
Traveler in Multiverse

A Multiversal Fic with starting world being DxD Additional Tags: #harem #strongtostrong Disclaimer: I own nothing but OC Patreon: patreon.com/meatball_chan (+15 Chaps)

meatball_san · Anime und Comics
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16 Chs

Act II Part 1

The moment I opened my eyes, the unfamiliar ceiling made itself apparent to me. With silence sinking into whatever this place was, I stared at the ceiling unblinkingly.

"An unfamiliar ceiling."

Ah~ I always wanted to say that. It's like a weight has been taken off of me. Like one of my dreams has come true. I can finally relax now.

"Oh, you are awake."

"No. I was born with my eyes as such. No matter what, they will always remain open like this."

"Seeing you talking like that, I guess you are alright then."

I stare down at the… very short old man. Like very short. He had forehead wrinkles and slanted eyes, bushy eyebrows and a large moustache (nice).

"Why are you so short?"

"Ask your mother. She will tell you."

This bastard ouch ouch ouch!

"It hurts, bastard!" I shouted at the old man who was poking the wooden stick into my bandaged body. What's the problem with this old man?!

"Just some mild sourness. Do some light exercise and it should be removed. While most inner wounds have already fully healed." He answered before going back to grinding some herbs.

"Where am I?"

"Keigo Village." He turned to look towards me and explained. "I found you lying unconscious in the mountain—I go up there to get fresh water from the stream—body covered with wounds. So I decided to bring you to my home for healing."

I see. It must be due to the shock I felt during the world hopping. Whatever it was, it rattled my brain to the point I lost consciousness.

I'm glad that he picked me up before any wild animal got to me. If that had happened, that would have been the most pathetic death for a dragon.

"Thank you." I sincerely replied. It is not that you find people kind enough to bring you down the mountain to their home and first aid your wounds. "I really appreciate your help."

"Oh. So you can talk like a normal human? I thought you might have hurt your brain too hard causing you some mental disorder."

I take everything back. This man was no Saint but a demon in man's clothing!

"Anyhow, you should rest a little more. I'll soon be done with the herb. Take it before you go out and do some light exercise. Your body is too stiff. A little walk should remove that sourness too."

Now that he said it, I indeed was feeling this annoying itch all over my body. Is this the sourness he was talking about?

'Ddraig, you're there?'

[Always has been]

'... Have you been reading my memories?'

[At least they are entertaining to watch, unlike you-]

'Okay, alright, we get it.' This dragon is becoming more and more annoying for some reason. 'Any idea about the place?'

[Well, from my observation, there is no mana in the air. Nor could I feel anything special from the people of this world. The only thing noteworthy would be that old man]

'He?' I unconsciously looked towards the short man grinding herbs with his back facing me. I couldn't feel anything different from him.

[From your eyes, yes. He doesn't possess any mythical energy or anything of the sort, but the way he carries himself shows his experience in fighting. If I have to put it, he should easily be able to play with a high-class devil like an adult playing with a child]

'Can you explain the rankings?' I had no idea what to imagine when he said the high-class devil.

[There is a power ranking in my world based on Low, Middle, High, Ultimate, Satan, and Super Satan. Most God-Level beings would start for Satan to Super-Satan]

'Oh, now that's interesting. Where do you stand in the ranking above?'

[Humph! As of my power can be ranked]


[I am a serious kid. I'm Heavenly Dragon, such rankings cannot gauge my true strength. There is a list of ten strongest being in the world, I and Albion falls in the middle somewhere]

'You're that strong?!' I sure am learning new things every day. I knew Ddraig was strong, but I'd never thought that his true power made him stand with the strongest being of that world.

[Of course! Who do you think I am? As for reference, that Crimson haired brat should be high-class]

(AN: Energy wise)

A surprising expression formed on my face.

'That… for a human in a world without any energy sure is surprising.' After all, there was no mythical energy in my world either, even Ddraig told me that I don't possess any magical energy whatsoever. I doubt there will be a living human who can play with a high-class devil.

Heck! I doubt that there will be a human who can defeat a low-class being!

[If my guess is not wrong, then he should be a swordsman. As for how strong, I cannot truly tell without watching him fighting. Martial artists are hard to gauge due to how flicker their strength is. It keeps on changing from person to person]

'A person with the same technique can defeat a bear while another person with the same technique might not even be able to scratch them huh.'

[Something like that]

"Old man, I've done the timbers. They should be enough to hold us for a week." A man with black hair and turquoise eyes appeared at the entrance and called for the short old man.

"Hm." He curtly nodded and asked. "Where is Zenitsu?"

Oh. There seems to be some beef going on between this person and Zenitsu isn't it? Look at his expression, it looks like he is ready to kill him at any moment.

"Why would I know where that coward is? Must be crying in some corner or whatever."

"Kaigaku… He is your brother." He looked at him with a slightly stern expression. "You shouldn't be calling him a coward."

"Bha! Stop it old man. I'm just stating the truth. If you hate it so much, then have Zenitsu change his ways. The way he is right now, he would never be able to become your successor."

"Kaigaku!" The old man furiously looked towards Kaigaku, who seemed to be scared of seeing the old man angry and hurriedly ran away, leaving the old man to take a loud breath.

I guess, even when you are old, some things just never leave you.

[That Kaigaku… My years of experience tell me that you should kill him. People like him are first to betray in the time of need]

I will keep that in mind.


patr3on.com/meatball_chan (+15 chaps)