
Let’s meet again and be together until the end

Despite of the noise and gun shots ringing in the background, she just focused on the bloody man lying on the floor. She tried to crawl towards him but a hand stopped her from moving.

"Where do you think you're going?" said the man who is wearing a black suit.

"Let go of me!!!" She tried to escaped from his deadly grip but to no avail.

"Do you think I will let you go. If you just listen to me none of this will happened." The man grinned eerily.

How did this happen? She remember waking up this morning with a new hope. A renewed energy thinking about a plan to escape her bodyguards and meet him. Liu Zhiming. She tried to face the man on the floor. Her Zhiming. His handsome face now is covered with blood.

We talked about this day. Our plan. The plan to run away and leave everything behind. Our family. Our responsibilities. Everything. Huh. We were so naive. Thinking we can escape this wretched world. If we didn't fall in love with each other... No, I don't want to think about that. I don't regret it. I am happy to meet you but at the same time I hate it... I hate... I hate...

"Stop crying!!! We need to get out of here now!" the man, Xiao Wuxian, pulled her up and dragged her towards the door. She didn't notice that she is crying but she can feel the wetness of her face and the salty taste of tears. She can't even see clearly.

"Let me go!!! I don't want to go with you!" She screamed. She tried so hard to loosen his grip but she was stopped with a sudden pain in her face. She felt her face go numbed and a mettalic, bloody taste in her mouth. She faced him in disbelief. He backhanded her.

"Didn't I tell you?! You just need to listen to me! I am done playing nice with you! Now, if you don't want to get hurt, shut up and just listen to me!" Wuxian said menacingly.

The door suddenly burst open and revealed a man in a suit. He pointed his gun to Wuxian. "Where is the young boss?!" His eyes scanned the surroundings and fell his gaze to Zhiming. "Boss!!!" He immediately stepped forward.

"Stop! Or I will shoot her!" Wuxian pointed his gun at her temple.

"Do you think I care?! She's more important to YOU. I can just shoot the both of you!"

She heard a lot of footsteps coming towards our direction.

" Brother Chen!!! We took care of the others! Where is the young boss?" a dozen of men in suit appeared behind Chen.

"You are surrounded. Just give up and throw your gun!"

Wuxian gritted his teeth and pressed the gun tightly on her temple. Smirking he said "Why should I? If I follow you or not the result will be the same. If I'm going to die here, I'm taking her with me!"

A gunshot fired and she was pulled down as Wuxian fell on the floor, blood seeping through his chest. She heard a shout "Run!" as she attempt to stand she felt a sudden pressure on her chest followed by a searing pain. She tried to stand again but she felt dizzy and her vision became blurry. Shouts and footsteps sounded nearby. She heard Chen's voice " Miss Meiling, you have been shot. I will try to stop the bleeding. Please don't move..."

She tried to focus on what he's saying but she can't. It's like she is drowning and her chest feels heavy. She tried to breathe in but felt like a block is sitting on her chest. She can feel the wetness in her mouth and she coughed. She tasted blood. She think tears are rolling out of her eyes. "Zhiming...Zhi..please" She needs to see him. She is starting to loose her sight and she wants to see him. She is running out of time. She can sense it. She started to panic and tried to move. Please. Please. Please. Just one more time. Just one more. Please. Please. She felt a hand touched hers,

"Miss Meiling, here. Young Master is here."

She turned her head slightly and through her blurry vision, She saw him. Her Zhiming. She smiled and touched his face.

"Hey. Zhiming." She whispered in a cracked voice.

"I love you."

She gazed at his face. His nose. His lips. She wants to remember. Gathering the last strength she had, she hold his hand.

" This world is not kind to us. I pray that we may meet again in another life where we can be happy and be together until the end."

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