
Chapter 2; Ephemeral

After a few hours, Nathan was fed and cared for, leaving him happy and clean. Seeing that it was bedtime, Rebekah decided to put him to sleep. Though he hesitated initially, Rebekah's calming lullaby eventually eased him into slumber.

While Nathan peacefully slept, Rebekah pondered why someone would abandon a baby in an alleyway. Her thoughts turned to the grimoire near the child. Curiosity piqued, she reached for it, and a letter slipped out. The envelope was addressed to the individual who had discovered the baby.

Rebekah set the grimoire down on the table and lifted the letter, her curiosity guiding her to unfold its contents. As she read the words within, her heart was stirred by the heartfelt message that greeted her:

"Hello to the person who discovers my precious baby, Nathan. I'm Ophelia Huxley; if you're reading this, you've found my dear son. Please understand that leaving him behind was an excruciating decision born out of my desperate need to safeguard him. I took this drastic step because his father was distraught and malicious. I couldn't bear the thought of raising a child amidst his darkness.

My son is a special boy; his father was a particular type of witch called a siphoner, a being that can absorb magic from other supernatural beings and objects, while I am a werewolf. I had met his father at a bar; at first, I didn't know who he was, but after getting to know him, I found out he was a sociopath who had killed his coven. After finding this out, I ran as fast as I could.

I was utterly clueless about how to raise a child; I lacked any family support, having been abandoned by my adoptive parents. While it might seem cowardly to leave my son in an alleyway, I had to prioritize his safety above all else. Circumstances forced my hand – dangerous individuals were pursuing me, and I couldn't risk them discovering my child's presence.

I entrust to you the protection of my exceptional child. The path ahead is uncertain; asi does not know whether he will become a werewolf, a witch like his father, or perhaps even both. It is a secret that time will unveil in due course. Until then, I implore you to watch over them with utmost care and compassion.

To the one who comprehends the mysteries of the supernatural,

With a heavy heart, I address you:

The consequences of straying from its path can be severe. As my child Nathan discovers their role in this world, I ask you to safeguard them.

Please shield them from the shadows that might exploit their uncertainties. Lead them through the unknown, and above all, protect them from the influence of their father's lineage.

With hope and trust, be the pillar of support my child requires.

With gratitude,

Ophelia Huxley"

As Rebekah read the letter, tears welled up in her eyes. She couldn't help but feel a deep sense of sorrow for the mother's plight. The words on the page spoke of a heavy heart, a plea filled with desperation and hope.

But amidst the sadness, a glimmer of joy emerged within Rebekah. The thought of having the opportunity to be a mother to someone, to offer protection and guidance, warmed her heart. It was a complex mix of emotions – compassion for the mother's pain and a newfound sense of purpose that stirred within her.

At that moment, as the tears fell onto the paper, Rebekah understood the weight of the words, both for the sender and for herself. The letter had ignited a connection, a shared experience of longing and possibility.


Several weeks drifted by, and during this time, Rebekah emerged as an exceptional caretaker for young Nathan. Her nurturing instincts kicked in as she diligently tended to his needs – feeding, changing, and softly singing lullabies to soothe him. It was as if she had effortlessly embraced the role of a devoted guardian.

Beyond the essentials, Rebekah went the extra mile. She gathered an assortment of baby items, amassing everything from clothing to pacifiers and toys – a comprehensive collection to ensure Nathan's comfort and happiness. Her dedication shone through each carefully chosen item, a testament to her commitment to this newfound responsibility.

Recognizing the need for stability, Rebekah even took the bold step of settling in New York, seeking a suitable home for both of them. A hotel room might suffice for some, but she knew that creating a proper environment to raise a child required more. With resilience and determination, she sought out a more suitable residence where Nathan could thrive.

( Nathan Pov)

I was having the time of my life Rebekah every day was an absolute blast. Rebekah had seamlessly assumed the role of a remarkable mother – yes, you heard that right, she was my mother in every sense that mattered. Her nurturing embrace and careful attention made me feel genuinely cherished. Being in her presence was an adventure in itself, and I found myself laughing wholeheartedly.

But the real magic happened when she playfully engaged in one of her favorite activities – vamping around the house at incredible speed. It was as if she had unlocked a secret level of a game called "peek-a-boo." With her lightning-fast movements, she would pop in and out of hiding spots, making the whole experience an exhilarating game of surprise. My giggles and gasps of delight were undoubtedly the soundtrack to those moments.

During one of Rebekah's feeding sessions, a curious thing happened. A vivid red glow emanated from my tiny hands as I held onto her finger. At that moment, an indescribable euphoria swept through me, a sensation that seemed to envelop every fiber of my being. It was as if a burst of enchantment had coursed through my veins.

However, the euphoria abruptly halted when Rebekah gently released her finger from my grasp. As the connection broke, so did the enchanting feeling. I found myself gazing up at her in a mixture of surprise and fear, my eyes wide with wonder. In response, Rebekah's expression shifted from a hint of discomfort to a masked concern. There was something beneath the surface, a reaction that she quickly concealed, meeting my gaze with a reassuring yet anxious look.

Returning my gaze to my hands, I was met with astonishment. The realization had dawned upon me that I was a siphoner, an outcome that had held a 50/50 probability. Yet, despite the uncertainty, a surge of happiness rose within me. Knowing my true nature brought an unexpected joy, an affirmation that I had discovered a significant part of myself.

I closed my eyes and reached within to connect with the siphoned magic that now coursed within me. It was akin to sensing a river's steady flow, a power current waiting to be harnessed. Intrigued by the possibilities, I resolved to experiment with this newfound ability.

Delicately, I began to guide the magic, allowing it to spread from its core into the recesses of my limbs and body. It was a tentative process at first, akin to navigating uncharted waters. But gradually, as I persisted, I started grasping the rhythm of this arcane dance. I wove the magic into my muscles, coaxing them to be infused with its potency.

I engaged in this practice briefly, cautious not to overwhelm my body.

(Rebekah's Pov)

The realization was simply astonishing – Nate was a siphoner. His tiny hand had grasped my finger, and in that moment, the truth became clear as day. However, my awareness only kicked in when a sharp, unexpected sting shot through my finger, snapping me out of my reverie. My gaze quickly shifted downward, revealing the sight of Nate engaged in the act of siphoning, a process that seemed as natural to him as breathing.

Stunned and uncertain, I hesitated, torn between awe and concern. What was his connection to this magic? How did he even know to siphon? Questions buzzed in my mind as I cautiously withdrew my finger, creating a physical divide between us. It was a mixture of protecting myself and understanding that his abilities held a level of unpredictability.

Shifting my focus back to him, I caught a glimpse of worry still lingering in his striking green eyes. He appeared upset, his feelings reflecting the intricate web of his newfound abilities. But then, like a soft breath, his eyes began to close, and I watched as he gradually drifted into slumber.

Taking him gently in my arms, I carried him to his room and carefully laid him down in his crib. It was a tender moment that contrasted with the unexpected turn that was about to take place. As I settled him, my phone began to ring, jolting me from the serene atmosphere.

In a flash of vamp speed, I reached for my phone to see Nik's name on the screen. My heart skipped a beat, a mixture of curiosity and apprehension washing over me. After all, things weren't exactly harmonious between us when I left. With a hesitant sigh, I answered the call, preparing myself for whatever Nik might want.

His voice greeted me on the other end, a surprising hint of vulnerability in his words. "Little sister, I need your help," he said. The request caught me off guard – Niklaus Mikaelson, the one who usually issued commands without question, was now asking for my help after what I had done.


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