
[ Chapter - 3: Meeting A Actually Devil Loli... Oh, Scheisse(shit), I'm In The Past! ]


*BEEP! Intruders Alert! At Front Gate! BEEP! Intruders Alert! At Front Gate! BEEP! Intruders Alert! At Front Gate! BEEP!*

' And so my hell begins...' Damon sighed hearing the Alexa-like voice throughout his whole house,' Well...If they wanna cause trouble, then I'm sure they wouldn't mind tasting my fist of love. Or being mind-fucked.'

Damon wasn't some homicidal maniac who killed people for the fun of it, nor was he a softie. He was a perfect balance between them. He's a man who wouldn't mind squashing a few annoying bugs. He likes his peace. He wants a lazy and easy life and if he has to kill for it - then so be it.

*BEEP! Intruders Alert! Walking through Gate! BEEP!*

" You can turn that off. I already know where they are."

*Yes Master!*

Opening his door, he was greeted by ten people with black and silver robes, on his lawn. Their leader is a small is short young girl with her silver-gray hair and matching eyes that is well-groomed including a black headband. She is dressed in a normal school uniform.

" How may I help you on this beautiful night~?" Damon asked. Though, he sounded more cheerful than he wanted. And going by the way her eyebrows shot up, she probably wasn't expecting that.

" Hello, Mister." She smiled at Damon. But, her eyes said something else," Who might you be?"

" Me?" He pointed himself, getting a nod in return," I am but a normal human."

" We both know that is wrong, Mister." She frowned," I ask again; Who might you be?" His bright beautiful yet sharp violet eyes make her feel...open.

Everyone soon felt a shiver run down their spine, as his eyes passed by them. It felt like a predator who was stalking Its prey. It was as If, he could see right through them all, he knew all their secrets, hobbies, everything that made them - THEM.

There was a mild look on his face, but in his eyes - somehow a wicked overflowing darkness could be seen. That smile he was making was likely fake, and that it would be seen through he was definitely aware. Not irresponsible, but full of courage ―――Was this young man with a mixed-up demeanor.

' Not human...' They all thought. He is definitely not a human. He has to be a Devil. He has to be!

" Oh..." Damon was loving the looks he was getting. He was never this dark. However, after coming to DXD, he felt something within him - SNAP. Like, he was free of his shackles. He can finally stop wearing that mask everyone wears. He can be - HIMSELF.

" You got me~" Damon smiled at them, causing some of them to blush and others to shiver," I am not human... Well, not fully." A lie in a truth. He was always good at that. There's a line between being confident and just plain stupid. He was neither. He's just using his brain - unlike most people in his shoes.

" Not...fully?" The short girl forwned(again). So he's a half-breed? And that brings the question: With what? She knows he's somewhat human - but the other half is Alien to her! She never saw it in her life!

" Yep." Stepping outside, Damon smiles wider, seeing a few people taking a step back," Because you see - I am also part Demon."

" What?!" The people - probably Devils yelled in shock, while Miss-ShortStuff seemed shocked too.

" So hello cousins~!" He waved, while inwardly loving every second of their eyes and body language.

"... You aren't a Demon." The Leader finally said, frowning deeply at Damon.

" That's what my good-for-nothing Father told me. I can't help you, lady. We both now have the same amount of information on what I am~" Now only five away from the short Devil, he shrugged.

" Show me your Wings." She said/ordered, looking into Damon's eyes.

" Haha, good joke Short-Stuff~ Demons don't have wings. We only have horns." Damon smiled, and pointed at his forehead - Shape-Shifting two black Demonic horns into existence," And they come from our forehead. Not on the top of our heads, unlike the most popular opinion~"

"..." Most people wouldn't know that. She admits that. However... all of what he said seemed so - Fake. Going by his eyes, it's like he's toying with them. Whether he knows that or not, she doesn't know.

' Did his father lie to him?' She asked herself,' It has to-''

" Y'know, your confused face is rather cute~" Her entire being yelled at her. She didn't even hear or sense him, move in front of her.

" So let's help each other, mmkay?" He smiled at her, causing a light blush to appear on her cheeks," I rather like this town. I would hate to see its residents in pain. Plus, there is a good cookie shop a few streets down, and it would be horrible if something would happen to them~"

' Lie...' She took a step back without knowing,' All that was a lie!' That endless amusement swimming In his eyes made her face pale. Her fingers started to shiver without knowing, and her eyes started to dart around searching for a way to escape. But... she can't. Her body won't let her. Everything she could think of turned out more horrible than the last.

' Dizzy... I feel dizzy.' Holding her head, she inwardly held in a cry for help and a scream.

' So this is what a - Demon, is.' She locked eyes with Damon and fell on her butt. He's a Demon. He has to be. What else Monster could make her feel so hopeless and open?!

" So what do you say~?" Damon's eyes smiled, if that is even possible.

"..." She can't say no, right? Looking behind her, she found her followers on the flood shivering and praying to whatever God could hear them, getting headaches. Hell, some of them even said Bible verses out loud, giving them some bad migraines.

' A Demon...' What else can make Devils who hate GOD, pray to him and read his book out loud? What else, other than a - Demon?


"... I accept." She finally said, shaking hands with Damon. She swore she seen their hands glow for a second.

" Name's - Damon Solomon. How about you~?" He said, fucking with them again, using a new last name.

" Solomon?!" She almost fell down again, hearing that name. And if going by the painful groans, the Devils seemed even more scared.

" Yep. Y'know the old guy with likes Apples and stuff. The guy connected with the Flood-Killing-Psychotic-Asshole in the sky?" He said, making the short girl's mouth twitch upward.

" I know who Solomon is." She sighed," Well... I am Cleria Belial. Please take care of me."

" Likewise." He smiled, but inside his mind was a whole different story.

' Oh, Scheisse! I'm In The Past!'

Yup... Definitely - "King Of Bad Luck".



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