
Our journey

Draco's map took us first to a dense Forest. " we need to find Bean...she can help us.." I tilted my head at her name. Curious..I followed Draco into a thicket.. beside the pool of water in the thicket was a beautiful black and white unicorn. it's horn was pure silver..her hooves were diamonds..her mane was waves of silk the color of fresh milk...and her hide of the darkest night. As we approached her..she stood ready to fight..but calmed when she saw Draco. She bowed to us and said in the gentlest voice..." hello old friend..what can I do for you..?" He explained our plan and asked for her horn. Bean tilted her head and shook her mane. She agreed and let Draco break it off. But as soon as he did..it regrew even more breathtakingly beautiful than the first one. We thanked her and gave her a pearl from my tail as a gift of thanks.

We left the thicket and headed to our next destination..