentioned something about hollowing out my bones.

Then again, every one of his physical processes was starting to evolve his body to be more suited to both handle certain abilities, and gain access to them. It was a small change, but it was a welcome one. Even if he ended up eating something fancy tonight, it wouldn't have too much of an effect, right? He put his worries aside for later, and put on his dress shoes. It was now almost 7 PM, he exited his room and locked it.

Andrei was already waiting there with a couple of others, Steven and Enrico. They all looked excited, and just as Dan joined them, everyone else started to quickly emerge. A few were dressed in suits, while others, like Andrei and Enrico, had decided to take the same smart-casual approach as Dan had. They all chatted until around 7:08 PM, and then headed towards the elevator. Dan and Enrico were the only ones to take it though.

Once they reached the ground floor, they waited for the others to arrive on their floor, they were only waiting for a few minutes luckily. Everyone walked outside the apartment, and Andrei, as observant as always, suddenly froze. "Hey... uhhh... Dan? I'm guessing that's the ride you mentioned?"

Parked outside was a black limousine, "I think it just might be, of course it's a Limo!"

They all walked slowly towards it until the front window rolled down and a voice called out, "I'm looking for a Dan Montgomery and his friends!"

Dan quickly walked over to the now rolled down window, "Hello, I'm Dan Montgomery, these are my friends!"

He gave the man inside a quick once-over and was immediately impressed. He was impeccably dressed in a sharp black suit with a crisp white shirt and a polished tie, exuded an air of formality. His clean-cut appearance was complemented by a neatly-trimmed beard and a pair of mirrored sunglasses perched atop his nose. As Dan approached, he noticed the chauffeur's confident posture and the way he carried himself with an air of authority, leaving no doubt that he was a seasoned professional.

"My name is Pierre, Miss Angela has sent me to transport Dan and his friends to The Metropolitan Grill."

Dan once again confirmed his identity, along with his friends. Pierre seemed to approve of their appearance before. "Good evening, everyone," the chauffeur greeted them with a warm, polished tone, his words flowing smoothly and effortlessly. "Please step inside the vehicle, and we'll have you at The Metropolitan Grill in no time." His voice was refined and held a touch of sophistication.

Everyone obliged, they all felt as though they were in a dream. this was the sort of scene which would normally only play out in a movie! Once everyone had fastened their seatbelts, Pierre pulled away from the curb seamlessly. Angela really is over-the-top, I guess that her manner of speech as a hero is just her persona. It seems that she is a woman of more refined tastes under all of that. They all talked amongst themselves, apart from Enrico who talked to the Chauffeur, since he was riding at the front with him.

Once they arrived, the Chauffeur exited the vehicle with the elegance of of a Ballet dancer. He then ushered them all up the steps, Dan caught sight of a familiar figure waiting just outside the door for them. It was Angela, her attire exuded elegance. She wore a chic, figure-hugging dress that gracefully accentuated her curves, making her look stunning. He'd phoned her earlier, letting her know that there was no need to take the precautions he'd hinted at earlier.

Andrei was the first to notice the claw-marks on her face, and his mouth formed a silent "Ohhh."

It took a little longer for the others to notice, but once they stopped simply admiring her, they quickly realised what Dan had been hinting at. Steven was the first to speak up. "W-White Tiger? She's your mentor?"

The young woman in question answered before Dan could. "Yes, I am Dan's mentor, you can call me Angela."

The others all nervously greeted her, and Dan walked up to her, and they exchanged pleasantries. They headed inside the restaurant, following Dan and Angela who were being escorted to their table. They walked to the back of the restaurant, and the young man guiding them opened a set of doors to what appeared to be a private dining room. He then offered to take their coats, which everyone accepted.

This was a once in a lifetime experience, they might as well take advantage of it while they could. The young man then handed them their menus, and they all began to excitedly look at the different items. Andrei, Dan, and Angela were much more composed. Andrei had been to fancy restaurants a few times with his boss. This was simply how Angela lived, when she had the time for it, which was rarely.

Dan was just incredibly quick to adapt, something that both her and Andrei were starting to notice. They both separately decided to ask him about that at a later date. They looked over the menu before choosing what they wanted. Of course, the other took a lot longer. In the end, Dan decided to have the Seared Foie Gras for an Appetiser, and the Tomahawk Ribeye Steak (Medium-Rare), as a main. He'd decide whether he wanted a dessert later.

This was all a little much for him still, so he quickly chose a Cocktail from the list, the Blackberry Bourbon Smash. After everyone ordered, they all waited patiently for their food to arrive. They chatted amongst themselves. Dan mainly talked to Angela and Andrei, he learned that Angela had started as an apprentice like himself at The Front Line. Later on, she had acquired her powers, she was still quite firm about hiding the origin of her powers.

That was understandable of course, he heard several dings and wished that they'd just get muted for a bit, which they did, surprisingly. Once the food arrived, everyone dug in, and some of them thought that they'd died, and had ended up in heaven. Dan had never heard his friends in utter silence before, then again, this was a heavenly experience for him too.

Once they finished the meal, a few of them had desserts, but Dan was not among them, he was already incredibly full from all of that. After that, Angela paid for the food, much to the dismay of the others who all wanted to pay for their own food. But she simply repeated what she'd told Dan back in the office, that this was her treat to them. They were all incredibly grateful, none of them had expected that the badass hero had this side to her. They all thanked her profusely, they then went back to the Limousine.

Angela joined them this time, and she sat next to Dan, much to the jealousy of the others. Andrei smirked however, and left them to it. "So, Dan, did you enjoy your meal?"

"Yes, it was easily some of the best food I've had in my life, although I do feel a little tipsy from that Cocktail. I don't really drink normally, so it's pretty easy for me to get drunk."

Dan decided to be honest, and not pretend to be macho. "After work tomorrow, how about we make a trip to my personal Gym. No, this is not a date, I just feel as if it would be better to workout in a quieter space, away from unwanted attention. Okay, that didn't sound any better, did it? Well, they can all think what they want, I intend to stay single for a while at least!"

Everyone else had been listening in of course, apart from Pierre, who simply shook his head at their antics. The others all looked disappointed for a moment, before chatting about their experience with each other.

Once they arrived back at the apartment complex, they all got out, apart from Angela. "See you at work tomorrow morning Dan! Bye for now!"

"Bye Angela!"

The Limousine quickly drove away, leaving them all to slowly make their way back to their apartment.

Second chapter done! I started writing the third chapter, but I'm way too tired to write now....

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