

"Good morning sir" Ivy greeted as she walked into the class. She was extremely late!

This was a new week and her first day in school since that incident. She had refused coming to school that morning coz she assumed she was already expelled, but Alvin forced her to come to school.

He told her not to give up just yet, who knows a miracle might happen. She refused at first but changed her mind when she thought about her parents, how they would feel if they heard what happened.

She and Alvin had kept it a secret from them, and decided not to mention anything about it to them, except maybe she gets expelled. And so now she had to go to school first.

After all the pleading and talking, she finally decided to come to school. So it led to late coming, coz she never wanted to be here in the first place.

"You're late miss Crownway!" Mr Fred stated as he focused his eyes on her.

"I'm sorry sir, it wasn't intentional" she apologized.

"Go have your seat and join the class" he breathed.

"Thank you sir" she forced a smile and went to take her seat beside that cocky Wendy girl.

Mr Fred has grown fond of her, and he had come to like her. She was like his favourite student now, coz of her outstanding intelligence.

Chris who was seated at the back with his legs crossed on top of the table, quickly turned to look at her when she came into the class.

Gosh! He felt so troubled all this while when he could not find her in class, but seeing her now, he felt so relieved.

She came looking as gorgeous as always, just his kind of smallish lady. He was smiling so much on the inside, but his facial expression was really scaring. He was glaring daggers at her.

The class went on for the day, and soon it came to an end. It was lunch break, and so many students started leaving the class, while some stayed as usual, to continue their immoral acts.

Ivy got up and left the class, coz she normally does not stay in class during break period, coz of their acts.

She got outside and went to sit on a bench at a corner. She did not just feel like doing anything or talking to anyone, she just sat there all alone.

She was about dosing off when Courtney walked up to her.

"Ivy!" She exclaimed happily.

"Hey Courtney" Ivy sighed tiredly.

"Where have you been? I have been looking all over the school for you, I was almost afraid that you did not show up in school today"

"How did you find me?" Ivy simply asked after all Courtney's bluffing.

"Well I asked a student and he told me he saw you coming this way" she explained.

"And what do you even mean by that? Don't you want to see me, or haven't you forgiven me" Courtney added.

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"Oh no Courtney, I have. Just that I'm tired and I'm just thinking about so many things" Ivy answered tiredly.

"It's okay dear" Courtney breathed, feeling nothing but pity for her as she looked a her. It was clearly written all over her that she was worried.

"Are you not hungry?" Courtney asked with concern.

"Yes I am" Ivy mumbled.

"Then let's go get something from the cafeteria"

"Are you mad. You do realize that I'm avoiding the C4's right?" Ivy snickered quickly.

"Yeah I know, but it's got nothing to do with having lunch" Courtney said.

"Let me remind you if you have forgotten, it all happened at this same cafeteria. And hell no, I'm not going back there" she said firmly.

"What do you mean by that? So you're not gonna go to the cafeteria ever again till you graduate?" Courtney questioned.

"Yes, if it's possible, that's what I'm gonna do" Ivy replied firmly, and Courtney sighed. It would take a lot to persuade Ivy now, she'll have a lot of explaining to do.

"It's once in a while Ivy, the C4's do not show up at that cafeteria regularly, they just happened to come that day. And if you notice, that was the first time they came to the cafeteria ever since you got into the school. They are not showing up there again until few weeks from now" Courtney explained.

But Ivy's mind was still not settled, she was still having doubts of going there, even with Courtney's assurance.

The much pressure from Courtney, and the rumbling sound of her stomach made her change her mind. For sure, she was still having doubts, but she just decided to go, and hope nothing goes wrong.

She gently stood up and followed Courtney, and they both started walking away. And in to time, they got to the cafeteria and quickly took their seats.

Ivy sat down, and as usual Courtney went to get their orders. She soon returned with two plates of spaghetti and meatballs, and she placed them on the table.

"Thank you" Ivy said calmly and drew the food closer to her. Soon, she focused on the food and started munching on it.

"Hey easy" Courtney laughed as she watched Ivy eat.

"Why is it that you're always hungry" Courtney asked in between laughter and Ivy shrugged.

"I don't know, but you should get the memo already" she said sharply.

"You're a foodie?" Courtney arched a brow, and Ivy shrugged.

"You can call it whatever you like" she said as she continued with her food.


They were almost done with their food, when the cafeteria became rowdy again. And just like the other day, so many people started leaving.

Ivy's heart was in her hands, she hoped it isn't what she was thinking. And Courtney on the other hand, was equally scared and worried at the same time.

She knew it was the C4's, coz no one else would create a scene like that except them, now Ivy's gonna blame her for anything that happens. But the C4's never shows up like this, what's up with them today, they just came last week.

Courtney turned to Ivy who was staring at her with wide eyes. All they needed to do now was run, and she prays nothing goes wrong in the process.

"Look Ivy, you'll have to follow my steps let's get outta here" Courtney said to her.

"What is going on? You told me they were not gonna show up, so what's the meaning of this" Ivy asked in a whisper, fear clearly noticeable in her voice.

"I don't know, they just showed up. This is not the time to argue, just follow my lead" Courtney said and Ivy nodded in fear.

Next Courtney stood up leaving her food, and so did Ivy. All the hunger she was feeling quickly vanished, and quickly they started walking away, avoiding eye contact with anyone of the C4's.

They were successfully on their way out, when suddenly Courtney looked back and could not find Ivy anymore. She was feeling so scared, she panicked, and so she quickly screamed her name.

"Ivy!!" She shouted, unknowing to her that Ivy was beside her, also trying to escape.

Immediately Castillo heard that name IVY, he quickly snapped his head at the direction it was coming from, and there he saw her, trying to sneak out.

When he saw her, he released an evil smirk. Quickly, he instructed his body guard to bring her to him.

And immediately they walked to where she was, almost at the entrance of the cafeteria, they gently pulled her back, and Ivy screamed.

Seeing this, Courtney was shocked to the bone marrow. They had Ivy, like for real, they really took her away. Then she quickly ran out of the cafeteria with fear and tears in her eyes, hoping to locate either Alvin or Leo, at least one of them could save Ivy.


Castillo smirked even harder when Ivy was set in front of him. He was seating on one of the chairs at a corner, with the rest of them beside him. And then they brought Ivy before them.

Castillo looked at her for sometime, and then cleared his throat before finally speaking.

"Ivy Crownway, you think you can run away from us. Oh that means you must be really smart" he teased, and the rest of the boys laughed including Chris.

Ivy was the main reason they came to the cafeteria today, as they thought that she would be here. And unfortunately for her, she was really there.

They stood at the entrance searching for her with their eyes, but they could not find her. They were almost thinking she did not come there, when Castillo suddenly heard her name, and his head quickly snapped to the direction.

That name sounded really fresh to his hearing, coz it was still ringing a bell in his head since last week. Coz since he went through that paper, the name's been replaying in his head.

Luckily, he found her trying to escape. Now, she's fallen into their trap, and she's gonna pay dearly.

Ivy just squatted in front of them, not knowing her fate. She could not believe this was happening to her, she was in front of the C4's, like right now.

She wanted to cry, but was too weak to do so,so she just bent there and hoped for the worst.

