
Traveling the Anime-verse

Leo got hit by truck-kun, dies and gets 3 wishes from ROB(A GOD). He explores the anime verse as he lazies around and has fun conquering unknown lands. However this god is somehow involving Leo in things he wasn’t told about.

Lordroyal · Anime und Comics
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23 Chs


-Jura Forest-

Inside a cave-looking dungeon filled with various monsters, in the depths of the dungeon, surrounded by magic ore there was a huge dragon. He was looking very sad by his current situation, he couldn't break the seal that has kept him here for more than two centuries and was starting to think that he would stay there for eternity.

While he was lamenting his fate he heard steps coming toward him, athough they weren't loud they could still be heard very clearly because of the silent surroundings, which amplified the steps more and more as they get closer.

From the darkness came a handsome boy, green and long hair, light green eyes which contained boredom and excitement at the same time.

"Yoo True Dragon Veldora, it seems you are bored and hopeless, hahahaha"

Yes, this was none other than Leo, after he arrived in the dungeon, he killed a few monsters to get a few points and directly came here.

Veldora seemed a bit confused at first but he quicky recovered, "Hahaha how can the great true dragon Veldora be hopeless, you are greatly mistaken puny human." Veldora proudly nodded his help.

Leo couldn't help but want to tease him "Hooo does that mean that you don't want to get out of here?"

Veldora narrowed his eyes at Leo and spoke "I have tried breaking out of here countless times how are you going to do it?"

Leo smiled and replied "Its very simple actually, all we need to do is analize from both inside and outside of the barrier and we will be able to release you, however I will have to swallow you with my skill at first.

"And what will you gain from this ?" Asked Veldora.

"Me?" Leo pointed at himself and pondered "A friend and a guardian"

Veldora in the inside was very happy to get a friend but in the outside he awkwardly pouted "Hmph who wants to be your friend? but since you want to I have no choice."

Leo smiled and offered a handshake "My name is Leo Yuuki, nice to meet yaa!"

Veldora but his giant hand next to his and nodded "I'm Veldora the Storm Dragon, anyway how about you use that skill of yours, I can't wait any longer."

"Alright hold tight" Leo pointed his hand at veldora and a golden shadow came out of it swallowing Veldora and sending him at his imaginary space.

"Sora how much time is it going to take you to analize the <Unlimited Prissonment> ?"

<About 6 months>

"What about his true dragon body ?"

<A day>

"Hahahaha I didn't think it was going to be so soon, anyway lets get out of here, I have tons of work to do."

With all that said and done, Leo left the dungeon immediately and started heading to the nearest village he could find. While he was enjoying the scenery of the forest he sensed somebody and muttered "Come out!"

Suddenly behind some bushes came a person who had a looked human but had dog ears, along with the two people behind him who had dog and pig ears and tails behind them, there was also a gobling along with them.

Those 3 immediately bowed down at Leo and pleaded "Please strong one, don't missunderstand when we sensed somebody strong we came here to scout, we mean no hostility towards you, we have been having trobles against other villages, so I hope you can understand." The leader of the four bowed down even further making the other two behind him follow suit.

Leo couldn't help but sigh, because the proporties of his mana, it makes his control over his aura very hard, so his aura although supressed, its still lookes very chaotic and gives a gloomy gold feeling, making other weak monsters fear him.

"It's alright I am not going to hurt you, I'm going to help you with your problems."

"Wha? Really?" beamed out the demi-human.

"Yes" replied Leo at him.

The demi-human had tears started falling from his eyes as he had suffered a lot in this war and lost a lot of people fighting.

"Thank you", yelled the four of them simultaneously.

"Alright! Guide me to your village" Leo reminded them and started going towards the village.
