

I left my building and was greeted by the rich countryside my school occupied.

The school sat on a slight hill with a long path that connected the University to the edge of town. We were isolated in a way, if you lived on campus at least. A few carriages went back and forth from town to the University once every half hour, it was about a 40 minute walk to reach the end of the road. Despite the frequent travel on the road various small creatures always managed to occupy the road. They were fairly weak but for some of us healers we would have trouble dealing with even the low level slimes.

Looking on that road who did I see but Vaeril walking to campus as usual. He wore his usual tight brown shirt, and slightly baggy white pants. Slung around his shoulder was a bag, his bow, and a case for his arrows.


The original Delsanra had met him during his second week on campus, feeling bored one weekend he decided to head to the town. Not seeing the notice of monsters, he walked down the path.

It was quiet that day and wearing a cute blue skirt with a baggy white top Delsanra went off to the see the town and do some shopping. About 10 minutes into the walk, after going over one of the many hills he found a himself walking down the hill. It was quiet, too quiet. A rustle could be heard from a few bushes to his right and out jumped a slime.

The slime was blue and was a bit transparent. It was about 3 1/2 ft tall and 4 ft wide, for a common man a simple slice from a dull sword could stop the slime. Leaving it to slowly try and form once again.

But Delsanra was not a common man, or even compared to the strength of a woman. He was born with an overly feminine body, but his muscles no matter how much training wouldn't grow. Despite his training he could tone his body or grow his lower body. Years of calisthenics resulted in a nice tone body, even trying to not do an exercise for his legs, his thighs were very muscular and large.

"AAAAH" He screamed in his high feminine voice as the slime pounced on him.

Thankfully the slime didn't see him as a threat and was slow in its movements. The body of the slime began to wrap around him, tightening around his chest and slowly spreading more thin, trying to engulf the whole body. Slimes were made of a strange liquid on the inside that would slowly eat at whatever it engulfed. But this process took days, many children had been saved by this fact alone. With most survivors being unharmed.

The only thing Delsanra could do was sit and wait for someone to come along and help him out.

So he relaxed, feeling the slime move about his body it began to try and absorb the young man. It went inside of his shirt, covering his nipples. He felt tingling sensation as his nipples grew hard.

He moaned pushing his torso back and waist forward while on his back. Moving to get deeper into the slime.

The slime began to pull his skirt off of him covering his tight panties.


The tingle began on his virgin asshole and penis as the slime enveloped around his ass.

Delsanra tried to struggle for a second, before giving into pleasure.

He could feel the slime about to penetrate his asshole.

"Yes... yes..."

A rustle could be heard when a arrow flew and took a chunk of the slime. Suddenly the slime sprung off Delsanra and ran for its missing chunk.

Delsanra heard foot steps approaching and quickly put on his skirt before the tall muscular man came into view.

"You alright Ma'am?" Vaeril kneeled down opening his large calloused hands.

Delsanra was happy to be free but frustrated. Despite not seeing the sign he knew what he was getting himself into.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Thank you."

"Of course. The name is Vaeril by the way."

"My name is Delsanra."


My heart fluttered with the memory.

"What the hell, these memories are making me confused!" I took a deep breath as I could feel myself getting aroused. "He is just some guy, you don't really know him."

"Huh? Don't really know what?" Vaeril stood over me with his broad shoulders and straight black hair falling in front of his eyes.

"Oh! Ugh nothing!" I was blushing so strongly I could feel my ears turn red. I thought to myself, "Why am I being such a bitch. I never felt this way about a guy before."

Vaeril looked lost and confused, he shook his head to recenter his mind. "You ready to practice in the woods today?"

"Oh... yes, I forgot to grab my bag. Let me run back up and we can head to the back of campus."


We were in the training woods. You weren't allowed in this back part of campus without another person. If found alone, one could be penalized, but most weren't. Lone wanderers were either staff or individuals that wouldn't have a problem clearing the forest alone. Vaeril used to be one of these loners, but since meeting Delsanra he made sure to bring me along.

The woods were divided into 4 sections, but most only knew of the main three. The 1st was the calmest section. Filled with trees and small animals, very few monsters occupied this area. This was where you would find a few slime, and possibly a goblin or two.

The 2nd section contained the goblin nest, giant spiders, and a few orcs. 3rd section and 4th section were a high increase in monsters. The 2nd area was where most students trained since it was not only the largest of the four but also the orcs were the skill check of the area.

If you came across an orc your chances of survival were low, but were so rare that most people still went into the 2nd section. They were also the loudest monster in the area, so staying away from one wasn't difficult.

"Looks like today's going to be a cold one." I said. Clouds filled the sky and a cool breeze made my cloak flap in the wind.

"Let's hope the animals are out today, I can make us lunch later," Vaeril took out his bow and we walked into the 1st section together.



A goblin pounced at me, his penis flapping in the air. Goblins were small and ugly, but their dicks were huge for their body. An arrow through the air and pierced the eye of the attacking goblin.

"Thanks Vaeril."

"Don't mention it. Can you heal my hand? My skin is starting to peel at my fingers."

I reached for his hand and I could feel the blood rushing through it. His hands were so warm, I wanted to put them on my face. Ahem. I could tell where the skin was peeling since the fingers were inflamed. Light blood began to trickle and fall. I raised my hand over the spot and concentrated.

"You can touch the wound like you normally do."

I froze for a second. Shit! He is right, Delsanra always would make physical contact when healing. Unlike normal schools of magic, some elvish healing spells were more inimate than your "basic" healing magic. To most this could be seen as strange but for elves it was a sign of care. I was not used to the situation I was introduced to only a few hours earlier.

I pressed my hand on to his fingers and he winced for a moment. But after a few seconds his hand was looking healthy.

"Thank you Delsanra."

"You say that every time I heal you, you don't need to say it every time."

"It's good manners."

I didn't argue with him. We made eye contact and I noticed how beautiful his eyes were. The were brown with a hit of purple escaping the center. I blushed and turned around.

"Is everything alright?"

"Ugh yes, sorry I have something in my eye."

We continued to the 2nd section. We had already cleared a path and Vaeril had killed some animals and monsters for selling and cooking. We had just entered the 2nd area, which we could tell by the increasing number of goblins, when a few drops of water hit our heads. I looked up at the dark clouds in the sky.

"Shit! We have rain coming." I said.

"Well let's find some shelter to wait out the rain."


Vaeril killed a few more goblins and we found a great tree with some good protection from the rain. Water still passed through the tree but it was a lot better than every other option. With my hood up water still hit my head. I could feel my cloak getting soaked after about an hour.

"Jeez, when is this rain going to let up," I began to shiver.

"Hey are you getting cold Delsanra?"

"Yeah, the wind is what is causing me to shiver so much."

I looked over and saw Vaeril with his wet shirt leaning back on his hands. I could see his chest and abs through his shirt, despite how wet he got he never shook. I gulped.

"Here lets get closer so we don't freeze." He scooted closer to me and opened his legs for me to crawl between. He was a nice guy but I didn't realize how close we had gotten, he looked a little embarrassed but it was a cute look on him.

"Sure, I don't think I will last if I don't get warmer."

I crawled between his legs, putting my back to his chest. He pulled his wet shirt off and I gave him my thick cloak. I could feel my body get hot, his abs pressing on my back. His muscles were so strong. Not to mention his dick on my lower back. I could feel how big it was. It was so warm I couldn't help but scoot closer.

This was so unlike me, but I felt so comfortable around this gentleman. He wrapped his arms around me and I let my head rest on his collar bone. We leaned back and he rested on a tree.


Did, did he just moan?

Vaeril's face was red. His breathing heavy and his dick was pressing harder into my back. It clicked then that this world didn't seem to have any personal way to release ones desires. Even with many modern elements memories came of the original Delsanra peaking through the bathroom door to watch certain guests shower. I was the only time Delsanra ever saw anything so intimate. The men covered in slope, many times touching themselves as they bathed. The women were no better, fondling themselves and using everyday items.

I realized I was blushing too. I got an idea. "Is it okay if I turn around?"

Vaeril's eyes went wide. "Ugh, Yeah of course!" He said enthusiastically.

I got up a bit before sitting on his lap face to face with him. He got even harder, it practically lifted me up as it grew. I could feel the veins of his cock press onto my ass. I could admire his muscles and his face was so cute. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pushed my own waist into his. Feeling him raise more and push his back into mine. Ours eyes met each others lips. Our breathing heavy, I leaned in.