
Hera: Impossible, this is impossible!

Mount Olympus.

At this moment, there is a meeting going on between the three Goddesses.

In the temple of Hera, the Queen of Gods is constructed in a flower field that blooms every season.

Hermes, who has returned from the temple of Demeter, arrived here.

At this moment, Hera, beautifully dressed in magnificent clothes, is talking with her two sisters, one of whom was invited by Ares and the other one, who has arrived on her own.

One is the Goddess of Harvest, Demeter, with her hair tied into a golden braid and dressed gracefully.

And the Goddess, who has followed Demeter to arrive here, is the eldest as well as the youngest sister of the other two, Goddess of Hearth, Hestia, with long brown hair spread out behind her and dressed in beautiful clothes, and is also sitting here.

"Hera, let's stop here, I've already been away from my temple for the last few days, and it's about time for me to go back."

And Demeter, who has obviously been a little absent-minded in most of their discussions, has proposed to leave many times by now, but...

"Don't be in such a rush, Demeter."

Hera smiled and said to keep Demeter: "Anyway, your child, Persephone will not be coming back in a few months, as it has been agreed."

"Moreover, this banquet was originally planned by me for you because I was afraid that you would be too lonely living alone at your temple, so I invited you to be a guest here... Demeter, it's rare for just three of us to meet and relax, why are you in such a hurry to go back, is it because of something important at your temple?"

Demeter looked at Hera, who is smiling while asking this.

Although Demeter had already guessed in her heart that Hera has found out about Jason staying in her temple, neither of them decided just outright say it because that will directly break the currently... 'friendly' relationship between them, once again.

Therefore, Demeter could only look helplessly at Hestia.

In fact, Hestia has arrived here, just to help Demeter because she has also guessed Hera might have found out about Demeter sheltering Jason from her, but Hera's attitude is very firm this time.

Originally, Hestia was planning on meeting with Jason first, but she knows that at least for now, Hera wouldn't dare to directly harm him because Zeus considers him important for the eventual battle against Typhon, so Hestia arrived here to look out for Demeter and also got trapped her.

Soon after this, under the leadership of a Nymph, a blond God with a feather hat, Hermes, arrived here.

"The great Queen of Gods, Hera, Goddess Demeter, and Goddess Hestia, haven't seen you all together in a long while."

Taking off his feather hat, Hermes greeted the three Goddesses with a smile.

"You are back... Then you must have completed what I have entrusted to you, and seen that child, Jason."

While looking at Hermes, who has just arrived, Demeter and Hestia frowned slightly upon hearing Jason's name.

But, on the other side, while saying this, the corners of Hera's mouth could not help but rise slightly, and a proud look appeared on her face.

"Yes, Mother Goddess, following your instructions, I have successfully met that child and passed your words to him."

"Words?" Eventually, upon hearing this, Demeter couldn't help but immediately ask Hermes: "What did you say to that child?!"

"Relax, Demeter, my sister."

Hera twiddled the hair next to her ear and said in an unusually happy tone: "I have no intention of hurting or embarrassing that child... Although that child and I did have unpleasantness between us, after all, it is over now."

"As a goddess, I will naturally not hurt or get angry with a child."

"So I have just asked Hermes to pass a few words to that child on my behalf, to give him a new choice!"

After saying this, under the frowning gazes of Demeter and Hermes, Hera stood up and continued: "As long as he swears to leave the side of Hecate, the damned daughter of Asteria, the Goddess of Stars and Meteors, then I will generously forgive all his transgressions!"

"And after he returns back into my arms, I will swear to Styx to protect him for a lifetime!"

As soon as Hera's words fell, the expressions of Demeter and Hestia visible changed a bit.

And Hera became extremely satisfied when she noticed the changes in their expressions.

This is what she wanted to see, that's why she didn't let Demeter leave, and even stopped Hestia from leaving, who has arrived on her own.

So, with the corners of her mouth visibly raised, Hera continued: "He was originally a child found and valued by me, although I don't know what tricks daughter of Asteria has used to make him lose his direction, it doesn't matter anymore, I am generously willing to forgive him!"

"Hermes tell my good sister, who did that child choose in the end!"

Although she hasn't yet heard Jason's answer from Hermes, Hera, who is extremely confident in herself, now decided to do so in front of her two sisters.

Then, Hera's expression seemed to become unusually arrogant and complacent.

However, let alone Hera, even Hestia, and Demeter have thoughts similar to her!

Because for them, this is not a multiple-choice question but a single-choice question.

Indeed, they all know that Hecate, the Goddess of Paths has powerful strength and unique divinity.

Due to the same, even Hera won't easily speak insulting words directly targetting Hecate and only speak badly of her mother Asteria, because being the Goddess of Paths, as long as she wishes to, Hecate can easily find out who insulting her.

But they also know that in this era, Hera is the Queen of Gods and the wife of the God-King Zeus, as well as the mother of quite a few major Gods currently believed by the mortals.

'As long as it is a rational being, it will not wish to offend her!'

So all three believe that Jason would have definitely chosen Hera.

Therefore, Hera didn't feel that she would lose at all... Hera didn't think even once that Jason would not choose or returned to her!



Hermes hesitated for a while, swallowed his saliva, and kindly suggested to Hera: "Mother Goddess, it will be better to tell you this matter alone..."

"It's okay, after all, I have to thank my two kind sisters after this." Hera, who still didn't notice that something is wrong, said proudly: "After all, my believer has been taken care of by them during this time!"

...Hermes almost instinctually covered his face.

Because he doesn't think he would be able to watch the next scene with a straight face.

'Okay, you did it to yourself, just don't blame me!'

Helplessly, Hermes quietly took two steps back, cleared his throat, and said, "The choice of the child, Jason... the one he chose in the end... is his teacher, Hecate!"

"Did you hear this, my two lovely sisters?" Hera turned and nodded to Hestia and Demeter, who are slightly stunned and their expressions are gradually becoming strange: "That child has chosen his teacher Hecate... ...Wait, who?!"

Hera, who had just reacted, was immediately stunned.

Then she suddenly turned around again and stared at Hermes, and said, "You said that child... Who did he choose?!"

"Daughter of Asteria, Goddess of the Paths, Magic, Ghosts, Moon, Light, and Night, his current teacher... Hecate!"

When Hermes said the answer in the best way possible to not leave any misunderstanding, Hera stayed stunned in her place, with her eyes wide open and face full of disbelief!


But at this time, Demeter, who has reacted first and saw Hera's expression, couldn't help but slightly release a laugh that she is desperately trying to hold back.

'After all, this transformation is wonderful...it's just too wonderful!'

But upon hearing this voice, Hera suddenly turned back and glared at Demeter.

Demeter quickly turned her head away...then even turned her back to Hera, but she is still trembling.

This time, let alone Demeter, even kindhearted Hestia is struggling quite a bit.

"Impossible, it's impossible, this's absolutely impossible!"

While gritting her teeth, Hera looked at Hermes in disbelief, and said: "As long as it is a normal person, he will choose me! Who am I, I am Hera, the Queen of All Gods, how could he choose that wild b*tch Hecate?!"

"You... yes, it's you, you must be the one who didn't finish my words, right?"

"I have promised that as long as he chooses me, I will protect him, I can help him in getting back the throne that is rightfully his, let him enjoy the glory and wealth all his life, and I can even help him get the tempering of Divine Flame of Olympus and make him a God!"

"How could he refuse such a good condition, you tell me why he refused!"

"Hera, the great Queen of Gods, I, Hermes, pledge to Styx that what I am about to say to you is true."

While saying this, Hermes quietly backed away even further and replied truthfully: "I have repeated the conditions you have promised to the child one by one, and the choice of Hecate is also something that child made by himself."

"That child has said that Hecate is his belief and will never betray her in his life, even if it is a test given to him by great you."

'Yes, well done, not afraid of power and not bowing down to it, as expected of my favorite child!'

Upon hearing Hermes describe Jason's words, Demeter and Hestia nodded secretly while simultaneously thinking like this.

But, at this moment, Hera's face has become... as ugly as it can be!

"Cough, right, Mother Goddess, I suddenly remembered that I have something else to do... Ah, the great Father God was looking for me, I will leave first."

After speaking this, Hermes hurriedly ran away.

'Not escape?'

'Then won't I be the one to bear Hera's wrath?!'

And, when Hestia saw Hermes running away, she immediately pulled Demeter, who still wanted to watch this play for a while longer and even satirize Hera, and hurriedly left with Demeter, who in a way had been imprisoned by Hera for the last few days.

And soon after they all left, Hera threw out all the Nymphs around her.

"Jason...Jason, JASON!!!"

Simultaneously, a voice full of resentment spread out, that can be heard clearly by Hestia and Demeter, even if they had run far away.

Even, because of Hera's excessive anger, her uncontrolled divine power caused the entire Mount Olympus to shake slightly!

'What happened?'

So naturally, many gods had such doubts and began inquiring about the reason.

Also, Hermes, who as the Messenger of Gods has been tasked by many other Gods to deliver Jason's words to them too, naturally delivered this news very quickly.

So Athena, who is currently discussing something with Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love, also learned about this soon.

"This child... really dared to do it."

Athena blinked while saying this, and although her mouth is complaining, Aphrodite discovered that Athena's interest in Jason is much higher than before.

'Dare to challenge and do things that ordinary people dare not think, that is a symbol of heroes!'

Although Athena also feels that this choice is rationally incorrect, it is exactly because of this irrationality that she is extremely satisfied with Jason's choice.

And when Aphrodite saw that Athena is actually paying so much attention to a mortal, she...

Moreover, it is not only Athena and Aphrodite, it seems that many Gods are getting very interested in Jason.

And silently remembered the name Jason in their heart.

Also, the ones among the most satisfied with Jason's choice, obviously include Apollo, the God of Light, and Artemis, the Goddess of Moon, who also soon learned about this from Hermes.

Because both themselves have a bad relationship with Hera.

And when this matter reached Zeus, many heard Zeus' laughter echoing in his temple for a very, very long time!

Therefore, finally, even Ares and Hephaestus, who previously didn't know about Jason at all, remembered Jason's name because of this.

This time, the vast majority of the Gods and Goddess have remembered this young boy, Jason, the child who made Hera appear shriveled twice in a row, and simultaneously, the word spread out that in the prophecy of the Three Goddesses of Destiny, he will save Olympus!

At this moment, although the ordinary path has become almost impossible to walk on.

There is no doubt that this accident has made Jason walk one step closer to the paths of being favored by the gods or the destruction of the gods.

Furthermore, Jason's journey, even til now, hasn't really started... yet!

So... the second volume is over.

By the way, do you all read and like my 'Do you know' notes; if so, then tell me and I will continue; because it does take me some time to decide on a fact that you all will probably consider interesting.

GlaiveIriscreators' thoughts
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