
Transported Into a Unknown Game

Valentina and Zan get teleported into a arcade prize game, they meet a shapeshifter named Phoenix, The shapeshifter then tells them that in order to return back to their home world they have to complete three games in order to complete these three story games, they have to finish many mini games and complete the storyline. They have to use their strength, stealth and intellect in order to complete this task. They become the characters in the game, all their memories are now theirs. Valentina and Zan are just friends why do they have to be the female lead in and male lead in a romance story? Will they return back? Will they become more than ‘just friends’?

warningkaiser · Fantasie
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3 Chs


The screen displayed a large red text 'Game Over' "Shit, only highscore of 1990. I need at least 11 more to beat you" said Zan after aggressively manhandling the poor arcade machine. I giggled, "You'll never beat me, you've been trying to for weeks and this is the closest you've gotten." Zan held a playful expression before returning to his normal aloof expression, and he slicked back his hair with his hand. Zan was about 5'11, 18 years old, he had a slim but somewhat toned body. He usually dressed up in a hoodie and sweatpants, it was nearing summer so he started wearing band shirts often. He was only a few months older than me. His hair was medium length, brown hair, green eyes, light-skin. Me and Zan were one of the many regulars who went to school near Queens Bay.

There was this group who consisted of maybe 5-6 kids, who would go to the arcade every Tuesday and Friday. I sighed, "Do you wanna get ice cream?" This was the usual for us ever since we met. After school we went directly to the arcade, then maybe got some ice cream or we went to the local store to get snacks. Zan usually would pick going to get ice cream, so that day we were going to leave the arcade to get ice cream. The arcade is near the beach, and close to two different ice cream parlours, my usual order would include vanilla ice cream with sprinkles on a cone.

Zan was more adventurous with his options, he tries different flavors each time we go. Before answering Zan spaced out a little, he was staring towards the counter full of merchandise that you can buy with enough tickets. I walked towards the counter and saw a new game I've never seen before as one of the prizes. It was about 18 thousand tickets? Zan followed after me, the cashier bolted up once they saw us. The cashier was a rather eccentric character, they had pink highlights in their green hair, seemingly placed at random. They were always of high-spirits, and excited to see us since we were regulars.

They smiled at us, "Valentina and Zan! Did the new game catch your attention, Hmmm? Did it??" Me and Zan looked at each other and held eye contact with a knowing nod of 'Um, kinda weird but okay' Zan spoke up and said "Yes we were looking at that game, what genre is it?" The green haired person made a quick movement and got the game off the top shelf and said "It's a mystery~~" Zan looked at me and pressed his lips together with a blank expression. "I'll get it, I have no other games to play anyways." Zan followed after and said "Yeah same, I believe I have more than enough tickets for it." The green haired person smiled and gave us the CD cases and we gave them our arcade cards. They swiped the cards and gave them back to us, they smiled with their teeth, "Have fun! Come back tomorrow..like always." Me and Zan walked out the arcade a little weirded out.

"Is it just me or did that person give you more weird vibes than usual?"

"No, you're right I felt that weird energy too."

I checked my phone, it was almost 6pm, "Shit, I have to go, wanna FaceTime later and play the game?" Zan nodded and said goodbye. We parted ways and I arrived home 30 minutes later, as soon as I opened the door my mother bombarded me with questions."Ay dios mío, Valentina. What if something happened to you?" I looked at my mom and said "I was with my friend though?" My mom dropped the topic and said dinner was in the microwave. I went to my room and called Zan, he picked up immediately. "Did you notice that the game is literally scratched up?" I looked at him confused.

"No I haven't even opened the case yet-"

"Well you should, we should put it in at the same time."

I nodded and placed my phone at my desk with my laptop, I slid in the cd, perfectly timed at the same time as Zan did. I felt a weird energy coming over me as soon as I clicked on play. It felt like a black fog was covering my body and blocking my sight "Zan!-"

I heard and felt a breeze as soon as I opened my eyes in a dark unfamiliar room lit up.