Not expecting a tragedy, Alex's happy life comes crashing down. Offered a new chance at life, he takes it with one goal in mind. To live the life that was taken too soon. His wish granted, under the promisse of his service to the gods. First world: GAME OF THRONES Second world: ****** *** **** ********* disclaimer: I own nothing :p
~~~Jon Arryn POV~~~
*groan* Great, Rickard Stark rides south. Normally such a visit would have warranted a great celebration but I doubt the man would appreciate it. Not after what I had allowed to happen under my watch.
It had been nine months since Robert and Ned's absence to the campaign against the mountain clans. Nine months of complaints coming from my Lords, Nine months of war. But the windfall I received from a month ago made it bareable. Didn't stop some self indulgent lords to try their hand at gaining glory though.
Even Hoster Tully is trying to get on my good graces with offering men to the ongoing campaign.
But that all ended when Anya's findings made itself known to the public. The weapons were bought from all over the west, east and south but they do have a common thing about them. Gold. Newly minted gold to be precise. And there is only one House in the Seven Kingdoms that has the means to mint that much gold into westerossi currency. Lannister.
Ofcourse this angered a great many of mine. From the common folk to the Lords themselves.
Usually this would have been political suicide, to charge a lord paramount with such flimsy evidence. But I didn't accuse a lord. My findings was simply "overheard" by someone and pass through word of mouth. What the people make of that depends entirely on them. *chuckle*
Still I wonder what Tywin was playing at. Surely he doesn't mean to earn royal favor through this. The existence of the alliance may challenge the might of the west but he knows of Rickard, The Stark name assures no hostility against those that do not seek it. So why?
I then looked to the other occupant of the room and asked. Lord Royce. "What was it that Anya asked of you Yhon?"
"Simply trade my lord, and my aid in keeping a secret 'A Secret' "
My eyes couldn't help but widen at that. The Vale doesn't have many spies outside of it's lands. The few there are, are more concentrated on obtaining the general overview of the seven kingdoms. What the Vale concentrated on is the ensuring of secrets. The Vale compared to the rest of the seven kingdom is a giant black spot in the eyes of the Great Lords. And House Royce is the one in charge of handling this power.
"What could Anya possibly have that she wants THAT hidden."
"Industrial change." I urged him continue.
"My lord, Ronan Sieghart is not just possibly the greatest warrior of our time. He is also an inventor. She has had the opportunity to buy a device of him already. A 'Spinning Jenny' it's called. A device that can allow ONE person to weave wool into cloth. And still do one persons amount of work to equate that of 8 to 10 people."
He understood my reaction. He replied. "I saw the device at work my lord. It is real."
I took a deep breathe. A device that can basically raise someone to great wealth.
"Her plans for such a device?"
"For now trade, I had secured for myself trading rights as soon as I saw it how it was operated. Though the device cannot be sold. My House right now will be buying any excess cloth they will be trading. And with the amount of work one device can do, I expect there to be plenty. As for the device. It is tightly guarded."
"What else is sweet Anya up to."
"Something she read as a Blast Furnace. It turns ore into something called pig iron. And it will work in tandem with another device, that they will be making Higher Quality Iron by a least two times more."
"Heavens above . . . "
"That is not all. This irons will be turned to steel through Which inturn be turned into something called 'Damascus steel'. There is a process in between them but she isn't knowledgable on the process yet, as this will be done by smiths under the employ of House Sieghart."
This knowledge will frighten the rest of the Seven Kingdoms. If someone whispered this the to the Mad King... they will take everything. I will not have my family be judged by a madman. I then looked into Lord Royce, but before I could express my concern he had already spoken.
"I have had 'everyone' stationed there. Those fucking lizards will know nothing."
*sigh* "Thank you Yhon."
"Don't be Jon, you and I both know we needed this. Even more so now. Seems she felt it to."
"Aye . . ." 'war'
"I'll take my leave, I know for a fact you have something else to do."
I must speak with Anya about this. We must strengthen the bond of House Sieghart to the Vale. But how, usually I would have approached this through marriage but the man is extremely protective of his daughter. Any attempt on that part may simply sour any relationships before it could start. *sigh* I must thank Lyanna at some point for this knowledge.
*knock!* *knock!* *knock!*
"My lord, a message from the mountains. They will now be preparing for the last skirmish my lord."
"Good! Here take this messages to the respective Lords. They are to tighten the blockade around the mountain. Tell them, if they so much as leave their post in an attempt to gain 'Glory' I will make sure their names are spoken of derision for the rest of their lives!"
"At once my lord."
'Finally, the battle to determine the end of this lasting conflict.'
~~~Beorn POV~~~
"So, this is it." asked Robert.
"What will you be doing after this?"
"Don't know."
"Why not come with me to the Stormlands
We could always use warriors like you."
"...Not interested."
. . . "What about you Ned, you wanna visit a brothel with me?"
" . . .no"
" . . . good gods there are two of them..."
A giggle from Sif trailing beside me had us releasing a small smile.
A comfortable silence streches between us. I looked forward and see our Lord leading us towards the last camp with Dame Valka walking beside him. And my sister sending him loving looks right next to me.
I feel for her, I do. There are no better men but, if anything I heared about him from the others are to go by, he is already committed to someone. 'then again, marriage is unknown to us here. Maybe if she can convince his woman.'
- 2 hours later. -
They were waiting. We had given chase to this clan as far to the edge of the mountains. We have cornered them at the nearby clif.
Now the final battle will be fought here in this rocky field. I could feel the wind in my face this far up. The cold, ever gentle.
I saw three men, leaders of the remaining savages. They have united it seems for this last stand.
They have a combined number of around 3000 men. Just before them stands us, 1500 men. Our wounded was sent down from the mountains but still, we were reinforced by the nameless clans throughout the mountain and those that bent the knee or those Vale men willing to fight after being saved.
And just behind them, a hundread feet dive off a cliff to rocky mountain edges or a shallow river.
As the three savages stood there with their white flag, it was only Lord Sieghart and my father, Bèorn The High Chieftain that stepped forward. He was someone chosen as representative for all the mountain clansman. A show of unity according to our Lord. As is presented by the blue gem hanging on his belt on his ornamented armor.
[image here]
As soon as Lord Sieghart reached them, an arrow came flying, but before anyone could react. Lord Sieghart had already grabbed it from the air with his hand.
" . . . whoa." whispered Robert.
While me and Ned simply grunted in approval. The men and I drew blade at that but Lord Sieghart simply waved his hand to us in dismissal.
"My lord they have openly violated the flag of truce. We have all reason to attack these savages." my father reasoned.
"Peace Bèorn. They ARE savages. It is to be expected of them. But we are not."
"As you say milord." the chieftain of the redsmiths replied with a smile.
Tense silence permiated the air. All are expecting an attack from any imaginable angle. And yet, Lord Sieghart's stalwart presence with his Blue armor shining against the sun and his cape fluttering with the wind gave us strength and peace of mind.
Lord Sieghart spoke. "I offer safe passage to the Eyrie, so that you may be tried before the court of the Vale for your crimes, in exchange for your surrender."
""" . . . . . HAHAHAHAHA"""
A burned man asked. " . . . if we don't?"
"Then I shall dragg you there, kicking and screaming if I must." I can feel the men's glee. We expected this of course. There was never any other path.
"THEN LET'S NOT WAIT ANY LONGER!!!" screamed another chieftain as he charged towards Lord Sieghart.
The man's warcry started the battle. As these savages rush forward so did we.
I rushed forward gripping my greatsword, I crouched low as soon as I reached the first, I performed a wide half spin swing. Killing two men, taking one arm, and a broken spear.
A man charged at me with a spear, I dodged to his side, another man tried an overhead swing at me. I performed another wide swing as I stepped backward. Breaking the weapon of the first man and then spilling the guts of the second. I did a quick thrust to the disarmed man, my blade piercing through his head. On my right I saw someone about to kill a warrior with a spear from behind. I rushed the man and cleaved him from shoulder to hip. I clashed sword against another, as we locked swords I saw another coming from behind him. I shoved forward breaking the lock. I kicked him in the chest bringing him down on his back. The savage from behind him thrust his spear. I dodged as I grabbed the shaft just passed the spear head, and pulled. He tripped over the downed man, before he could recover I had impaled them both with my greatsword.
As I gathered my wits, I heared screams coming from the forest just around the clearing. The hunters must have finally found the enemy archers. With no more need to divide my attention I surged forward decapitating a man on the right. Removing a savage's arm on left. And I just kept going.
~~~Ned POV~~~
I gripped my dagger and sword, one on each hand, to feel them there. A new style of combat I had found myself proficient in.
Another man met my sword and he was cut across the neck with my knife as I parried his attack. Another swung from above, I dodged to the side while closing in, as I grazed my dagger across his neck. I swung my sword towards my front in a wide arc, decapitating a man in my side midbattle against one of our own. My swing ending as a savage caught the attack, he buckled, I stabbed with my dagger knowing he would guard it, I kept up the attack keeping him on the backfoot. Soon I noticed him lose his footing, a heavier swing of my sword and he was bought on his knees. Another heavy upward swing and he was on his back. Before I could finish him, I spun backwards dodging a spear. Another stab and I dodged while I attacked the extended shaft with an upward slash with my sword breaking it and then kicked him in the knees. My previous opponent had quickly stood back up and joined the attack with a wide sideways swing. Quickly dropping my elbow and pulling back my sword, I was able to guarded with my sword locking against his. Noticing the other man getting up, I kicked the one who had locked swords with me in the knees. I was then nearly tackled to the ground by the spearman. I planted my feet, gripping my dagger at hand, I stabbed the man in the back as soon as his head planted in my torso. The previous one charged with a shout, I dodged sideways while stepping passed him sliding my sword across his gut. I stepped towards another man as I shoved my sword through his back just as he was about to kill a downed warrior. The warrior stood up quick and speared a man behind me. I gave him a nod, as did he, and I moved forward the battlefield.
My mind not thinking of anything but the next step. Through the clashing steel, pained screams, grunts, and pleas for mercy 'HE' shouted "DEATH!!!" and we replied, """"NOT TODAY!!!"""".
As I felt once more invigorated, I returned my focus with one thing in mind. 'Fight!' And so the 'Battle At Crimson Peak' as it would later be called continued.