
TVD: reborn Heretic Vampire

Adam smith all his life he tried to repay the debt he owed to the loan sharks. In the end he got killed during a police shootout. Now gets a second chance to truly live his life and enjoy a little at least not try dying a visit again. _______________________________________ Overpowered MC: NO, Weak to Strong: Yes, smut: little bit, r18 or sex scenes: depends on power stones, ______________________________________________________________________- Disclaimer none of the characters in Tvd belongs to me just writing for fun

spirits07 · TV
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11 Chs

chapter 03: Witch Powers, Adventures

[Time skip 14 years]

Earth 1859,

'It's been 19 years since I was reborn in this world. My whole life was filled with ups and downs. I started working for the Lockwoods Family when I was six years old and a few years after that the entire town had a been in partial kind of lockdown due to the spread of TB many died during that time. '

'Two years back my mother passed away in the TB ward, I tried my best to find a cure but nothing worked in the end. All I could do was watch her pass away. Her death affected all of my family father started drinking He couldn't move on and my brother rarely spoke about it.

'Yesterday when I returned home after work I found Father lying on his bed. At first, I didn't notice any difference but when I went to wake him up for dinner and then I realized he passed away in his sleep.'

"Hey, are you Okay." a voice filled with concern snapped him out of his stupor.

"Hey yeah I'm alright," I looked at the person who spoke it was Damon.

Currently, we are in the graveyard and my brother just finished reading our eulogy. Surprisingly many of the founding families came to the ceremony. My guess is he had secrets involved with all of them otherwise these people wouldn't show up for just a common butler's death.

'Damon and I became best friends, at first when my father took me to the Salvator's Family Masion to apologize to him he very reluctantly agreed and after a few visits to his house. I found out that his father was a bit of a psycho-control freak to him and his mother. So many times I had to be there to distract his father so that he could sneak out and play. Though his father decreased torturing Damon after his brother Stefan Salvator was born he became a bit normal but still a little abnormal. that's how we both became best friends and he also likes my novels which I wrote in my free time

"Are you sure," Damon asked again worried about his friend. 

"yeah, I'm alright it's just nothing, How about you." Last year Damon's mother passed away. Although he says he is okay I know how much he misses her. 

Personally, I always liked her because she always gave me chocolates whenever I visited their house and also she treated me nicely, unlike others who just looked down because I was a farm boy. P.S. There is a lot of racism.

So at first, I was baffled at how that idiot Giuseppe Salvator was able to marry such a nice lady like her after asking Damon I got to know that his mother was an orphan so you can guess the rest of how it happened. 

"So what are you going to do after this," Damon asked me curiously.

"I don't know I will stay for a few days my brother is going to take over my father's duties and will be working for Lockwoods Family now and what about you," I asked Damon knowing him I could already guess what his answer would be.

"I'm the usual do whatever my father commands me to be," Damon spoke looking a bit sad.

"Hey I'm curious after all this time your father beats you and tries to torture you and your brother but why do you always try to gain his approval."

"Well, you know when it's family it doesn't matter whether it's good or bad whether you like it or not it's family you just can't forsake it." 

"And now I need to go home my brother will be waiting for me. So bye and stop with all the senty stuff I will let it slide and just for today." Damon speaks in his light weird way and walks away earning a chuckle from him.

I just smile as he walks back home.

After staying till the end. I and my brother walk back home a bit awkward because, during these past two days, we didn't really get the chance to talk to each other.

"I will be taking over father's duties and become Lockwood Families butler," James spoke breaking the silence between them.

"I know, It's not like I am interested in becoming one. I have my own goal to become a famous writer." I replied to his question.

"I read your book its good so do you want to continue to work for the Lockwoods or pursue your dream," James asked his brother knowing he was the one who was more depressed about their parent's passing than him.

"Actually brother I'm thinking about traveling around for a while." 

James was shocked at his brother's answer even though he was half expecting but still, it was a bit difficult to let his brother go. After all his brother never stepped foot out side Mystic Falls.

"Are you serious about this?" James asked with concern.

"Brother ever since mother got sick I know you have been taking extra jobs for money for the family but brother you are almost 25 and to my knowledge, I seriously never seen you with a woman till now. so stop worrying about me and at least from now please think about yourself first brother and if possible try to get married or at least try graduating from being a virgin."

The end of my sentence was very serious because my brother was like a spitting image of my past always putting others first. So this time travel was also for my brother to have some alone time.

To James his brother's words straight away into his chest he almost lost his consinus hearing his brother's concern for his sex life.

It was already evening by the time they reached home.

Before they could go in a voice interrupted them.

"Excuse is this the Smith residence" a postman asked.

"Yes it is " James replied to him.

"Who among you is Mr.Adam Smith" the postman asked but this time, we both were stunned because I didn't know anyone who would write letters for me.

"That's me" Adam raised his hand and answered suppressing his curiosity about who the sender would be.

"Please sign here."

After the usual procedure, the mailman left, leaving a letter in a medium-sized box. 

"who sent it "James asked him curiously thinking who might have sent it.

"I think it might be Damon last time I said I was interested in a few subjects so he might have ordered them for me" Adam was equally curious don't know who it might be so he just lied not to make his brother suspicious so he just blamed it on Damon.

"Ok, I will be going to sleep early tonight. I have to go to Lockwwods tomorrow morning"

With that James said good night to his brother and went to sleep.

Adam took the stuff to his bedroom and closed the door.

Sitting on the bed he first opened the letter.

"Hello Adam Smith this is your one and only Friendly Neighbourhood RoB, so I see that you have been enjoying life very much. Now I'm thankful to myself for listening to your request to erase your memories of this world. But still just to make sure that you don't get sloppy. I'm releasing your first wish and also a gift from me. First you will awaken your siphoner powers slowly your body will also start changing to what you wished for. full transmission will take at least 2 to 3 years to complete and initial awakening will happen in a few months and little bit of body exercise might speed up the process."

"And for your second wish which you wished for all the magical knowledge of your world in the form of books but again you didn't specify with your words at what time you want but then again I'm you Friendly Neighbourhood RoB so I made it a little adventurous for you. You will see a parchment inside the box that is a magical parchment be sure to safeguard it with your life. You see the catch here is this parchment will point out the places where the books are hidden and again this will only show knowledge in regards to your situation. So you can't expect some all-powerful future knowledge to be in your hands and for some books you might have to fulfill some conditions. Actually, this gift is to fulfill your dream about living life to the fullest or whatever shit spewed in front of me.

P.S. My deepest condolence for your loss but this is what you wished for normal family and average wealth. According to the standards of that village that is the average wealth. Goodbye Take care I will be watching your journey. Yours sincerely, RoB." 

'Reading the words of the RoB my head made a full spin. I knew that wishing things were not as simple as they looked. Damn, those fanfic-writing idiots should have mentioned rules like this, and now that RoB bastard totally screwed with me, and why did I have that stupid wish to erase memories and also adventurous life.'

'Seriously was I high when I spoke to Rob what kind of cock and bull shit did I spew?' Adam thought cursing himself looking at the letter 

Suddenly the letter bursts into flames and disappears. And this sparks the beginning of Adam's Magical journey.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

spirits07creators' thoughts