
Chapter: 2

"Yes thank yo- wait WHAT?!"

"It really is a shame Ms. Louise, you are one of our brightest and greatest." Fatso said with fake regret.

Mary was confused, she was being fired and for what? For doing others work?

"But Sir, I don't understand why I'm being fired. With all due respect, I've shown exemplary behavior and all of my work is exceptional with no room for error!" Her voice rose a bit. To say she was angry was an understatement, no she was livid, burning with rage and helplessness inside considering half of the work of the whole department, if not more, was done by her.

She could care less if the man in front of her was her boss or even the president! Right now all she could think of was why life was so unfair to her. Mary felt like crying right now.

'Why is it always like this? Just what did I do to live like this. Just for once, why can't I be happy?'

A bitter smile spread across her face thinking that. She knew better, better than others who didn't have to worry about putting food on the table, having a roof over their heads and those whose life didn't have any difficulties. Because she knew firsthand just how cruel and unfair life could be.

She scoffed, she was done playing the nice person because it can only take you so far.

"Oh, so would you please enlighten me as to why I was fired? Need I remind you that it's a breach of contract." She said with no intention of concealing her disdain towards the fat bastard.

"If a breach of contract is what you're worried about Ms. Louise, then you don't need to be concerned with that, we will pay the contract penalty fees and also give you some extra compensation." Langford said with contempt, paying no heed to her disdain towards him.

"Compensation huh?...hahaha." Mary started laughing uncontrollably but there was nothing joyful about this laugh, no, it was a cold and cynical laugh.

Langford flinched, he felt scared of that cold laugh and icy disposition of hers which was fine a moment ago. 'Whatever, I just need to fire her for that big-shot's scion and give him her position and my position won't be jeopardized.' Langford thought to himself.

"Ms. Louise, if you would please clear out your desk now. That would be highly appreciated."

"Yes, of course, goodbye Sir."

Mary, with her sardonic smile, got up and went towards the door, with no intention of staying in this place a second longer than necessary. But she wouldn't leave without a fight.

"Ah, but a piece of advice Sir, you really should slow it down on all of....that." She said pointing towards his figure.

"I read a review that fat people such as yourself are more prone to death, no matter how tasty you mother's food is, you really shouldn't eat that much." Langford's face turned a dark shade of red in mortification.

"Or should I be more surprised that you live with your mom?" She left the office without looking at the laughable face of her boss, no her ex-boss.

* * *

The walk to my desk was nothing short of the occasional glance of sorrow and relief towards me, sorrow because they would have to do their own work now and relief because it wasn't them being fired. But how did they know?

'Someone already knew I was gonna get fired and now the whole department knows, but who? Rachel was the one who told me that fatso was calling me but if she had known that I was gonna get fired, she wouldn't have stayed quiet about it.'

"It was Cynthia then, that bitch. I hope she gets struck by lightning twice." I muttered to myself.

All of the stuff that was on my desk was work-related with some of the stuff being relief patches and other miscellaneous things. I just needed my phone and car keys. I picked up my phone and car keys and left the building.

'Now what should I do? I'll apply for positions as a PA. Haah~ this is really annoying.'

I went to the underground garage parking and sat in my car.

-beep beep beep

'Wow, someone's calling me. Who could it be?' It's the orphanage director. What did she want now? Wasn't the money I sent her enough?

"Hello Ms. Fletcher, to what do I owe the pleasure of you calling me?" Except the part where you ask me for money of course.

[Ah Mary, how are you dear? Are you free today?]

Ms. Fletcher sounded worried. It was weird, she was always cold and straightforward.

"Um, well yes, is there something wrong?"

[Excellent, meet me at Massie's café near the orphanage at 5:00 p.m.] Her tone changed to her original strict tone.

'Well that was fast'

"Ah yes, I'll-


The line went dead. I laughed, it's good to see that she's still the same.

I have to take a shower and it's 3:00 p.m. right now. I went home to get ready.

'Whatever it is, it better be good.'

* * *

It was 5:00 p.m. and the café near Sunnyvale Orphanage was filled with teenagers and college students. But it was a warm and cozy place. The scent of roasted coffee beans was nostalgic.

-bring bring

The bell signaling the entrance of someone rang. A middle-aged woman with pale skin and Auburn hair came in, I waved towards her and she sat with me.

"Ms. Fletcher, how are you?" she sat down and ordered a soybean latte.

'Yep, still the same.' I smiled unconsciously.

"I'm fine dear, how are you?" She smiled at me.

"I'm great, but what's with the sudden meeting?"

She hesitated, but that hesitation disappeared and in its place was determination.

"To tell you the truth Mary, the orphanage got a new sponsor and everything's going great. So you don't need to send me money or anything."

I was happy. I laughed genuinely, it didn't feel all that bad.

"Isn't that good news?"

"Yes it is, but I.....I'm resigning Mary. My son has cancer and he doesn't have much time left and I'll be taking care of him now so the orphanage needs a new director and that's where you come in." She was acting suspiciously, wasn't meeting my eyes and was constantly fidgeting with her fingers.

"I....don't understand, I mean does that mean you want me to be the new director?" She flinched.

'Huh, weird, truly weird.'

"You see, I already put your name as the new director of the orphanage, I'm sorry Mary, I truly am but my son needs me."

"I see, ok um...when do I start?" She was surprised. Who could blame her, if someone a month ago told me that I would work as the director of an orphanage I would've laughed my ass off.

'At least I won't be jobless.'

She smiled, grateful. Tears were threatening to spill from her eyes.

'She shouldn't feel that special. I'm doing this for myself.'

"Thank you Mary." She smiled warmly at me.

"Can I see my old room?" I blurted out abruptly.

"Of course, you didn't need to ask."

She got up and payed for the coffee, I followed suit. We left the café and started the walk towards the orphanage. Traffic was constant here and kids were running around. It reminded me of me when I was a kid.

A kid was walking his dog in front of us. The kid was about 7 years old. The leash of the dog came undone.

-Woof woof woof

The dog ran towards the other side where the dog park was but the light was still green. The kid ran after him.

-Honk honk

What happened next was blurry, my brain went into overdrive. The next thing I know is that I was lying on the road, my vision blurry and breath labored.

'Ah kid, why are you crying?'

The kid was crying and people yelling. Ms. Fletcher was crying too. Someone was yelling my name.

"Mary! wake up."

'It's too loud.' My ears were ringing, my eyelids were heavy and my whole body was aching.

"Uwaah, miss please don't go to sleep!"

'Ah but I'm tired, I wanna sleep.'

So I did.

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