

My face suddenly froze as I realized something. My father laughed. He laughed at me, but he still laughed. What was going on here. Not only did the father in the light novel never come to find Tessa, but he was also descradleed as always being stern with no smile. What is happening here? I believe I am in the light novel "My Whole World is You". The brothers' names, age gap, and general looks match the story. The villain's name, my name, matches as well. So, if I am in the light novel then maybe some of the story was wrong? These thoughts kept going in circles in my head until I finally fell asleep.

A week went by where I waited in that spot at night but, I never saw father face to face. He was always with my mother.  I would wait so long for him to come out of the room that I would fall asleep. However, I would always wake up in my cradle the next day and the nanny didn't seem to notice that I snuck out.  So that snap teleport magic is probably what has been putting me to bed at night.

This night however, I plan to venture further into the house. Hopefully I can catch my father before falling asleep. If I can get him in my eyesight, I can clap teleport him to me. During this past week I have been trying to understand and accomplish the snap teleportation spell. However, I have learned few things, baby fingers can't snap well, I don't have enough magic power to teleport items through walls or the sides of cradles, I can't teleport something I can only see with X-ray vision, I must see the item with my normal vision, and finally the bigger the item the more magic power it takes to teleport. That being the case, I have not used magic for 2 days so I can save up enough energy to teleport my father.  Goal established, nanny asleep, let's go!

After escaping my room, I scanned the house with X-ray vision and saw my father sitting next to the bed my mother was in. I crawled around to the door. Using the spell magic hand, I slowly opened the door. I could see my father through the crack. I could hear my mother's soft breathing of a deep sleep and my father's soft pat of his hand on her back. The pats of his hand were in a soft slow rhythm. He must really love mother. I crawled back, leaving the door cracked open so I could still see father. Once I was as far as I could go, I looked at him and *Clap*.

Father appeared before me sitting on the floor, exactly as I imagined. Before he could recover, I climbed into his lap, put my small hand on his, and smiled up at him. He had a bewildered look on his face.

Tessa! Tess, did you just teleport me?

I nodded my head, while gazing at him in his eyes. After thinking about it for a long time I decided to share my magic talent with my father. I thought that maybe if he saw that Tessa had talent at a young age, he might take an interest in her, instead of setting her aside like the light novel descradleed. I also figured that if my father could laugh then maybe this world does not follow the light novel exactly. So, I would need to learn more about this world, fast. The fastest route I could think of was through my father.

Tessa, can you do other spells?

Giving him a condescending look, I mean how would I get out of my cradle and room without magic? I turned my face forward and while sitting there in his lap, I start my spells. Water, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Stone, Light, and of course I showed off Magic Hand and Sticky Spot. Then I turned back and looked at him and his astonished face and clapped. Both my father and I teleported 1 foot to the left. Seeing my father rubbing his eyes with both hands, I could understand that he was a bit shocked. Grabbing my arms and turning me so I was face to face with him, my father asked slowly.

 Tessa, this is important, have you shown anyone else that you can do magic?

*mumbling* Not that an 8-month-old could understand me…

I shook my head no, then looked him.

Do you really understand me?

I nodded yes, then tilted my head and raised an eyebrow to ask why he was asking again.

Okay, so you understand me. That's good. Tessa, listen carefully. You cannot show anyone that you can use magic power already. NO ONE! If bad people knew this, they could come to kidnap you. OH!

At this moment he paused in his speech and put both of his hands on his head. He looked really concerned and seemed to be mumbling to himself about security measures and nannies with fighting skills and so on.

To get his attention I put my hand on his cheek and patted it slowly. It seems that at least Tessa's father cared a little about her. So, I am starting to think that the light novel may not be the guide to this world like I thought it was. Father raised his head and smiled at me. Then his face went blank, and he blinked 10 times quickly without saying anything. Then suddenly he grabbed me and stood up. Holding me on his hip he started walking back to the room my mother stays in, very quickly. He started babbling.

Ah! That is not what I should be thinking about now. You have magic power and a large amount at that. This is wonderful! You don't know how wonderful this is, your mother is going to be so happy.

After hearing this I was confused. I thought that the mother in the light novel, my mother, hated girls. Does this mean that she hates girls unless have large magic power and can be useful to her? I really do not have a high opinion of this mother. After being a mother and grandmother myself, I can't see any reason to not like or love one of your children. Frowning, I started pulling on Father's shirt, to get him to stop.

Realizing I was frowning and trying to stop him, he looked confused.

What? Do you not want to see your Mother?

I shook my head no.

Tessa, is it because she wouldn't come see you?

I nodded

But I didn't come see you and you came to me?

I glared at him. It was different with him. I could see that he wanted to come, with my X-ray vision. I figured that my mother was refusing to let him come. So, he wasn't at fault.

Looking at me he sighed, looked at my mother's door, then moved us to the living room to sit on the couch. Once we were settled, he started to talk.

Tessa, I don't know why you are willing to see me and not your mother but there are some things that you don't understand. I am not sure how to explain this to a baby so I will try my best to make it simple. Your mother is sick. She has an illness called Starks Disease that causes her to absorb magic power around her. If someone with low magic power is around her, she would take all their power and make them pass out. Females normally have low to no magic power.  This happened from when she was 5-year-old to when she was 16 years old then at 16 years old your mother's illness became stable and she didn't absorb any power. Around that time, we met, fell in love, got married, and had 3 sons. Suddenly when she got pregnant with you her illness came back. We all believed that the baby must be male because there was no way a low to no power baby could survive it's mother constantly draining it's magic power away.  However, you turned out to be female. To keep you safe, we had to separate you from your mother. It is thought that having a relative with this illness and being around someone with high magical power, can cause Starks Disease to emerge. So, after watching your mother suffering from this illness, I couldn't bring myself to go see you, incase it triggered the illness in you. So both your mother and I have good reasons for staying away. Once you turned 18, if you didn't catch the disease by then, I could start interacting with you. Also if you mother goes back to being stable, she would be able to see you then as well. However, now that you have a large magic amount, you can go see your mother in small sessions, like the boys do. Also since you have a large amount of magic, that means that you did not inherit Starks Disease and I can see you whenever without worry.

My father then smiled at me while I tried to process this information.

My mother didn't hate females, she was just worried that a female daughter would inherit her disease. She was also probably heart broken because she would not be able to care for her daughter until her illness went away. However, this illness explains why Tessa was born with such an off the charts magical power. If her magical power kept getting drained away repeatedly as a fetus then she would develop a large magic pool. This also explains why her parents set her aside but allowed the servants to spoil her. They were trying to make up for the fact that they could not be around her. Her brothers probably developed larger magic pools as they got older and stayed away from her too. Also, mother being sick with this disease would explain why their family stopped at 5 children, but all the other families were ridiculously huge, having 11 or 12 children.  Ahhhh! The light novel went on hiatus when Tessa was just 17 years old so, that 18 years old magical birthday when all of this would have been revealed hadn't come yet. You, STUPID WRITTER!!! Why did you abandon this story?

I feel like my head is going to explode. So much information provided in so little time, that clarified a lot about Tessa's life in "My Whole World is You". Too bad my baby babble isn't clear enough yet for me to explain that draining magic pools dry is the way to enlarge your magic pool, so it's not a bad thing. The people in this world found the quick fainting at the end when your magic pool dries up terrifying so, this fear has led them to completely believe one should never dry up one's magic pool. However, this explains why my family was an odd family in the story whose member's magic pools grew. It was a secret in the story that the family kept to themselves but was mentioned by the author. The author also mentioned that Tessa was the odd one in the family who had a large magic pool from birth but, it never grew bigger. Now that makes sense, it never grew bigger because she was never around her mother.

My father watched my face as I thought through all this information and swore in my head at the author. He seemed to find my face fascinating and sat there in silence while I was with my thoughts. After I made all the connections, I realized that while it was late, I needed to see mother. A mother should never have to go eight months without seeing their baby. I felt so sad for her. I looked at my father impatiently and started pulling on his shirt towards my mother's room.

Laughing at my incessant tug. He stood up and carried me to my mother. When we entered the room, we saw a sleeping lady with slightly golden blonde hair spread out behind her on the bed.  My father reached down and rubbed her shoulder gently.

Theresa, I have some great news for you.

My mother opened her eyes slowly and saw my father holding me. First, she looked joyful to see me, then shocked that I was there, and then angry.

RASH BENJAMIN MERRILL THE THIRD,  I will give you ten seconds to take Tessa back to her room and then come back here to explain. 10..9..8..

Theresa, sweetheart it's not what you think. She doesn't need to be away from us.

7…LORD MERRILL, if you do not return my daughter to her room, I will divorce you. SIX..

Honey, you can't divorce me, what we have is true love TRUE LOVE!!

5… Lord Merrill, even if we have true love, I love my daughter more so you are disposable.  FOUR…

You don't mean that! You are my life, my everything, I live and die by your saying so alone.

3…Then die Lord Merrill but not before you return my daughter to the safety of her room TWO

OKAY okay I'm going. *very quick mumbling* Geeze I just wanted to come in here and tell you our girl has a HUGE magic pool and ca be around us with out any issue. Oh and she can do way more spells and conjuring's then any magician should be able to do. I mean she teleported me, ME. Oh and afterward she teleported ME and HER. So there's that. She's going to be someone phenomenal in the future. If we can keep her from getting kidnapped. Gosh I have a lot to do. Too bad you want to send her back because now that she has a large magic pool and won't get your illness, I'm going to spend all my time with her. You'll be bored on your own but that was your own choice. Don't bother listening to me…


I said, I'm going!

No AFTER that!

Did I say something? I don't remember saying anything.


With a big smile on his face, he sat down on the edge of the bed and placed me in-between them. I was still giggling from their fight. It reminded me of me and my husband, it also made me a little home sick. Thinking of that I stopped my giggle and looked at the two of them.

I said that I wanted to tell you that your daughter has a large magic pool and can already use magic. So, we can be around her now without issue.

Are you sure?

My mother looked worried but hopeful as she slowly reached her hand out to smooth down my fine baby hairs. The longing in her eyes made it clear that these eight months were hard on her.

Yep, I'm sure. Hey Tessa, could you teleport me to the other side of the bed and back.

I looked down at my hands and thought for a second. Yeah I could do that, I should have enough magic left.

Rash, she is 8 months old, there is no way she can understand you and she defiantly can't...


My Father was moved to the other side of the bed


My father came back.

…teleport you. HOW DID SHE TELEPORT YOU?

I'm not sure how she figured it out. Well, I did teleport her a few times when I saw her crawling in the hallway at night. Isn't amazing that she can…

She was crawling in the hallway at NIGHT? WHERE WAS HER NANNY?

Not, with her. She was always alone…oh that's not good. Where was her nanny?

She came highly recommended. I can't believe she never noticed Tessa getting out of her cradle and room at night. Rash, leave Tessa here with me. Go fire the nanny.

Rash left the room quickly. His face returning to the emotionless stern look that he shows everyone else. I turned and looked at my mother while she observed me. I slowly raised my arms up for a hug. Seeing my wide arms, mother picked me up, held me to her chest, and cried.

Eight months, three days, seven hours, and six minutes since the last time I held you.

She told me through her tears. I patted her on the back, which seemed to make her cry more. I was uncertain how to feel in this situation. I am a transmigrated soul in a story that seemed to be slightly off from the one I read.  I mean, I'm not completely her child but in another sense, I am her child, or her child's body anyway. How did other transmigrators come to terms with this? I feel like a lot of them were just grateful to have anyone care about them, so it was easy to just live as they were. However, I still have vivid memories of my own parents, siblings, husband, children, and grandchildren. It seems like it's going to harder for me to let go of my past and truly integrate with my present life. Slowly my mother calmed down and she started to look a lot better. Smiling at me and playing with my toes. She seemed to get some energy back, while I started nodding off. Huh? I remember this feeling; my magic power is draining away. It seems fast but, I did use teleport a lot tonight. Thinking this I crawled up next to my mother and laid down. She giggled while covering me up.

It is late. Please sleep well Tessa, my beautiful daughter.

After hearing this I passed out.


Time passed and now I am 18 months old and today is the day that I have decided to talk. Weird thought I know but, I have been able to communicate with my new nanny, my brothers, the butler, and my parents without using words up until now, so I never needed to speak. I could wonder around the house, look at book, take naps with my mother, play teleport with my father, and get whatever I wanted without out saying a word. However today my brothers snuck me outside to play. We live deep in the middle of NOWEHRE but, because my father is a lord, we still get visitors. So, to keep those visitors from finding out about my magic power level, I was kept in the family area of the house. Which is nice but, I want to explore. After reading up more on the planet, there are more than a few differences.  For example, all the major countries are ruled by women.  My father is only the lord because there were no other females in his family to inherit. Thank you, light novel author, for the line "Women in this country are only good for marriage and having children, unless they had some great magic power or other great skill that made them useful.". This is a big fat lie! At Tessa's 18th birthday she would have had to start an intensive ten-year training to take over the Lord position from her father. Until a child is 18, they are viewed as a child in the country we live in. They cannot drink, get married, hold a political position, and so on.  Another difference is the vegetation and animals. There are some similarities but there are a lot of new things to see. After being snuck out in a laundry basket. Cecil pulls the sheet from off the top of the basket, and I pop my head out.

What do you think Tessa?

Ben asks, while helping me climb out. I spent time looking around me. As much as the books described everything, seeing it was another thing all together. It looked like we were in a rain forest. Trees and vines were everywhere. Ben slowly put me down.

Why don't you go explore? Cecil and I will be around if you need anything yell!

With that the two went off to take care of their chores. I looked at the grass, it seemed to be cut short around the house but then was up to my chin outside the boundary. I can see why Ben wasn't that worried about me getting lost. There is no way I am wondering around by walking through that chin high grass. Of course, Ben doesn't know that I know floating magic. With a smirk on my face, I ran to the edge of the grass and casted floating magic on myself.

Slowly rising above the grass, I add some gravity magic to control how high I go and then look around. Luckily in the past ten months I have grasped gravity magic well. I practiced floating up and down a bunch of times preparing for today. Rising high enough I can see the edges of our property. I want to see where the village is, so I go higher. Above the tree line is my goal but as soon as I break through the tree line my body gets blown to the side. In my 18-month-old wisdom, I had forgotten about wind.

Wind magic is still hard for me but to get my balance I try fighting the wind with my wind magic. Getting blown around for awhile and not winning, I see a break in the trees ahead, so I add gravity and go below the tree line again. Slowly lowering myself while huffing, out of breath, I see a small property. It has one house and one other building. Landing I dust myself off. However, when I looked up, I was surrounded by many children ranging in age from five to fifteen. They all looked similar, with big golden eyes and dark black hair, so I assumed they were siblings. When I gave them a smile, they all started talking at once.

Who are you?

Are you our new sibling?

I thought new siblings came smaller.

What's with the hair and eyes, she doesn't look like us.

The baby fairy must have taken a while if you are this old when you got to us.

I think the baby fairy got the wrong address, look at her.

I don't want a new sibling! There are fifteen of us already!

Is there room for her in the house?

Since she was delivered outside, she should live outside!

That's not such a bad idea.

You know there is no such thing as a baby fairy.

How did she get here then?

I saw! I saw! She was blown in by the wind. There wasn't a fairy.

The wind carried her here?

I don't think that's possible either.

It was the wind I SAW IT!

You lie ALL the time. I will believe a baby fairy brought her here before I will believe the wind did.

Actually, the wind did blow me here.

My very first words were a sentence that was only a partial lie. And that partial lie made all the children stop talking for exactly three seconds.


Did you hear her?

She talked like an adult with that baby voice of hers.

It was weird to hear.

Yeah, weird!

Well, if the wind blew her here, she can't be a new sibling.

Yippie, not a sibling!

Finally, the oldest, who had been silent this whole time, walked over and squatted down to my height.

Hello, what is your name?

Thinking that I am grateful that one of these kids has manners, I clumsily courtesy.

Nice to meet you. My name is Tessa Merrill. My father is Lord Rash Merrill. Is there any way you can provide me with directions on how to walk back home?

While I had trouble with some of the words my message was delivered clearly enough, as the children started kicking up a fuss again.

She's Lord Merrill's daughter?

Well now the hair and eye color make sense.

See I told you she doesn't look like us.

She's SO lucky, there are only five kids in her family.

Now come on, you love us!

Only every other day.

Wait she's the only girl right. So, she gets to be super spoiled, right?

What are you talking about spoiled, she was blown away by wind? If she was spoiled, she wouldn't have been blown away, would she.

You have a point, what is a baby doing by itself anyway.

Well she may be a baby but she can talk and seems composed.

A little too composed…what if she is really a spirit here to trick us.

If she was a spirit here to trick us, why would she ask to leave?

Maybe she is here to trick Lord Merrill.

Oh NO! We must save Lord Merrill.

Would you two stop it, you're scaring the younger kids.

After bopping the two ten your old twin boys on the head. The fifteen-year-old looked back at Tessa and smiled.

 You are not that far away, if you don't mind me carrying you, I can get you back quick.


I replied while lifting my arms wide.

What's your name?

Ashely Madison, at your service. But you can call me Ash.

He said with a smirk and a nod of his head. Then he picked me up and we started walking.

Thank you, Ash!

We walked to the edge of the property when Ash warned me to hold on tight. The next thing I knew we were moving incredibly fast through the forest. It seems that Ash casted a speed spell on himself. Giggling I squeezed my arms tight around his neck. Watching the forest flying by in streaks of shades of green.

Soon we arrived back at my family's property. As I was about to thank Ash, and swear him to secrecy about this escapade. I heard my father's stern voice from behind us.

 Ashely Madison, would you kindly explain why you are holding my daughter?

After putting me down Ash, slowly turned towards my father and bowed.

It's good to see you Lord Merrill. Ms. Merrill was blown to our property by the wind so when she asked for directions, to her house, I offered to carry her home.

My father's face went from emotionless to emotionless confused.

Asked? As in she pointed, and you understood or asked as in she spoke?

Looking at my father like he was crazy. Ash replied.

She did point but she also spoke and explained who she was and that the wind blew her to our property. She speaks just like a little adult. Better than many of my siblings. Why do you ask?

My father then turned and stared at me. Obliviously upset that I spoke to strangers before talking to my family, him specifically. He has been doing everything he can in the past ten months to make me "Daddy's Girl". The current fight in our family was who would hear my first words. Everyone recently concluded that when I started to talk, I should gather everyone in mother's room and then speak. Hearing I spoke to a bunch of strangers first, did not seem to be going over well. The fact that I was outside and blew off the property seems to be on the back burner for now. I will be getting in trouble for those later. Right now, I will face the wrath of the family and mother's tears, for saying my first words to other people.

  Tessa, I can't believe you said your first words outside this family. You will need to explain this to everyone. Your mother will be very sad.

Knowing the person most upset was probably my father; I hung my head and dug my right two in the dirt then nodded my head.

Thank you for returning our runaway Ash. Tell your mother, I will see her at the town council meeting next week.

Will do. Bye Ms. Merrill!

I looked up and waved to Ash as he turned and sped away!