
chp 1

(First time writing sorry in advance.)

*Deep Inhale*

My eyes open frantically trying to understand how I am alive, you see I was just shot by my best friend.

I didn't even do anything wrong all I did was have a threesome with his mom and his girlfriend. He's lucky he walked in on us when he did because his sister was coming home from college.

I was planning on having all three of them.

Instead he walks in on us and doesn't even give me a chance to try and defend myself, he immediately lifts his shirt up a little and I see him reach for his gun, before I could react it was already to late. What an ass.


I hear someone cough and I look towards the sound and see a giant orc sitting on a throne made of bones.

"I am here to judge your crime."

I smirk.

"You are being charged with 2 counts of R*pe. How do you plead?" the Orc asks.

"Guilty." I say with a sinister smile.

Forgot to mention, we weren't really friends.

The Orc now has a huge smirk.

"Excellent, from this moment forward you will become my champion and save my decedents from their own distruction. You have 3 wishes choose wisely and I can only give you things within my power.

'Huh?' I am so lost, here I thought I was in hell but now this Guy said I was his champion. What the hell even is a champion.

"Um, before I make any decisions can you tell me what exactly is going on?" I ask still very lost.

"You will be reborn into a world filled with my children. Lead them, teach them and breed them. At this rate I'm afraid they will all kill themselves. I will give you 3 wishes to make your goal easily achievable."

'Breed them?' I smirk.

"What exactly is my goal though?" I ask still not knowing.

"I want to see my kin on top of the world." was all he said.

'So all I need is the power to take over the world?' I think to myself sarcasticly.

If I'm going to a world with Orcs I'm sure there will be many different races. I don't want to ever become stagnant. In a world like this there will always be someone stronger than you. So how can I constantly get better and never become stagnant?

"Ah, I got it." I exclaim getting the Orcs attention.

"For my first wish I want the powers of Doomsday from DC."

(I'm refering to his constant evolving.)

"A Orc who consistently evolves." he says with a smirk.

He didn't say anything else so I started to think of my second wish.

One of my first thoughts when I heard I would be his Orc Champion was a Orc Army.

"I want to be able to summon Orc armies." I say.

He doesn't respond he just smiles and nods.

Now that I have a Army and way to constantly grow stronger now all I need is the plot.

"For my last and final wish, I want to be able to decide everything about my life, from when I "appear" and-" Before I could finish a blue translucent screen appeared in front of me with a whole bunch of different sliders.

It reminds me of those old games you would play where you could customize your character completely.

"Once you are done click the check mark then you will start your next life. But be aware everything you choose now will be final." the Orc said before leaning back in his chair and closing his eyes.

I waste no time and immediately get to work, making my future self was actually pretty easy.

It only took me 5 hours, but this is the finished product.


I look at the screen and can't help but smirk, I look back at the Cock section on the screen.



On the screen you see a veiny third leg that reaches just above his ankle.

I start to smirk knowing I will definitely embrace my Orc side.

Ok now time for my "lore" I definitely don't want to be born again, so instead of coming into the world that way I'll instead awaken in a cave somewhere in the Orc lands.

I want to be something more than just a Orc I want to be a high Orc, basically a Noble orc, other Orcs will feel a difference between them and I but they won't know what that difference is.

"Wait can't I just technically put whatever I want into my lore?"I ask myself quietly.

"Wrong, I am watching everything you do, if I deem something to much I will stop you. Whatever you put as your lore become events that happened in the world." the orc says.

"Everything?" I ask.

"Everything." he says smirking.

I look back at the screen and ignore what he said.

What if….

Instead of just appearing in this world, I instead say that 10,000 years ago, a massive war between the High orcs and the orcs broke out.

The High Orcs had the numbers and the strength to win the war, but what they weren't expecting was that all 100 clans of the forest region would come together.

After that point the war was never on the High orcs side, but they never lost.


All 100 tribe shamans came together and sealed me Magnar BloodBorn, away in a cave for 10,000 years. Not only was I sealed away but my army was also in some other dimension.

(low-key bull shifting all this until I get to the actual plot so just know the key points 1 his wishes 2 Idek I'm to high but good luck!)

The reason why I was sealed instead of killed was actually as simple as no matter what they did to me I would never die.

After looking over my work and adding some more details.

I look at the checkmark and click it, I don't even glance at big Ugly not wanting to talk to him anymore.

I feel myself start to fade away.

To be continued.

Should anything be changed? Or any ideas?

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