
TRIP TO SWAKOP: A Ratchet vaccation

After loosing her job, Emma won a trip from Gondwana collection and decided to take her friends for a Valentine’s vacation to SWAKOP. Her friends however knew that her man has been cheating on her but all kept the secret hidden from her, apart from being left behind by their plane, running out of fuel and then hiking in a truck to SWAKOP, the group found themselves in a lot of funny situations, as they try to navigate around the secret they are keeping from their friend, but little do they know, she also learned of secrets that could indeed ruin all their marriages which they thought were perfect. Emma being the sarcastic and always in trouble type, she kept on pushing her friends over the edge till one of the days she found out about her cheating boyfriend. What did she have to say to the team that broke the friendship apart?

Hafeni_Hashili · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
15 Chs



Emma reached the well lit solar parking, as Joe's beer house did all they could to curb the Namibian energy crisis, so they installed solar panels which are barred next to each other and serve as parking instead of zinc sheets and during night time, they light up the whole fancy place.

Tired from her walk, she walked to the entrance at which the Gondwana competition promoter, came to meet her and asked if she may donate a 5 dollars to raise funds for Parvo virus in puppies and win a trip. Emma looked at the promoter, as she didn't really pick up what he said.

"Parvo who now?" Asked Emma standing looking at the promoter Puzzled as she never heard of Parvo virus before and due to her heavy breathing and all, she kind of missed some words the promoter said.

"Parvo virus ma'am, its an infection that kills a lot of puppies in Windhoek ma'am it destroys the digestive system and the dog stops eating until it dies." Said the Gondwana promoter looking at Emma holding a paper.

"Hold up? People call that sh*t Parvo virus? My dog had it once, and my people lied to me they said something about the tongue, so where do I sign up? My dog been pooping blood and all that like Geoffrey from Game of thrones till he dropped dead." Asked Emma excited to learn something new, and finally diagnosing what once killed her Dog, so she was ready to fight it, if it meant it was free.

"All we ask is just 5 dollars' ma'am, then we write your name and number down then you enter the draw." Said the promoter showing Emma the page and looking at the shocked Emma upon hearing about 5 dollars.

"Hold up! 5 Dollars? Y'all collecting money for dog diseases now huh?" Asked Emma shocked, and getting 5 dollars from her purse, the only 5 dollars she had to her name and held it tight to her chest and said a little short prayer.

"It really will help ma'am, its sad to see puppies die due to no medicine so we are trying our level best to meet the government halfway." Said the promoter really trying to get Emma to sign up.

"Okay then, I'll call the government vet to ask if they received the money though, here is my Last coin to my broke ass name, where do I fill?" Asked Emma and handing over the 5 dollars.

Emma finally signed up for the Gondwana competition and after finishing, she thanked the promoter and walked into the bar. She got into the bar and everyone was just quiet and looking at her at her table, she took her backpack off and placed it down, then pulled out a seat.

"What took you so long, you look tired Emms, what's up?" Asked Valery holding Emma's hand as she sat down a little worried.

"Well, I am tired for sure and also, I lost my job today." Said Emma looking at everyone starting to think about it and becoming sad looking up to fight back the tears.

"How? you said Bruce was so fond of you." Responded Anna, holding Emma's hands and massaging the fingers on the table.

"Oh, I'm so sorry baby, what happened?" Asked Valery holding Emma's shoulders to calm her down and looking at Anna and Paulina, not knowing what to do.

"And if that is not worse enough, Denis and I got into an argument this morning over some Mercedes driving b*tch, and he didn't pick me up from work, I guess he is still mad at me, can you believe that? I don't think I can handle more bad news." Asked Emma still laying on Valery's shoulder on the verge of breaking down.

"Wait!" Exclaimed Valery and pushed Emma off of her shoulder.

"Did you just say Mercedes?" Asked Valery holding Emma by the shoulders and staring in her face.

"Yeah some boujee classy, Maria Nepembe wannabe b*tch, why?" Responded Emma and asked looking at Valery pondering as to why Valery took interest in the Mercedes girl.

"Emms." Said Anna looking at Emma with a soft tone, swallowing saliva, preparing to break the news to her.

"Hold up a second, someone is calling me, probably Denis." Said Emma looking into her bag as her phone began to rang, and she took it out of her bag with one finger pointed up as to hush Anna.

"It's a new number, just give me a moment girls." Said Emma, with blocked nose from almost crying, she answered and put the phone by her ear.

"Halo? yes its me speaking." Said Emma looking at the friends as the call was official and she was wondering who could be calling her this time of the night with official business.

"Good, this is Helena Daniels, sorry for calling this time of the night, but its because the competition for this year is named Night with the starts, so I'm calling during that perfect moment." Said Helena on the other side of the line puzzling Emma who just kept on looking at her friends.

"look, I already had a b*tchy day and ain't in no mood for jokes, so spill it, what competition lady?" Asked Emma about to get pissed of and annoyed with every bone in her body.

"I'm sorry to hear about your… bi…ugly day." Said Helena hesitating and not watching to say the B word.

"I'm calling you from Gondwana, you entered into our Joe's beer House Gondwana competition an hour ago, and you have won a trip for four to Swakopmund, in a Gondwana hotel or lodge of your choice." said Helena excited over the call.

"You must be kidding me!" exclaimed Emma in happiness. All her friends looked at Emma's face puzzled and unable to wait for Emma to share the news with them, that lit up her face, so they kept on looking at Emma's face probing with silence.

"Yes, I'm excited, thank you! I'm still at Joe's table 4, I'll be waiting for my present here, and girl, I hope me saying I had a b*tchy day ain't gone ruin my vacation entry right?" Asked Emma smiling with fingers closed.

"No ma'am, it wont ruin anything for you, have a beautiful night, we all sometimes just have those…Bi… days." Said Helena still unable to say the B word and hung up.

"Okay, for someone who was heartbroken you seem rather happy? Is Denis taking you to a date?" Asked Paulina smiling also, looking at Emma.

"Yeah girl, speak up, tell us." Added Anna excited and unable to contain her happiness.

"Guess what B*tches? I just won a trip for four motherf*ckers, fully paid vacation to a hotel of my choice in Swakopmund!!!" Said Emma with her nails held up her chest and shaking them while stomping her feet as if drying the nails and then erupted into a loud celebratory scream and all the other girls began to scream.

"I can't wait to take my baby to make it up to him for the argument and probably two of you b*tches, who behave well to me in this night." Said Emma so happily then drank from her mug of beer brought by the waiter.

The smile on the friends' faces faded when Emma mentioned that she will take Denis for vacation yet she doesn't know that the little rascal is about to or probably already cheating on her, with Lucia.

"So now that I'm in a whole good mood again, what did y'all want to tell me when y'all called me Val." Asked Emma so happy and smiling wide. Valery started looking at Anna, with a distorted face no longer knowing how to break the news.

"The thing is…" Said Paulina about to spill the beans and her smile also faded when Valery jumped in to prevent having to Break Emma's heart again.

"I also got an invitation to an event in SWAKOPMUND and I was wondering if maybe you guys are coming with me." Jumped in Valery so fast and looking at Anna and Paulina's faces to avoid them ruining the night for Emma.

"We are?" Asked Paulina puzzled as in no way was there a discussion for them ever going to Swakop on Valery's invite.

"Yes I want you to come with me, and its now easier, that Emma won four tickets, the guys will pay for themselves." Said Valery just then A guy and Lady from Gondwana walked to the table with a file that has Golden Gondwana Tickets.

"That must be for me, I'm Emma." Said Emma taking the file from the hands of Gondwana promoters and then signing the paper for delivery.

"Waiter! bring us one of your expensive champagnes for me and my girls, I ain't paying shit tonight though, my b*tch from the bank is paying, she got money and I just lost my job!!" Continued Emma signalling the waiter.

The waiter brought the champagnes and the girls in celebratory spirit and forgot about the Denis cheating saga, they popped the night away, till it was time for the bar to close.