
Chapter 27: Stalkers in the City

"I feel like our delicate bodies are bearing a weight that even Dinergates couldn't bear." Walking on the sidewalk with short legs, Nagant Revolver said to P38 beside her without expression.

At this moment, both Nagant Revolver and P38 had several interconnected bags hanging on them, containing fruits and groceries, respectively. It seemed that whether it was human women or T-dolls, they lacked self-control when it came to shopping.

"Ugh! Stop it, Nagant Revolver! I feel like there's a hole in my bag! The blood from the ribs is dripping down! Will I short-circuit because of this?!"

"Hehe! Fortunately, all I have are fruits, so there's no risk of short-circuiting... Huh?! What's this?! Why is water dripping from me too?! Oh no, oh no, oh no! Aren't Sangvis Dolls supposed to be waterproof?!"

Seeing Nagant Revolver and P38 twisting their bodies and hopping around, M1911, holding a bunch of groceries, smiled helplessly. "Alright, you two, stop jumping around. The more you jump, the worse it gets!"

It seemed that the issue of shock absorption wasn't given much consideration in the design of automaton weapons like them. As Nagant Revolver walked, several grapes in her bag burst open. In the end... they bought too much.

"Tsk, you two shouldn't complain while you're enjoying the good stuff. I'm seriously overloaded here. I feel like my arms are about to go numb."

"You brought this upon yourself. I told you not to buy so much, but you wouldn't listen." BM59, carrying two boxes of drinks, looked at Simonova beside her, who was covered in bags.

Simonova not only had various bags filled with bottles hanging on her body but also carried three large boxes in her hands, stacked up to at least a meter high. It was amazing that she could lift so much weight. Were her arms reinforced parts?

Looking at her own arms, which were barely able to hold two boxes of drinks, BM59 wished her arms would break once so she could get better parts. Of course, there was also the possibility of being directly incorporated into an automaton weapon like Nagant Revolver...

"Hmm? What's wrong, BM59?" Unlike the others, M1 Garand didn't have as much stuff in her hands as M1911. She only had four or five handbags, not to save energy for herself but to facilitate combat.

"Nothing, just thinking about something... Huh? M1 Garand, it seems like someone is tracking us." BM59, carrying boxes, said, then frowned. The readings on the lifeform detector, which weren't very prominent before, suddenly became conspicuous.

According to M1 Garand's previous plan to scout the area around the warehouse, they had already figured out the situation around the warehouse. With a lifeform detector, this kind of thing was very simple for T-Dolls.

Their conclusion was that there were hardly any households around the warehouse, and the nearest one was half a street away. However, since a while ago, several lifeform readings had been following them, showing no signs of stopping.

"Alright, understood. Let's keep going and see what these guys are up to." While speaking, M1 Garand moved the bags in her hand to one hand and tightly gripped the strap of her carved weapon with the other.

M1911, who had already been replenished with ammunition, made the same move, resting one hand on the holster and focusing her attention on those few individuals who were most likely up to no good.


"Boss! These dolls are heading straight for our delivery point! Did our meeting point get exposed?!"

"Shh! You idiot! Keep quiet! These dolls have hearing as sharp as wild cats! They can hear you farting from a mile away!"

The possibility of the delivery point being exposed existed, of course, but from the way these dolls greeted the Griffin guys earlier, it seemed that these dolls were not allies of those Griffin guys.

As long as they weren't Griffin people, as long as they weren't Griffin tactical dolls, they could just act quickly, grab and run. That Griffin musclehead wouldn't be able to do anything to them later.

Hmph, that Griffin fool, always patrolling. There were only five or six T-Dolls in the whole base. If that guy wasn't sent by Griffin, they would have charged up and killed him long ago.

In a town full of autonomous dolls like this, they could only sneak around silently. This wasn't their style.

Anyway, once their new toys arrived, they could openly invade this town. When the dolls in the city couldn't run away, they would all be theirs!

Ten thousand for one doll, ten for a hundred thousand, a hundred for a million, and there were definitely more than a hundred autonomous dolls in this town! And if they were lucky, they might even encounter one or two Tactical Dolls that had been specially modified!

Once they finished this batch, even if they were chased by Griffin later, it would be worth it! Whether they could get rich or not depended on... Huh, these guys actually rented out their delivery point. That cunning old man, does he want to freeload easy money again?

The warehouse where these dolls were going was originally the logistics area of this city. It was built just before the Third War and was ready to be put into use. However, as the war broke out, the logistics area was no longer needed. The roads were destroyed long ago, and no ordinary driver dared to drive a truck around in the wasteland with the infected roaming around.

The current owner of this warehouse, a man named Poryushkin, had previously relied on them to get rid of several merchants who had rented the warehouse. Now, he must have set his sights on the guys renting the warehouse this time.

Hmph, unlucky guys, they only have themselves to blame. Why did they have to come to this old man's territory, was their luck was so bad?

These thoughts naturally didn't reach the ears of M1 Garand and the others. Tactic Dolls didn't have equipment to read minds, but they had already completely locked onto the position of these stalkers.

A total of seventeen people, the one called "Boss" was currently fifty meters behind them to the side. The others were scattered in various corners around them, constantly changing positions as they moved.

As they got closer and closer to the warehouse, M1 Garand and the others stopped chatting, squinting their eyes and paying attention to their surroundings.

However, when they returned to the warehouse door, they found Reno standing at the door, leaning against the warehouse wall and smoking, with a shabby-looking old man standing in front of him.

"No, it's not acceptable! You have to pay more! 100,000 rubles per day! If you can't afford it, pawn your truck to me!"

With a sharp voice, the old man relentlessly argued with Reno.

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