
18. A coincidental meeting.

R: Sylvia Werner.

L: Kira, Katy, Mikey, Marcus.


Narration: Sylvia alongside Kira and Katy walked into the bar.

Kira: All of the bars in the world Katy and this one was your choice.

Katy: Well, get used to disappointment.

Sylvia: Guys if you keep up at each other's throat, this won't be more of a celebrating would it? Now stay, I will go get us some drinks.

Narration: Sylvia walks up to the counter and sees the bartender talking with someone.

Sylvia: Hey Mikey!

Narration: The bartender turns towards her and breaks into a smile then he approaches her. Sylvia looks at the person that was talking to Mikey and immediately tries to hide her face when she realizes that it was Marcus.

Mikey: Sylvia, it is really nice to see you. Didn't think I was ever going to see you in this bar again especially after what happened the last time.

Sylvia: Well, you have Katy to thank for that. She was the one who dragged us in.

Mikey: And here I thought you girls couldn't just stay away from my enticing looks.

Sylvia: You wish.

Mikey: I must say you look ravishing. Is Kira here with you?

Narration: Sylvia turns to Kira and Mikey stares over her shoulder to see Kira hiding her face.

Sylvia: Let's just say, she has acknowledged you.

Marcus: Hmm, look what the cat dragged in. Hello Sylvia, didn't think I would be seeing your face here.

Mikey: You two know each other?

Sylvia: Unfortunately; yes, we do.

Mikey: Now that is a first. I have never seen anyone who knew Marcus yet disliked him.

Sylvia: You said it yourself, it is a first. The usual please.

Narration: Mikey turns to get the girls' drinks and Marcus edges closer to Sylvia.

Marcus: So what are you doing in a place like this?

Sylvia: I am with my friends and I will definitely not like them to meet you so please keep the distance.

Mikey: Here you go.

Narration: Sylvia grabbed the tray of drinks and walked to her table where her friends were. Marcus grabs his drink from the counter and his ice cold face melted as he walked after Sylvia.

Kira: So what's with the admirer?

Sylvia: Who?

Katy: You know, the hot dude that walked up to you and Mikey.

Sylvia: That was no admirer, it was a trouble maker.

Kira: Well he must really like his job because he is coming here.

Marcus: Hello ladies.

Kira: Hi… Sylvia, you didn't tell us you were into buffy dudes. He is hot.

Sylvia: Kira, he is right behind you.

Katy: Oh but he needs to hear it. Damn, look at his arms.

Marcus: You must be Katy and Kira.

Katy: Nope, I am Katy and she is Kira not the other way round.

Marcus: It is a pleasure to meet you, Sylvia has told me a lot about you.

Kira: Hmm, she must really like you to discuss us with you.

Marcus: Oh, she is a tough one.

Katy: Don't mind her. She can be like a tortoise; hard shell on the outside, soft and vulnerable on the inside. So inside her somewhere I am sure she is rooting for you.

Narration: Sylvia slapped her face and looked at Marcus and Kira who was rubbing Marcus arms like she was giving it a massage. Kira was actually flirting with Marcus who smiled at her mischievously.

Katy: Oh Kira, I think Sylvia isn't happy with the way you are touching her man.

Sylvia: Guys behave yourself and he is not my man.

Kira: Just cool it and have some fun, would you?

Katy: I need to touch that buffy arm; I can't get satisfaction unless I touch it.

Kira: Sylvia, come here. I want to whisper something to you.

Sylvia: What is it?

Narration: Kira stood up and walked towards Sylvia then she leaned forward and placed her lips at Sylvia's left ear.

Kira: If he is this buffy? Have you ever wondered how big he can be down there?

Sylvia: Kira, stop being ridiculous. I haven't even introduced him yet.

Katy: Well, do the honors.

Sylvia: Marcus, you already know their names. Guys this is Marcus; my boss.

Katy: Ohh.

Narration: Katy stopped touching him and Kira and her looked from Marcus to Sylvia with a wrecked expression on their faces.

Kira: Oh My God. You must be the CEO of Marc's industries then…Marcus Silverdore.

Sylvia: Wait, his last name is Silverdore and I never knew? How did you come by his name?

Marcus: You never asked.

Kira: Besides, he is one of the influential people in New York, so it is only proper of I know him. By the way I am Kira Williams. Daughter of…

Marcus: Dr. and Mrs. Williams Jefferson. The pleasure is all mine.

Katy: Sorry for all the shenanigan that just happened. If only someone had introduced you sooner.

Marcus: No offence taken, besides it was finally good to have people talk about me sincerely without knowing who I am. I am, as a matter of fact pleased.

Sylvia: Marcus, can I talk to you for a minute?

Kira: And to think of it, you two must be really close for her to call you by your first name. Wait a minute, Sylvia, isn't this the boss that sent someone after you as stalker?

Sylvia: NO! and yes.

Marcus: Yes, wait what? You told them what I did?

Sylvia: I don't see any harm done to you, just me. Besides she is my friend and deserves to know.

Kira: To be sincere, for someone so influential, you really brought yourself so low as to send a stalker after Sylvia. I thought rich men like you go into digging, trying to get every bit of information on the person that they can.

Katy: Well yeah but obviously this one is still crude even as the CEO of a technology manufacturing company.

Sylvia: Marcus, Private now.

Narration: Marcus is led to a corner of the bar. Immediately he was out of view from Katy and Kira, his face became ice cold.

Sylvia: What do you think you were doing?

Marcus: What am I doing? I was the one snitched on back there.

Sylvia: Don't really see anything wrong in that; after all, last I checked, you are my boss at work but not in charge of my personal life.

Marcus: You are my Personal Assistant, and the Word personal means personal. So I actually think I can poke around in some of your personal affairs especially if we are going to be staying under the same roof in a matter of days.

Sylvia: Marcus Silverdore, I am not your wife or some kind of subordinate that would make you poke around in my affairs. Besides, I should be the one doing the personal encroachment and not you.

Marcus: Well, Assistants don't call their bosses by their full name.

Sylvia: Well, I am not just any assistant.

Narration: Kira appears out of nowhere and walk up to them.

Kira: Sorry to break up the relationship feud but Sylvia; Ethan is here and he wants to take you home.

Narration: Sylvia walks away with Kira and Marcus follows behind. Sylvia hugs her brother from behind while he was sitting with Katy.