
Transmigrated With Raphael who now acts like an Onee San

Izumi from Earth was transmigrated in Miyamura Izumi before High School and the world was a mixture of Animes with slight AU characteristics. Sorry to Hori-San but she won't be the heroine. Later it will get into a Multiverse Journey because Cote isn't Finished. . . . . Schedule - 1 chapter every day The extra chapter will be available on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Kaoski Support me, If you can.

Kaoski · Anime und Comics
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84 Chs


Scathach: *And what is the task?*

Izumi: *I got Lilith.*

Scathach: *Huh?*

Raphael: *Don't tell me!*

Izumi: *Yeah! You are right. I asked Nyx to take back the half-dead body of Lilith from Rizevim. With this, he would focus on finding the culprit and it would divert the attention. And now that the whole Underworld will know about him, he wouldn't be able to move freely.*

Scthach: *So you got Mother of Devils. What are you gonna do with her?*

Izumi: *Hehe! Between the Four Satans and the Mother of Devils, who do you think has more charisma and respect from the Devils? If these two are gonna fight, who do you think Devils will support?*

Scathach: *So you want to control Lilith and then make her control the Underworld. It's a good plan but Lilith would have to become strong enough to fight against them. Then only Devils will follow her, if she is weaker than them, then even if she is Mother of Devils, she won't get the respect.*

Izumi: *I know that. That's why, I will give her my blood. It would heal her from her comatose state and would give her a new bloodline.*

Raphael: *But isn't that same as making her your wife?*

Scathach: *A good plan. With this, she wouldn't be able to betray her and I will teach her everything. In just a few months, I will make her someone worthy of her titles.*

Izumi: *Hah! And which titles are you talking about?*

Scathach: *The Mother of Devils and ...*

In the end, Scathach didn't tell them about her title.

Scathach: *So we will have to focus on Shinto, Vampire, and Devil Faction. Let's focus on them for now, and then You will have to go to Greek Faction.*

Izumi: *That's a talk for later. Raph, I need your help. Send a few vampires to Kouh to keep an eye on Rias and Sona.*

Raphael: *Okay, I will send a few with Carmilla. She wanted to meet you.*

Izumi: *Tell her, I will meet her after the mission. Now, Let's end the chat, I need to enchant the room with Runes. Bye Bye, Love You.*

Raphael: *Love You.*

Scathach: *Ugh! I am missing all the fun. Love You and See you in 2 days.*

Leaving the thoughts, Izumi looked outside. He saw all the Youkais at the place moving around. Stepping outside, he went to meet Yasaka and discuss the details.

He reached the office and felt 2 figures in the office.

Entering the room, he saw Amaterasu and Yasaka sitting together and drinking tea.

"You are here," Amaterasu spoke as she looked at Izumi.

Raising his brows, Izumi went and sat with them.

"So, what were you two discussing and why are all those Youkais moving here and there?"

Hearing his straightforward question, Yasaka giggled while Amaterasu shook her head.

"We were discussing the bomb you and Nyx had dropped on us. As for those Youkais, well they will be checked later."

"Hmm! But why did you take this step? I am sure it wasn't a whim or anything."

"Hmm? Yeah! It wasn't a whim. I have been thinking about doing this for a while and just needed a reason. Now that I got a reason, I can start the plan."

"So you are gonna make Devils the scapegoat?"

"Fufufu! I said nothing." Amaterasu laughed and didn't say anything.

"Anyways, Why are you here? Didn't you leave to prepare?" Yasaka asked Izumi and changed the topic.

"Yeah! I am done. I was thinking of enchanting the room, in case something happens. But now that Amaterasu is gonna join the meeting, I don't it's needed. Should I also leave?"

"No! You will be here and join the meeting." Amaterasu spoke first.

"Hmm? Are you thinking of using me and my faction? Yasaka must have told you about me, but I hope you didn't tell Tsukuyomi and Susanoo about me, or else..." Izumi spoke and changed back to Count Form.

"No one except us knows about you. I won't betray you."


Yasaka and Izumi spoke at the same time.

Amaterasu looked at the dumbfounded look on Izumi and Yasaka and then remembered the words she spoke. A red hue appeared on her face and she blushed in embarrassment.

"Ah! No! I didn't mean that. No I mean, I meant it. But not in that way.."



Izumi and Yasaka laughed as they saw Amaterasu trying to explain.

"Hahaha! Don't worry. I know what you are trying to say. But I didn't expect you to say this. Wow! Amaterasu, I am impressed."

"Indeed Indeed! Amaterasu sama. I never expected you to say something. I won't betray you. Even I haven't said anything like this to Shishou."

"You Guys! Stop embarrassing me further or I won't talk to you." Amaterasu spoke with Hmph and turned her head aside.

"Okay Okay! I won't tease you any further. Now tell me everything."

Even though Izumi spoke to her, Amaterasu didn't speak and turned her back to Yasaka and Izumi.

Winking at Yasaka, Izumi moved towards Amaterasu and held her.

He made her sit on his lap and said, "I apologize for teasing you. But you were too cute that time."

Izumi whispered in her ear, which made her shudder. She didn't speak to her but snuggled to him.

A minute later, she separated from him and then looked at Yasaka and Izumi with a calm faces. It was as if nothing had happened before.

"Let's talk now," Amaterasu spoke and Izumi and Yasaka sat down while trying to hold their laughter. Even though she had a calm face, Amaterasu was trembling, while trying to hide her red ears.

"So, why do you need me for the meeting?"

"Hmm! You will be mercenary like you told Yasaka before. Your identity will be hidden and you will be the source of Information on the Rizevim and Naberius incident. After the meeting, your identity will disappear."

"Ah! So you want to shift the Devil's attention on me while trying to reap the benefits? And you want me to accept it? Why?"


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