A war, between all types of mythical creatures has broken out. Its a war of supremacy, vampires, werewolves, fae, all fighting for the fated item and in between stands a young boy, troubled by what he holds within. Follow along, as he changes the fate of this war, and becomes the true blood lord...
In outer space, an object slowly gathers speed, as it heads toward a massive planet, this planet was the biggest in the entire Fried Chicken solar system, no one knew why it was called this, possibly because all the planets rotated around the sun the way in a way that forms a drumstick. As the object gets closer, many of the hidden powers start to pick up the strange disturbances.
"Son, gather our troops, we need to be the first to reach that object."
"Yes father."
"My daughter, do you feel the surges of power, lets wait and see, no need to rush."
"Yes mother."
"HAHAHA, my son, we will capture that object, we don't need any of our troops."
"Father, I couldn't have said it better."
Many races wanted to be the first to gain this object, some had the power to do so, others didn't, but little did all these great powerhouses know, this was only the beginning to their problems.
As these powers reach outer space, they realized something,something catastrophic, this object was the legendary %^&^@$@^#, and no one, and by no one, it means no one, can take this gift other than the destined one, and those who try, will end up as dust, to be forgotten.
As this was going on, a baby was being born in the wilderness, his mother on her last breath, and his father long gone....
When he was almost out of his mothers womb, the object in outer space, suddenly disappeared, to where? None of the powerhouses knew, but they knew one thing, the Family who finds the destined one, will be the strongest. But once again, they had already started a war, one that will effect the entire universe.
As this was going on, a prophecy was being recited: "An orphan will remember, the world will shake, to control is a gift, and to make whole is a curse, the balance is there, the kings will appear, and legends will be told."
A very vague prophecy, but the reciter has never been wrong....
FYI Moment:
Before I continue with this story, I wanna say something, the object isn't with the boy, cause if it was, i wouldn't be able to start a war, anyway enjoy reading.
As the boy was pushed out of his mothers womb, he died and so did the mother, and a wisp from an alternate timeline of the same world, enter the little body.
'Why, I didn't do anything to them, its not my fault my parents died, and i was crippled at birth, Oh creator of the Universes, please, allow me to have another chance, to destroy all vile people on this earth, I promise not to disappoint.' Wisp
All universes shake, for a split second, a split second, no one realizes it has, and our MC, currently a wisp, was allowed into the Fried chicken solar system, within the Chicken way.
'My prayer actually worked, and wait wait, isn't this my mom, and why am I so small. No, Yes, No, Yes. I was given another chance it would seem, everything is the same, except this is an alternate timeline, where I am not crippled, and and, YAWN, I am really tire....'
Aand, our MC passed out in a forest, only good thing about passing out in this place, was because the fae were around, and they are the most amiable of all creatures.
When the fae arrived at his spot, they weren't really surprised, a mother dead and a small baby child asleep, it happens once in a while, but the tracker was shocked, this wasn't a human mother and child, they were vampires, and the child had three or more different bloodlines, this isn't normal, this boy could lead to something never seen before, but the tracker knew more than to make noise, she kept her mouth shut and decided to report to the queen, but before that, she cuts her wrist and puts it in front of the baby, the baby out of pure instinct reaches out and grabs her arm. He then plunges his small vampire teeth deep into the cut.
As this spectacle is happening, they fae around the tracker were surprised,
'isn't this a vampire, and if vampires drink the blood of fae or that of werewolves they die, but the baby hasn't died, its, its GROWING STRONGER!!!!!!'
The baby, it started shining, bright like a star, the heat in the immediate are started rising, the boy in question, started wriggling, his bones slowly became dust, and his arteries the same. All of a sudden, the temperature drops, and all the parts of his body regrow, stronger than before. After a few more seconds, his body, and the surrounding temperature start to balance out, reaching an equilibrium. A complete balance.
After this little fiasco, all Fae realized something, the 'baby' had grown, he was know 5'4, he could easily pass as an average 14-15 year old. This was a great thing for our MC (and us), because in his past life he was around 15-18 years old. He was now awake, and in a euphoric state. He felt power,something he didn't feel in a long time, wait, he never felt it before, he felt he could actually make a difference. But little did he know BLAH BLAH BLAH.
Anyway thanks for reading this long, i mean far, give ideas, i wanna poach, hmm, i want to help my self through using your ideas, i mean, i want to improve my writing and make it enjoyable for everyone. My release schedule isn't stable, maybe, i mean maybe, i can post another chapter tonight, or in like IDK 7-9 hours, anyway C ya later ppl