1 1 Cancer not covid sux

I think the doctors over the course of my short life have taken enough blood to fill everyone in this damn hospital.

Hi I'm Gene. I've somehow contacted a virulent form of cancer coming in contact with stuff not properly shielded during my years as a weapons and armament specialist in the military.

after my tours ended I left to have a normal civilian life.

Yeah about that.

I was not even close to special forces fit, but I did turn heads while not in uniform and appreciative nods in the bedroom.

after leaving the military and getting finishing up my aeronautical degree and working for a small airplane company I started to feel weakness in my joints.

After months of going to the gym and not getting better I finally went to the doctor and after several tests and scans they found out I have a very aggressive form of cancer.

My lawyer got the military to foot the bill for my treatment.

A year later I'm hooked up to more machines than a space shuttle.

Oh please make the pain and weakness stop.

my whole body hurts but I'm not giving up.

fading out from the pain meds suddenly I hear screaming as I feel like I'm being squeezed out a tube.

Push baby, Push once more.

Everything's blurry and smells.

my hands look weird what's happening.

never got this hallucination from my meds before. suddenly somethings shoved im my face and warm liquid is coming out.

my God it's a huge tit.

I'm actually breastfeeding from a massive tit.

and slowly fade out.

I'm now 1 years old and have figured out I've reincarnated like some manga novel into a baby.

apparently my family is living in an old bomb shelter in a world that went ww3.

not quite fall**t but apparently close enough to be on the real end.

my family at the moment consists of mom, dad, big sis, and around 20 others in this community that gathered around my family's shelter. it's 50 years give or take since the bombs fell.

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