

R: Sylvia Werner.

L: Marcus, Zeke, Matt, Alfred.


Narration: Marcus looked at Sylvia as he drove from time to time. Sylvia watched him from the corner of her eye as he observed her. He turned to her and she stared him right in the eye.

Sylvia: What the hell are you looking at me?

Marcus: How can you tell that I am staring at you?

Sylvia: You know what, just forget that I ever asked.

Marcus: Believe it or not but I was very surprised. I always thought that you couldn't really go an inch with me without uttering a word.

Sylvia: Are you calling me a talkative?

Marcus: Your words not mine, don't put it in my mouth.

Sylvia: Seriously, I thought you were a bit reasonable. I had a fight with my elder brother and you are asking me why I am silent.

Marcus: Well, you didn't slap him this time. I don't see what is making you this upset.

Sylvia: How much farther is your house? I can't stand you anymore.

Marcus: We are already there.

Narration: Sylvia poked her head out the window and saw a huge mansion in front of her. The property was as huge as an estate.

Sylvia: Whoa! You stay here with your family?

Marcus: Nope, I stay alone with my servants but I have guest and people who stay with from time to time.

Sylvia: This place is massive.

Marcus: I know. Feels like my own little word.

Sylvia: Am I feeling dizzy or did I detect a hint of sarcasm in that?

Narration: Marcus drove up to the front door and parked. He and Sylvia stepped out of the car and Marcus placed the car keys on the bonnet of the car.

Marcus: Come on, this way.

Sylvia: Why did you leave those keys there?

Marcus: Someone will have to attend to the car and the person can't without the keys.

Narration: They climbed the stairs leading to a massive double door lined with gold. Sylvia reached out and touched the door swiftly.

Marcus: Made from a rare tree, a white oak. This is solid wood but with technological perks. Installed it myself.

Sylvia: The door is impressive. Must have cost a fortune but I don't see why you had to give credit to yourself. Should I be impressed?

Marcus: That question is for you to answer.

Narration: Marcus reached out to the door and touched a loin head knocker. The door seemed to scan his hand and opened.

Marcus: Palm scanners. Your palm will be registered when you move in tomorrow.

Sylvia: I would lie if I said that I wasn't looking forward to it.

Narration: Marcus led her into the house which was a bit dim lighted that Sylvia couldn't make out the details of the designs in the house due to the night blackness outside. They headed towards a lighted section of the house, the dining room.

Narration: In the distance, Sylvia could make out two figures and one was disturbingly familiar. Marcus smiled at her and opened the glass doors leading to the room.

Sylvia: Matt!

Marcus: Hey hold it in. This are my folks, the closest thing that I have to family. Meet Zeke and I am sure you are acquainted with Matt. Guys, meet my newest Personal Assistant… Miss Sylvia Werner.

Sylvia: Barely. It is nice to meet you Zeke. Strange name isn't it? Does it mean something?

Zeke: You are quite the enchantress, Guess Marcus failed to mention that. Zeke is short for Ezekiel. Ezekiel Finn.

Sylvia: A gentleman, nice to see that Marcus have people like you in his life.

Zeke: Marcus, I have to say, I like her.

Matt: Why wouldn't you, you both seem to have a lot in common.

Sylvia: Nice to see you again Matt.

Matt: The pleasure is all mine.

Marcus: Alright, please Sylvia take a seat. Alfred!

Narration: Alfred walked out from the surrounding darkness into the light and greeted Sylvia swiftly.

Alfred: Now, for the official buffet.

Narration: Alfred clapped his hands softly and suddenly the room was filled with servants carrying platters of food onto the table.

Marcus: Sylvia, feel free to help yourself to anything that might interest you.

Narration: Sylvia ignores him and started to eat. A silence fell upon the room as everyone ate and after minutes, a clanking of a spoon against a wine glass broke the silence.

Zeke: Okay, I have looked at Sylvia and realized that she is a perfect choice for the post of Personal Assistant. I am sure that she will make a positive impact both at the company and during her stay here. Cheers to Sylvia, the new PA.

Marcus & Matt: To Sylvia.

Narration: Sylvia smiles at Zeke and clanks her glass against his. She edges closer towards him and reduces her voice.

Sylvia: So Zeke, it's okay if I call you Zeke right?

Zeke: Yeah, no problem.

Sylvia: Okay, so for how long have you known Marcus?

Zeke: For seven hundred years now. A nice guy.

Sylvia: So much for exaggeration. So I suppose he is a nice boss figure.

Zeke: Well, he can be colder than usual but what can I say? He is the most unpredictable fellow that I have ever met in my life. Also nice.

Sylvia: And what is your definition of nice that classifies him?

Zeke: For one, he saved my life. Met me on my sick bed and took care of my health by himself without my request ... So far I owe him the very air I breathe and at most, my very life.

Sylvia: Wow, such loyalty. Seriously, I wished that he had actually learnt from you.

Zeke: You have no idea how ironic that statement is considering the fact that I had actually learnt everything I am from him, character and otherwise.

Sylvia: So you are telling me that in that cube of wickedness, that there is actually a gentleman in there sleeping?

Zeke: You would be surprised when you get to know him better. As I said, a nice guy he is but he is also unpredictable.

Sylvia: Thanks for the enlightenment.

Zeke: Happy to be of assistance. I am pretty sure you will love working under him.

Sylvia: I hope so, though not sure about the love part.

Narration: Sylvia released a smile and edged away from Zeke as Alfred came forward to pour everyone a glass of cocktail.