
Chapter One: Day 1

"To Adventure!!!". Screamed the Character on the Game Advertisement of Envision. "Skip it!" Exclaimed the boy with dark hair currently sitting in front of his computer searching for ways to escape his boredom in the middle of the night. Today is the 4th of August 2015. It is 1:19 AM. Phil, the boy who is currently not sleeping despite it to be a school day has clearly no intention of sleeping. During his search, he found a website that says "Free Online Gaming". Being ignorant Phil checked the site. The screen froze. Phil clicked the site multiple times. The Whole screen ended up glitching. "What the" Phil stood up. Not knowing what to do Phil started to stare at the screen for a while not knowing what to do. Phil ended up falling asleep on his keyboard.

In his dreams, a blurry figure appeared. "Boss it looks like we got a new one." Said the mysterious blurry figure the voice seemed to be a woman's voice. Not knowing what to do Phil tried widening his eyes open… He COULDN'T MOVE. "What's going on?" Phil questioned as he thought effortlessly to answer such an obvious question. The voice continued "I think he's Fazing".

"Let him be he might not come back for next time…"

"Who's that, another person? … What does this mean" his thoughts circled and spiraled his mind as he clearly couldn't understand the situation.

"Beep!!! Beep!!! Beep!!! Beep!!! Beep!!! Beep!!!"

"Uhh, What's that noise…" a very tired Phil uttered. Looking at the direction of the sound, he turned and saw his alarm clock ringing not noticing the time he blinked twice and saw.

"IT'S ALREADY 7:30!!!"

"Phil get down already, you're going to be late for school!" Phil's Mom shouted. "OK, Mom I'm coming down." As he replied to his mother as he rushed down the stairs as fast as he could.

15 minutes later He finished taking a bath and got dressed for school.

After doing so he went to the table in their Kitchen and ate breakfast. "Slow down you'll choke." His mother warned him. Ignoring his mother's statements he almost choked. He quickly grabbed a glass of water. Then finally a huge sigh of relief as Phi finished drinking. "I told you to eat slowly"

After he finished eating breakfast, he put the dishes in the sink and started brushing his teeth. He then grabbed his bag and went outside to his bike. "Got to go Mom bye…" "Have fun at school sweetie, Oh and remember to tell Bernard thank you after her mother brought those flowers from her garden and give him this umbrella I forgot to return it when I was visiting her mother."

"OK Mom, I will…"

As he went further away from their house Phil thought "I'll just tell Mrs. Simons instead of passing the message to Bernard." As for the cause of this thought' was of Bernard bullying, Phil. He suddenly remembered yesterday's awkwardly similar situation.

Yesterday Monday 5:30 PM

Phil hears someone knocking at the door. "Mom someone's at the doo."

"I'm kind of busy Phil can you get the door for me please."

"OK, Mom." As Phil slowly opens the door Phil knew he couldn't just avoid this awful predicament. "Good Morning Mrs. Simons and Bernard… What brings you here?" Making a fake smile. Mrs. Simons replied "I'm here to bring these flowers to your mother she has always admired them from my garden"

"Thank you, please come in My mother is in the Kitchen preparing dinner would you care to join us" What the heck am I saying (although it is a common curtsy) I don't want him to come in. "Oh, I don't want to intrude we were just passing by anyway, send my regards to your mother and tell her to visit sometimes".

"OK Mrs. Simons, Goodbye."


After riding a bike throughout the City Phil finally arrived at his school.

School was the same for Phil; he got bullied by Bernard and his Gang (again). The opening ceremony was still boring. The Principal kept talking about the budget and that everything was smooth sailing because of our Generous donor Mr. Gold.


First Period Math

Second Period History


Third Period Gym Class

Fourth Period English

Launch Break

Sixth Period Science

Seventh Period Cleaning

Eight Period Club/ Free Time

<After - Sixth Period>

Feeling so exhausted Phil let out a sigh. "Man School is so tiring." Talking to himself he heard a sudden reply. "Tell me about it" It was none other than Lilith L. Sevaire. Everybody calls her Lilly, Which is kind of Ironic because she is always gloomy and moody and she loves horrid and scary things and has a skull pin on her hair.

"Oh Lily Hi, I didn't see yeah there at the back."

"Of course you don't I'm just the shadow of everyone's light" She replied in a tone so Gloomy that I felt scared, afraid, and almost felt bad for her. Almost. Then at a moment's notice, someone interrupted our conversation.

"Oh, what are you guys talking about?" The girl who sat behind Lily stated. It was none other than Rachel B. Gold. The girl who outshines everyone in every competition or event, she always excels in Both scholastic and athletic activities. Even with her Goldilocks hair, she's always at the center of the spotlight.

" (' ^.^)Don't worry Rachel it's just Lily being moody again" Phil awkwardly replied. "Oh Lilith what's wrong are you sick or something tell me what's bothering you?" Rachel asking in a very concerned tone you might think she is an angel straight out from heaven. Shinning glimmering it was nearly blinding for Phil to watch. Lily first uttered and then replied, "Well I…".

Before she could even finish her sentence, someone was at the door shouting and interrupted her. I'd know recognized that voice anywhere.

"WHAT'S UP, GUYS!!!? The boy shouted from the door and sat at my desk "SO what'd I miss?!" It was none other than Nicholas Grey C. Tyson. My best friend since Grade school.

"Weren't you supposed to be in the at your club meeting?"

Grey Scratched his head as he was about to reply "Ohh, about that … I got bored and just let Ginger(VP) took over since I got nothing to do." After hearing such a childish excuse Phil got slightly angry "Grey!!, You were their Club President you should've fulfilled your duty as so." The room went silent until "Pfft, hahaha you said duddy" Grey suddenly burst with laughter.

Phil slapped his face at an utter disappointment but he couldn't stay mad at his best friend. "I can't even bother to ask…" As Phil looked down the window he saw Bernard at the ground practicing for his football club. A sudden flash slipped to Phil's mind. "That's right I almost forgot I have to go to Mrs. Simons house." Phil stood up "Guys I should go on ahead, before Bernard's practice is over… Bye," he dashed to the door and waved goodbye. As Phil was about to leave the Grey rushed over and followed him saying "Dude I'll come with." Phil sighed "You know, You always do this, skipping club activities and just following me around "

"Well, what are friends for," said Grey with an innocent smile. "You goof, that was cheesy hahaha" Phil laughed as they continued.

Walking in the street as they were about to reach Mrs. Simons' house. Phil and Grey saw a woman with chestnut hair was standing in front of Mrs. Simons' house wearing a very unusual and complex suit. Her attire was very bizarre having a White blazer with gold streaks at the edge. On her right hand, she is wearing gloves with a symbol so alluring Philip couldn't keep his eyes away from it, fighting another person in a ninja Outfit. Which, by the way, looks so slick and cool.

On Grey's mind was that a fight was going on this is the first time he has seen such a spectacle, "Holy shit, I got to film this.." Phil whispered, "dude what are you doing; you are going to get as caught."

As the two started bickering about wither what to do in this situation. The two individuals fighting looked at them and the dude in the ninja outfit took this opportunity and escaped dashing towards as

"Thank you"

He used a smoke bomb and vanished without a trace. The woman in spy gear snarled and spoke in an irritated voice exploding the words to our face "What the hell kids you let him escape."

*Inhaling and exhaling trying to calm herself down* "No worries I'll get him next time" still angry she stomped her feet "Urghh how could I have been distracted by two bickering kids" on the place where she stomped it grew flowers peculiar enough for Phil to pluck it.

As the situation was bad enough as it is Grey asked "What's your name miss?" The woman was furious enough to kill us said "You dare to ask such foolish questions." Ready to hit us both a voice shouted "That's enough" … The wind blew so strong a gush of dust came with it. That voice, it couldn't be. When the dust cleared. It was who I suspect it would be. "Bernard". He wore a tux having the same design as the strangely over fashioned woman was wearing. Phil noticed a similar symbol on his right glove slightly different from the one before... "What the hell does that mean!" The two friends shouted, As of Bernard he didn't even care to flinch. He just configured his watch as if we were not here. "Hey stop ignoring us!" Grey shouted in his ear. "Quiet you spoiled brats, you're making this mission harder than it is." The Woman said with ease. Mission what mission Phil wondered. Bernard spoke and said, "Don't worry about anything everything will be alright cause you won't remember a thing after this."

Making the situation more confusing than it is Bernard just ended the conversation and said these exact words "Sweet dreams." he pressed his watch a huge flash beamed their field of vision.

There was Silence






"Hey, boss take a look at this." A voice spoke.