
love in air

Act 1

Scene 1

(Shazia and Anees are sitting in their favorite spot in Aluchi Bagh, a beautiful garden in the heart of the city. They have been best friends since childhood and are inseparable.)

Shazia: (excitedly) Can you believe we've been coming to this park for over ten years now?

Anees: (smiling) I know, it's crazy how time flies. But I wouldn't want to spend it with anyone else but you, Shazia.

Scene 2

(As they walk through the park, they come across a handsome stranger sitting on a bench. Shazia's heart skips a beat as their eyes meet.)

Shazia: (whispering to Anees) Who is that?

Anees: (teasingly) Looks like someone has caught your eye, Shazia.

Scene 3

(Shazia and the stranger, whose name is Ali, strike up a conversation and quickly hit it off. Anees watches from a distance, feeling a pang of jealousy.)

Anees: (to himself) I never realized how much I care about Shazia until now.

Act 2

Scene 1

(Shazia and Ali's relationship blossoms, much to Anees' dismay. He struggles with his feelings for Shazia and the fear of losing her to someone else.)

Anees: (conflicted) I want Shazia to be happy, but I can't help but feel like I'm losing her.

Scene 2

(One day, Shazia comes to Anees with tears in her eyes.)

Shazia: (emotionally) Anees, Ali broke up with me. I don't know what to do.

Anees: (softly) Shazia, I'm here for you. I've always been here for you.

Scene 3

(Anees and Shazia realize their true feelings for each other and finally confess their love.)

Shazia: (tearfully) Anees, I've always loved you. I just didn't realize it until now.

Anees: (smiling) Shazia, you're my best friend, my soulmate. I love you too.


(Shazia and Anees walk hand in hand through Aluchi Bagh, their love stronger than ever. They know that no matter what life throws at them, they will always have each other.)

The End.