
Exam Day

Sofia and I walked out of the Exam hall standing tall and proud.

"Wow that went so well!" Sofia stuck out her hand and I met her with a clean high five.

A few other people followed behind us with there heads low, and some others as cheerful as us. We decided to go to the dining center to get some food before heading back to the dorm.

Once we made it back we fell onto my bed. 


I looked over at Sofia who was looking back at me. "Yes?"

"This has been the best few days of my life! Thank you so much!"

I smiled back, "Of course! Thank you for being such a great friend."

She rolled on to me and hugged me tightly. It was amazing, her thighs nice and thick, her tits so soft and her weight being more than mine still felt amazing. My dick was so erect I could feel it pressing against her thighs and poking her pussy.

"Ah" She moaned lightly in my ear, hugging me tighter. "You are so sweet Delsanra, is there any way I can repay you?"

My dick grew harder hearing her seductive voice in my ear.

"Uh..." I didn't know what to say.

If I said what I wanted too, "Let me fuck you till I get you pregnant!" She was bound to never talk to me again.

"You don't need to repay me for anything Sofia."

Tears filled her eyes slightly before sayin, "You are amazing Delsanra." She began to kiss my cheeks as she squeezed me tighter.

She eventually stopped kissing my cheeks and we met eye to eye. Her lips in front of mine, I could feel the space between us electrify. Two opposites attracting each other together. I could feel my body begin to take over. Leaning forward we both were ready to embrace...

Knock Knock

We both paused, I turned my head to the door and Sofia rolled off of me.

"Who could it be?" Sofia asked. She glared at me; what did I do?

I opened the door to see Rophalin and Vaeril standing across from me. They looked pissed, what ever brought them here they were not happy.

Rophalin spoke up, "Delsanra, grab your wand. Things just got much more serious."


We stood at the edge of the forest, Rophalin was in her full barbarian armor with various furs on her body and much less cleavage then normal. Vaeril was also more armored up, with thick leather and a breast plate. They brought me a white priestess uniform that I wore that was said to be infused with magical properties. It reminded me of a white version of the priestess outfit from a game called DQ3. Even the spandex was as tight fitting, despite the reference which I'm sure I can't make to the two it was a bit embarrassing.

"Are there not better armors out their?" I asked.

Vaeril shook his head. "Not on such quick demand."

"What is the rush anyway?" I looked at them both back and forth.

Vaeril looked at Rophalin before speaking up, "I got in contact with the Bandit last night. He is way too difficult to deal with one on one."

I couldn't help but ask, "You ran into the Bandit last night?"

He looked surprised when he asked sternly, "Yeah does that bother you? I ran what happened by Rophalin and It is the same guy."

I nodded, clearly he was touchy today. I wondered if it was from last night's dream, it may just be real. Looking at Rophalin she cleared her throat.

"So we both had an encounter with the Bandit, we should get ready to fight him as soon as possible. If Vaeril already ran into him it's just a matter of time till either of us do again."

I spoke up, "Sounds good but what are we going to do?"

Vaeril pointed his bow towards the forest, "We are going to clear this forest out of all of it's monsters before your break. Then we fight him."

"Sounds like a great plan except that my break is in two days starting tomorrow, we don't know where he is, and how are we going to improve in just 3 days, assuming we fight him on the third."

Vaeril seemed surprised for a second before clearing his throat. "Ahem, two days is plenty if we use the charms I bought from the village healer and locals have seen him by the south and south west section of the village."

I thought for a moment before accepting the plan. "One condition, if the third day we have any doubts we can beat him, we don't fight him."

Rophalin agreed but Vaeril looked tense, he nodded after a long pause.


We spent hours in the forest killing goblins and lower level creatures, the wand they bought me made the healing spells from class much easier and quicker to cast. Most the time I was useless in a fight, but now I was helping them become more violent. If we were to kill someone so dangerous we were going to have to become killing machines.

I was worried though, after the first day we all felt stronger but the lower level monsters weren't much of a challenge. We needed to head further inside the forest tomorrow and face a real challenge. Then an issue hit me as I was walking with them on campus.

"What are we going to do about the orcs?" The two looked back at me and Vaeril gritted his teeth.

"If it means killing him, we need to overcome them."

Rophalin smacked Vaeril in the chest, "No! We will only face the patch army, they are a radical group that are the only ones that are authorized to every one that we can kill."

"Why just them?" I asked.

Vaeril looked up, "It's because they only care about killing everything. Rophalin is right, these Orcs are the only ones authorized since they are so dangerous."

Rophalin looked at Variel sternly, "I don't want to hear that type of talk again. You know Orcs are not bad."

We ended up going our separate ways shortly after that. I couldn't believe what Vaeril had said, Orcs hadn't done anything bad to us up until this point. He seemed so okay with Orf yesterday morning as well."

I felt uneasy as I walked through the hall.

Standing in front of her door was Sofia with her arms crossed. "So you're finally back, and in a skimpy healers outfit." She was not happy.

I opened my door and sat on my bed. She followed me inside and questioned me further.

"Did you have sex with them?"


"Are you lying to me?"


"What did you do then?"

"We went into the forest and trained, we are planning to fight a bandit terrorizing the village."

Sofia nodded, still clearly upset about something, "Are you sure your not lying about having sex with them."

"I am 100% sure I did not sleep with them just now."

She was silent for a moment before, "Okay well I would like to be invited if you do that."

Then in a moment she was gone, I could breath again. I laid back and thought "What the hell have I gotten myself into."