
Reginald Cast (1)

Jack sat down at a table in a dimly lit room underneath Annalise's, at the other end of the table sat facing perpendicular to Jack sat a thin woman reading through some information.

This was the information exchange room of the thieves guild, Jack had just handed the woman information on some of the movements of the higher ups within Jack part of town. In exchange she was to give him information on Reginald Cast, his target for become his sponsor.

Taking out a small stack of paper from under her shirt she handed it to Jack wordlessly and stood up leaving the room.

"Not much of a talker I guess" Jack mumbled to himself.

He then proceeded to take a look at the paper stack she provided him. Spending a good hour reading through the information Jack was able to learn Reginald's travel patterns, his favorite food, where he would go to shop for clothes, etc. But what was most important to Jack is that he was able to find where some of his morals lay.

According to the information Reginald largely wanted to expand the Cast brand to the middle districts not for just money. But to instead help out the poorer community of Forgemire, giving them affordable commodities. He was often seen at charity event's and though not confirmed there were rumors of him helping out at soup kitchens and giving away free merchandise to commoners.

Another interesting fact Jack learned about Reginald Cast was that he acted very differently when he was around the 'more civilized' members of society, then when he was around commoners or just himself.

He was apparently not very interested in women as he had a sparse love life, and the Cast family was one that was against arranged marriages. Nor did he often partake in nights of partying and debauchery like most of the noble sons within his peers.

Reading this information Jack was slightly shocked, Reginald Cast seemed to be a secret upstanding citizen unhappy with the ways of the nobles but unable to change it.

Jack took out a lighter and set the information on fire and watched burn to ash before getting up and leaving the room. He had just come up with a plan on getting Reginald's sponsorship.


Several weeks later.

Reginald was currently sitting in his estate sipping on a cup of red tea, placed on the table was a half eaten croissant and a closed red leather bound book. Looking out the window Reginald watch the carriages go up and down the street as nobles and citizens of higher standings raced to their work places or to let off some steam.

He then looked further to see a group of noble men laughing while forcing a commoner, as unfortunate to have crossed paths with them, to dance. Reginald's expression darkened scowling at the group.

"Tsk, just wait until there's a rebellion then we'll see who's laughing"

Reginald finished his breakfast before putting on some casual attire, or as casual as the Cast attire could get, and left the estate for the middle district. Today he was going to visit a florists shop in an attempt to have them supply a nearby newly opening Cast store with floral décor. Walking down his usual path to get to the middle district he came upon a interesting man.

What made him interesting wasn't how he looked or what he was wearing, but the fact that he was rolling a silver coin almost supernaturally well between his fingers, making it disappear and reappear intermittently.

Seeing Reginald pass by him he simply smiled and nodded at him. As Reginald was about to pass him the man suddenly spoke out loud enough for only Reginald to hear.

"Looks like you are troubled with something, would you like to get your fortune told? It's free."

Reginald paused before looking at the man suspiciously. "There is no such thing as true fortune telling, not even the most advanced practitioners of magic can tap into the fate of others."

"Yes that is true, but even the most simple and humble of men can change their own fate, I am not tapping into yours simply just informing you of what it could be."

Reginald frowned before curtly replying, "Do not try to swindle me I am not so naïve as to believe a stranger that I have just met on the street would be able to see my fate."

"I suppose so, I wouldn't trust me either, but then again you aren't so trustworthy yourself aren't you? I'm sure your father wouldn't be happy to know some of your true ideals"

Reginald froze his pupils dilating, "Who are you?"

"Me? I'm not important, I'm simply just someone who has the same goals as you. If you ever want to discuss a.. let's call it a business prospect, just give this coin a flip. Oh by the way I've heard Alliums are especially vibrant within the upcoming months."

The man flipped a silver coin in the air, as Reginald's eyes followed the coin as it cascaded through the air he realized that the man and disappeared leaving the coin to clang onto the ground where he was standing.

Looking around fervently Reginald saw that there was no one around and, other than the beating of his heart pounding in his ears, he couldn't hear anything. Approaching the coin slowly he looked back and forth just to make sure no one was watching, and picked it up and placed it in his pocket. Then nearly breaking into a jog he walked briskly towards the flower shop.

Enter the shop he could smell the sweet fragrance permeating through the air, the walls were lined with baskets of different assortments of flowers. While in the center of the shop there was a display of intricately placed out flowers to form the shape of a willow tree. Along the back wall there was a cashier station and a door leading out toward the green house in the back. Behind the cashier station was a pretty looking young female clerk watering some of the flowers on display.

Upon seeing Reginald her eyes lit up with excitement as she smiled brightly before approaching him.

"Hello! Is there anything in particular you're looking for sir?"

Reginald who was still off put from his encounter answered almost subconsciously in a fluster.

"Uhh... Yeah do you have any Alliums?"

The girls eyes lit up in surprise, "Why yes we do, I didn't know I was speaking to a fellow flower enthusiast!"

Reginald looked at the girl curiously, "Oh? What do you mean by that?"

"Well obviously only a florist would know that Alliums would be entering there most vibrant season within the next couple of days making it the best time to purchase them!"

"Or a mysterious fortune telling stranger apparently" Reginald mumbled underneath his breath.

"What was that?"

"Uhh.. Nothing, anyways you said you had Alliums for sale?"

"Why yes, how would you like them packaged, or do you want a display set up?"

"Well you see I would like to apply for you to come and decorate a room for me would that be doable?"

"I'm not sure I will have to check with the boss, one second I'll go grab her" The girl ran towards the door leading to the greenhouse before disappearing inside.

Reginald seeing that he was alone took the coin out of his pocket and started to examine it closely. Running his finger over it he couldn't feel anything different about it, he even bit it but to no avail, to Reginald it simply seemed like an ordinary silver coin.

A few moments later the girl came back out with a woman who looked to be about 60 with salt and pepper hair and beaming green eyes. She was standing surprisingly upright for someone who had been gardening for years, but he calloused hands and upper body strength betrayed her.

Reginald quickly put the coin away before approaching the woman. Has he stepped into her view the woman's eyes widened in shock before she approached him gleefully.

"I heard that you are in need of some interior florist décor Young Mr. Cast?" The woman had recognized him, seeing as he was one of the most prominent business holders within Forgemire.

"Yes well you see I need...."


Several hours later Reginald sat back into a luxury chair within a hotel room. He had successfully gotten the partnership with the flower shop earlier in the day and had spent the majority of the rest pondering about the mysterious figure he had met earlier in the day.

Reginald took out the coin in his pocket playing with it in his fingers seemingly lost in thought. He paused for a moment before flipping the coin in the air. It flipped several times before landing on the floor noisily.

Reginald held his breath,"..."

After waiting for a few moments nothing happened. Sighing not knowing really why he was sighing Reginald got up and picked up the coin. Turning around he saw that the man was sitting in the chair with one leg crossed over the other looking calmly at him.

"You called?"

I decided to have this chapter be from a different charatcers persective, because just having Jack's would be boring. I am still working out how I want each character to be fleshed out as, so you can expect more chapters in the future to feature different prespectives from various characters.

Hope you are enjoying the story so far! As i have stated previously this is my first time writing anything long form or in full honesty anything with a plotline. So please feel free to give me advice or constructive criticisems.

Lanzxzcreators' thoughts
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