
TRAVELING across the world

what will happen when a lazy otaku gets the ability to travel across the world. ------ English is not my first language. I. Bad Grammar too. If you can keep up then continue to read. ————————————— This novel is 70% Hentai, 10% adventure, 15% Slice of life, and 5% killing. ---------- tag: movie, anime, novel, hentai, strong to stronger, multiverse, harem like Pokemon,

dewon07 · Anime und Comics
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26 Chs

chapter 17

Shelley got hesitated. seeing her hesitation.

" yes, I am your sister's boyfriend" hearing my answer Shelley got relieved as we didn't establish a relationship between us.

" I knew it." making a smug face, Maron looks at Shelley who is embarrassed.

" are you letting my boyfriend wait at the door"


" oh, please come inside," Maron said with a silly smile.

entering the house. you can see it's not luxurious but you can feel the freshness.

" Alex, please sit on the sofa. I will prepare some snacks for you" Shelley go towards the door

" So where do you, my sister." " well, it's love at first sight". " ohh~"

Maron goes into questioning mode and asks me various questions.

until Shelley got back with a tray of snacks and juice.

as sisters sit together, I can see their faces are the exactly same only difference is their hairstyle. Shelley has a short hairstyle that goes to her shoulder while Mason has long hair than Shelley.

It talks the whole day mainly maron who is curious about me asking questions.


days go by like this. I take Maron and Shelley to the capsule corp. where Shelley and Mason meet other girls. Maron got surprised by this. she took a little distance from me and also try for her sister. but got failed as her sister already and accept it. while maron looks at me warily.


days are going with a lot of fun.

now I give strength to my girlfriends or lovers.

now I am worried about their life span as all of us have limited time in our life.

" hey, do you know where I can easily inc? all of my women's life span" " why ask" " you know even chess pieces can change their races their life span can not be infinite. is their way."

" Why don't you remember the movie or anime or comic where life span can increase."

" but it's already many years I don't remember correctly, previous world stories." " then why don't go back and check it out."

it shocked me as in my previous life I am already dead. I also have forgotten about it. then let's go back and check it out.



I decided to go to America as there are not many laws there. The first thing finds a rich man is to 'borrow' some money from him or rob a bank.

the simplest way is to rob a bank. but it can track it back. then ants will follow me around.

so best and simple for me to find a rich man or best woman.

I teleport out of New York city in field ground away from highway road. as it is one of the biggest business cities in the world.

as I was about to go inside.

" hey, how can appear here out of ."

as I turned around I see a Slavic platinum-haired woman in her early twenties on a bike. this bike I have seen before, it is a Neiman Marcus limited-edition fighter which is the most expensive in the world. now what is important is make her memory is lost or not. as I am thinking about it.

as I am thinking, the Slavic woman sees me ignoring her. which makes her upset. but as she looks at my clothes. she sees full-body black armor with silver lines at the edges. behind a tail.

her mind goes blank thousands of thought appeared in her mind. as everyone knows, a person with a tail with the ability and a handsome and wild face first thing that comes into mind are Saiyans. she sees a person appear in front of her out of nowhere. this a 100 percent Saiyan.

' but it's not right. if multiverse theory is correct. then dragon ball world is also true. and Saiyans live there. Saiyans are bloodthirsty, vicious, and cold-blooded. kill anyone without hesitation. but this one didn't kill me now. wait- how does he know about the earth. since they live in Dragon Ball world. how can it appear here? then there are these possibilities that remain, one reincarnation, one in front of me is a rebirth person who swaps with a body, other is a time and space tunnel that appears in fiction. 2nd possibility is low. then in front of the reincarnation who gets the golden finger. so it's better to hug his legs tightly. and live fulfilled in the future. but what if he is one of those reincarnations who appeared in CN, who are self-righteous and full cringe. who only came back for-."

" Hey, what's your name?" I ask. since I don't know much about New York it's better to ask locals. I don't want to read memory plus I will get to accompany by beauty.

" uu.. oh, my name is inovana smith" she replied to me immediately.

" ok, inovana, why don't you take me to help me around."

"Yes!" she immediately excited hearing me out. " then you can come to my house. I will help you with whatever you want "

" whatever?" I ask with a knowing smile.

she nodded after seeing my smile.

she immediately calls for a car.

soon a black Lamborghini urus version came.

as the driver came down. " take my bike to my home" inovana threw her key to the driver and open the door.

taking my hand she takes me to urus. and drove away

meanwhile, the driver looks astonished, as it's the first time her madam come in contact with the opposite sex in his 12 yrs experience. after both of her parent's death. she always read those fantasy novels. she becomes an otaku. the good thing is she is smart enough for taking care of herself.


" so, can you tell me about yourself. how your story starts. are reincarnation or original." she like a perfect otaku ask me various questions.

since I don't care about it. I answered them.

after an hour later, we reach her house rather a villa,