
Twins soul

After a night, the twins woke up, everything was normal except they are not themselves anymore. An accident that brings them closer to the mystery of the town

Piemaster_25 · Fantasie
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 I The incident

"It was a mistake"

I frowned

It was the morning, I'm at school, It is 9 o'clock and we are having Math. Last night was rough, I don't want to talk about it as absolutely a memory that I could never forget. We did something that both of us have never experienced before. Through my hair strokes, I glance at Kana, he seemed to pay attention to the teacher now. I wonder if he remembers what happened last night.

I couldn't help keep looking at him during the class. In the end, I have no idea what was that period about.

"Kana!" I tried to make it as casual as possible but it sounded off, It sounded irregular.

"Yes?" He turned back from his conversation with his friend group.

He looked at me for a second and realized what I wanted to talk about just now and whisper:

"Not now Quinn, we will discuss this later, where there are only two of us"

"The normal spot?" I confirmed.


He then returned to his conversation and I returned back to my seat, reading the newly released novel. I bought it this morning in a small book shop near the train station.

Compare to my twin brother, I don't have a lot of friends because no one really talks to me and maybe I don't like to make conversations with them too.

My lunch is a triangled egg-sandwich which I bought this morning after I purchased the novel. Not the best food I've ever had but I've eaten them a lot recently. I was munching it while reading the novel. As many times I have read this book, something always feels missing.

"Have to fix this later.." I thought


"Ah, Kana!" I quickly closed the book and finished the sandwich.

"Last night,...you remember?" I started

"Yes" He replied

"We switched our body-" He said.

"And we see ghosts" I added


Last night before we both go to bed, I slip and fall over Kana. I hit my head quite hard but didn't feel anything. Realizing my position on the floor was abnormal, I looked at Kana when I saw him in my pajama, under me. As it is not shocking enough, I heard someone knocking on the door, maybe mom heard us and went to check on us as the sound we make was loud. When I opened the door, I was petrified. Mother was totally fine, she asked us if we fall over something and check if we have any injuries, that was completely ok, what's not ok is that we saw our dad behind her, he asked if we were alright and that would be really normal IF our dad hasn't died in the accident a year ago.

"Do... Do you see him?" I asked.

Kana nodded as we were both confused and scared. As mom left the room, the ghost left with her and we started to solve things out.

"Now what?" Kana asked. It is five minutes until class started again.