
8. A Strange Occurrence

R: Sylvia

L: Kira, Katy, Driver, Ethan, Dad, Lady, Gran

Narration: Sylvia walked out of the bar with Kira and Katy.

Kira: Hey, where are we going? The party is on the inside not here.

Sylvia: Girls, we have to leave. It's getting late.

Katy: Com'on, one more minute please.

Sylvia: No, girls we have to leave now. You guys are wasted.

Kira: is it because of that guy that we saw you talking to? Did he hurt your feelings? If he did we could beat him up for you.

Sylvia: no one hurt my feelings. Girls we are leaving now.

Narration: Sylvia snapped at them and they looked at her surprised. They both exchanged gazes and looked back at Sylvia.

Kira: Katy, I think she is right. Alright Sylvia, let's go.

Narration: Sylvia led them to the side of the road and flagged down a cab. They entered the cab and it drove off. Katy and Kira laid their heads and fell asleep in the car.

Narration: The cab dropped Sylvia and she handed the man twenty dollars.

Driver: Excuse me ma'am but twenty dollars isn't the fare, it's fifty.

Sylvia: But from the bar to my house is twenty dollars. Take it and go.

Narration: Sylvia turned and walked up to the front door. The driver grumbled and climbed out of the cab then he walked up to her.

Driver: Excuse me…

Sylvia: You are excused.

Driver: Ma'am, my fare is fifty bucks. We dropped off your friends at their homes too.

Narration: Sylvia turned back to the man looking frustrated. She inserted her hand into her purse and threw two twenty at the man.

Sylvia: Keep the change.

Narration: She opened the door and shuffled her way into the house. Her brother and father were in the living room with worried looks obviously waiting for her and she walked inside.

Sylvia: hey guys.

Narration: Ethan and her father ran up to her.

Ethan: Are you okay? We were worried sick. Is that alcohol?

Dad: Sylvia, have you been drinking?

Sylvia: Well, the girls and I decided to celebrate my employment so yes, I drank. But I watched myself.

Dad: Ethan, take her to her room.

Narration: Ethan carried her in his arms and took her up to her room. He placed her on the bed and sat beside her.

Ethan: Are you okay?

Sylvia: Et, I am fine. It was just three shots of whiskey. I am not even drunk. How was your day?

Ethan: Fine, I guess. I met Sabrina.

Sylvia: Really?

Narration: Sylvia straighten up to sit beside her brother.

Sylvia: So how did it go? Did she show any interest in you? Did you tell her how you felt or did you chicken out as always?

Ethan: I don't think my relationship life is your business.

Sylvia: Well, I don't see the damage in telling me. Besides I always told you mine when we were younger.

Ethan: Well, it was a good meeting. We both showed interest in each other. Happy now?

Sylvia: Not really, you left out the details but still works. By the way, I got something for you.

Narration: She reaches into her bag and brings out the bottle of whiskey she had purchased. She handed it to Ethan.

Ethan: Whoa, this is an expensive brand. Why did you buy it?

Sylvia: So that I could give you. I got a job and I am celebrating it with you. Do you want it or not?

Ethan: Well, I usually don't say no to presents, so thanks. Do you have a glass here? We can share the first glass.

Sylvia: Yeah, check in the drawer of the table.

Narration: Ethan reaches for the drawer and brings out two glasses then he pours out the whiskey for both of them.

Ethan: Remind me why you have glasses in your drawer?

Sylvia: For things like this when they happen.

Ethan: Shit, this is strong. You go to bed. You have to go to work tomorrow.

Sylvia: Yeah, don't remind me.

Narration: Sylvia hands Ethan her glass and he helps her to unzip her dress then enters her bathroom to rinse the glasses. She tucks herself in bed without taking off the gown. Ethan comes out and place the glasses inside the table drawer.

Ethan: Good night sis.

Sylvia: Good night Et.

Narration: he switches off her light and walks out of the room. Sylvia switches on her bedside table and relaxes then she closes her eyes and drifted.

Narration: She sees herself in the bar where she was seated with Marcus but the bar was empty. She stands up and begin to look around. She runs to the doors but they were all locked. She turned and noticed that fog began to close in. she runs for the stairs and climb out of the fog but they seemed to follow her upstairs. She looks down to where the DJ is meant to be and see a figure there…the same woman as in her former dream.

Sylvia: What do you want from me? Leave me alone?

Narration: Sylvia screamed at the lady but got no response or motion. She turns and climbs a table then looks back down to see the woman floating up to her.

Sylvia: Okay, Sylvia; this is not real, it is a dream. Snap out of it, it is a dream.

Narration: She pinched herself many times and shut her eyes but every time she opened it, she saw the lady floating towards her.

Sylvia: Ma'am, what do you want from me? What do you want me to do for you?

Narration: The woman opens her mouth and voices fills the air but Sylvia couldn't make out anything but one word…KILL. She looks around in fear and all the windows and doors fling open. She gasped as the woman materialized in front of her.

Lady: KILL...…. KILL.

Sylvia: Sorry, but I am not killing anyone.

Narration: Immediately, a door opened and the wind arrived and started to hurl things around. Sylvia screamed and held on to a pole as the winds started to pull her out of the building as if something outside was sucking the air in the building with everything in it.

Sylvia: Please make it stop… please!!!

Narration: The winds intensified and ripped Sylvia off the pole pulling her into the darkness outside.

Narration: Sylvia wakes up and was about to scream when a hand covers her mouth. Her eyes shot open and she saw her gran holding her mouth.

Sylvia: Gran, what are you doing here?

Gran: Came to check on you and noticed you shaking on the bed, I brought milk for you. What did you see this time?

Sylvia: What?

Gran: The dream? What did you see?

Sylvia: I saw the same lady as before but in a different place this time. She tried to say something but I could not hear any word that she said except from one word…

Gran: What is the word?

Narration: Sylvia then turns to her grandmother with a nervous look on her face.

Sylvia: Kill, I think she wants me to kill someone.

Gran: Hmm, that is one strange dream. Sylvia, no matter what happens, don't let this dream slip off to anyone not even your dad.

Sylvia: Why? These dreams are now becoming a strange occurrence and you don't want me to tell dad?

Gran: I have heard of dreams like this but you will have to trust me to find out what it is okay?

Sylvia: Fine but I will tell Ethan nothing you say will make me not to. We tell each other everything.

Gran: Fine but make sure that this does not reach your father's ears or your grandfather's ears. Do you understand?

Sylvia: Yes, granny.

Gran: Alright, drink the milk and return to bed. Good night.

Sylvia: Good night, Granny.

Narration: Gran leaves the room and Sylvia reaches out for the milk and takes a sip. She dropped it on the table and looked around.

Sylvia: First, I was interrupted in a bar by my new boss and now, I am being treated as a teenager by my granny… great.

Narration: She drains the glass of milk and looks at the time 02:23 AM. She drags up the duvet to her chin and closes her eyes. She sighs heavily and succumb to sleep.