
TRAVELING across the world

what will happen when a lazy otaku gets the ability to travel across the world. ------ English is not my first language. I. Bad Grammar too. If you can keep up then continue to read. ————————————— This novel is 70% Hentai, 10% adventure, 15% Slice of life, and 5% killing. ---------- tag: movie, anime, novel, hentai, strong to stronger, multiverse, harem like Pokemon,

dewon07 · Anime und Comics
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26 Chs

chapter 22

it's been more than a month. since coming of Raditz and became a clone within Umbrella headquarter.

after many experiments, a clone of raditz finally got stable with the virus without any effect. it got stable with spider and t-virus. which gives him the ability of a spider man with bioelectric. not organic web nor other special abilities. with small range teleportation ability.

I don't want to create an army of Saiyan in the early stages as looking at their hunger issue.

since the experiment got successful. I let it pause for some time.

An issue that comes to me that is my spider and nine tail bloodline got mutated. nine tails got sun fire ability which is hot as the core of the sun and spiders got new more ability as retractable claws, poison manipulation, pheromones, night vision, and healing factor.

From here, I got new abilities. it's better to test it.

but Scarlet advise me not to do so cause if turn nine tails. with my flame body, I am hot as the sun. if I try it here or any other places make instant turn things into ashes. so, it's better to start new.

thinking of it, I decided to travel to a new world. putting this world in slow motion by 20 times.

I decided to tell Rachel and others about it.

" so, I have to go out for a year."

" dad, will you be alright. " Rachel asked me in worry.

" don't worry, it's just over for me. I will be returned in a year at most."

after calming all of them, I decided to travel to that world.


Tokyo, orphanage

I found myself outside of an orphanage. I don't have even 0.00000000001 percent of my strength in base form. but it will be enough to rule a normal world. my power is suppressed by 100 billion times. I can only exert 100 b.p. of my strength. my Saiyan and Kryptonian bloodline are sealed.

while I am thinking about an old lady outside.

" People these days, if they don't want a baby child. why even try to. come little one. let me see you. from today onward this will be your new home." saying that she carry me.

my new look is a little changed mostly eyes and hair. my hair color changed to white the tip of it is reddish-orange with red eyes. Although it looks weird it's not bad. as it matches with my fox form.

after she left me. I sign in which give me perfect body ability.


time skip

it has been 15 years since I came to this world.

Scarlett reported to me canon is about to start. also, this world is mutated with a small part of other worlds. she didn't tell me which one. saying only it's only in favor of me.

this 15 years. I got proficient in control of my fire. now I can fully control the temperature of it. my strength also inc. to 85000b.p. . which breaks the limit of S-rank level monster.

not only did I gain the ability of fire. I also gain nine tails of other abilities such as illusion, thunder, wood, water(ocean), sand, wind, space, time, and music. all of these are already have with me when I gain all elemental psionic.

the seal will automatically open whenever I want. but it is a rare chance for me to fight. I will not waste it.

These fifteen years, I got only three good things that Elias fragment like astil manuscript. both are asleep. other is Transfiguration magic and a hundred billion ton vibranium. others are drinks and food.

I already got out of the orphanage and borrow some money from some local yakuza gang by controlling them. how can a normal human without any ability stop me?

I also control some politicians to send money to the orphanage. after all they take care of me before.

last night I got an admission letter from the main lead. directly cut off his advancement.


now, I am waiting for the bus which will take me to the academy.

soon a bus appeared which seems to be old.

bus open the door.

" get on boy" the bus driver who is smoking a cigar.

" This bus looks quite old." I started talking to the driver.

" yeah, this bus is very very old. boy, are you a new student who will join the academy." bus driver saw me carrying an envelope which is related to

" Yeah, this one is It is given to me by a drunk uncle last night. this academy's name is the first time, I hear it. so I want to see what is this boarding academy looks like"

" boy, do you know curiosity kills the cat? you have to care there. "

" don't worry uncle, even the cat got killed. it still has nine lives. "

"hahaha... boy you are quite amusing, hope we will meet next time."

" same here uncle"

we talk for while since the bus has no one on it.

soon bus passes a tunnel.