
Being transmigrated is apparently really disorientating

hmm interesting no body must have died.....

ah yeah that bright light before lightningkun...

so anyone here.... ... .....

o well let's see if I could cultivate or solidify my soul while here. Well I feel something but not from outside so no cultivation but solidify seems impossible if I dont know how because it dont seem like I've got full control.....

gahh I'll just replay my bad memories while I'm here to not go crazy and maybe that will strengthen my soul enough so I can solidify it....

i feel a great pull push me away


God: hmm what do we have here ah so that's it.

so that must be God talking.

God: So that's what happened you were not meant to die that was a mistake on my part, and since this was the case you were not brought to my attention sooner. Not to mention you could have been eaten by some powerful being that roam here.


God:Anyway you do seem to be too powerful for your own good....hmm so feasting on the omniforce by attracting it with will power. Okay here's what's going to happen ima give you 3 wishes no asking to be a God or anything to powerful. In return I'll take the excess energy you acquired, and transmigrate you in a world of your choice with a little aura not to much so people trust you more without alarming them of course.and I'll give you a temporary inventory that will hold 10mil currency (it replicates the currency of the world your on) you can take but not put in and when all money is gone so is the inventory.You will also be spawned as you'd call it in the leaf village.

Me: hmm okay my wishes are

1st wish: for me to have the power of a weeping angel without negative side effects.

2nd wish: for me to have the full inheritance of a timelord from doctor who series with no negative sideeffects (like my corpse being a gateway to my timeline and the change of personalities.)and could you alter my regeneration to leave a dead body behind but any DNA or samples taken will disappear if observed or tampered with and teleport the regenerated me to a safe location I dont want to be a lightshow or in a dangerous place.

3rd wish: For me to have the powers of Danny phantom. But change it to look like I'm an apprentice of the shinigami when I transform in the naruto world. This way they will fear me. However in other worlds just like in the show.

God: 1st yes but it will be sealed till your first regeneration. In addition, nice word play for the wishes because you used the word me as an inclusive word meaning if your alive body and soul. 2nd yes but no tardis but you will get all the knowledge they usually have at the age of 22.The body and their abilities however the abilities this time won't include your soul because with the first wish your soul would be able to regenerate if destroyed which is immortality to a whole new level only i have that ability.However it will be applied to any body you inhabit.

3rd wish: granted but it will not work against primordial beings unless you have equal power or above, and certain materials. Also he was a king of the ghost world and had a map. So I'll seal that ability till you get yourself to a spiritworld of any kind. You will then gain inheritance as the spirit king, of all the multiverse you go to. Allowing you to command them ,and make a portal to the spirit realm whenever you wish. However this Is only, if your more powerful then them.Now choose a world.

Me: I choose the world of naruto( if I obtain the rinnesharingan with fuinjustu I can probably travel to other animes/books/movies ect.)

born same year as Rock Lee.(extra training dont hurt)

God: why do people always choose that world is beyond me but you are different from them and will be entertaining so I'll put you in a copy of that multiverse and give you the ability to travel to anyverse you want except mine . Also when you appear there you will be sent to the beginning of the story line. However if you leave and come back again you get the choice of going to any point in time you want except the past. Furthermore all worlds you not on will have their time set to 1 1000th of the time of the one your at.(wouldn't want you dying from the god of order in the original universe. if he was like others I would have just sent him there like they usually ask to be in the exact verse...)

Me: Wait can I be handsome and have a....

good bye snap....

Me: wait noooo.....

God (hehehe he's gonna be worried about how good of a body package I gave him. Hehe hea going to cough blood.Handsome indeed hehehe)

[I do not own naruto, dr who, Danny phantom or any of the affiliate books movies cartoons animes that my character travels to or any other copyrighted names their owned by their own corresponding corporations and authors the only thing I own is my mc.]

As my eyes open I quickly shut them again as the light outside was too bright, finally adjusted to it I open my eyes fully and see lots of trees and leaves. Slightly disoriented I sit up, looking around more I notice road past the trees on the left, getting up I start towards it. Once I stand up I notice something else,


"MY Screwdriver!" I frantically look for it and find a note saying "if I need it just put your hand in your pocket and think sonic", spotting a small puddle I run to it to view myself. I gasp in realization that I am suddenly back to being 12 year old. I also see that I'm also animated and look like mitsuki with boruto's hairstyle but same whitish silver color hair. I also have a red scarf on with what looks like a snot bubble coming from my nose. (he did say hes make me handsome but being this cute ah fangirls will get me) Even more I start to look around more. I notice a road not to far from me and make my way there, looking to the right I see a gate I recognize.


"Hot damn it's not a dream" I gasp out.


It was the gate to the hidden leaf village. And looking closer I notice the two guards sitting at the desk and sleeping.


"Oh my god, I'm in Naruto.Yess but not(very dangerous world).I sneak my way past the sleeping guards and into the village.Immediately spotting the hokage tower I make my way there.


Finally got close to the door of the hokage office I pant and lean against the wall,


"Man i need to start working out"


Straightening myself up I see a door just up ahead. I'm forhead is all sweaty and so i wipe it off my head then on to my shirt. Reaching the door I take a deep breath and knock on the door.


"Come in" a deep voice replied.


'its do or die , please dont be die' I thought


Turning the knob I pushed the door open to see my assumption was correct. Sitting there in all his glory was the third hokage, lightly puffing his pipe and looked up at me, while his eyes widened in surprise.


"And what can I do for you child?"


"U-umm, I was wondering if I could acquire a place of residence?"


"I have no problem with that, as long as you answer a few of my questions?"




"Do you plan on bringing harm to the village?"


"No sir I'm honor bound to help those who help me till my death!"


"why is that?"

My parents from all I can remember of them always said " to die without honour would be to die disrespecting your parents and their ancestors."


"Are you a spy for an enemy of the leaf village?"


"No sir"


"If I do give you a place to stay, would you allow me to enroll you into the ninja academy?"


I look at him in surprise


"I'm sorry sir but I believe I don't have any chakra, or I wouldn't be so tired so how can i possibly be a ninja" I tell him sadly. He begins to chuckle. "sir?"(lie but not like since I'm talking about my previous life)


"My child I feel a very large amount of chakra from you, here, I want you to try something for me, if you can do it, you will be enrolled at the ninja academy, if not, I will find you a place to stay. As for being tired thats because your not using chakra while walking"


Still slightly shocked at the fact he felt alot chakra from you, you nod your head.


"Good, now I want you to put your hands together like this, and concentrate, and imagine yourself as someone else, okay?"


I nod and do as he says, and I start to feel something rushing around inside my body, I concentrate harder and close my eyes, thinking of the hokage, POOF! Startled I open my eyes and see that I have a white rob on, looking more I see that I've gotten taller, I hear a loud laugh and look at the hokage,


"See child? I knew you could do it! Starting tomorrow you will be enrolled for the academy. however for two years you will be under extensive surveillance "


A large smile breaks across my face and I jump around, when I feel pain shot through me I put my hand on my back,


" I see you got my back pain too, hehe, old age is not the best thing I'm afraid"


"How do I change back?" I ask


"Just think about turning back into yourself"


I nod and do so, I hear another poof and look down and see my normal attire again. The hokage stands up and walks to me, and hands me and envelope and a key,


"Here is some money for you to get food and some clothes, I will take you to where you'll be staying, now I warn you, it will be with a boy around your age, he can be a bit eccentric, but only until I can find you your own place to stay" he says with a sweat drop. I nod and look ahead of us, wondering who ill be staying with.(could it be him , no way danzo would get crossed) After about ten minutes of buying food and stuff ,we finally reach a small apartment complex.


'isn't this Narutos place?' (could he want me as a weapon too, hehe well I got him because if I die I'm no longer bound to the village)


As we climb the stairs to the top floor we reach a door and the hokage knocks on it. Hearing shouts and thumps from the other side of the door I start to get worried about who I'm staying with, when the door opens and I see a familiar yellow hair whiskered boy with the bluest eyes I've seen.


"Hello Naruto, there's someone I want you to meet"


Naruto looks surprised and turns to me,


"Hi I'm Wrathos! I hope we can be friends!" I say with my best smile.


Naruto looks amazed with a small blush on his face,


"He's going to be living with you for a little bit, until I can find him somewhere else to stay, I gave him some money already for some extra food. Don't spend it all on ramen, I hope you two get along well" the hokage says with a knowing smile on his face and walks away. Naruto finally snaps out of it and and puts a blinding smile on his face,


"Hi! I'm Naruto Uzumaki, and I'm gonna be the hokage one day, believe it!"


unable to hold in my happiness I let out a laugh, but quickly collect myself because I remind myself of this cruel world


"well, they say actions speak louder then words but if you do become hokage I'll just call you Naruto-sama"


He looks surprised and gets a darker blush on his face with a tear in his eye, 'hes nice, and doesn't tell me I'm wrong, I'm gonna protect him like a brother I never had, I promise!' naruto says wiping one tear away


"Hey! Lets get some ramen!" he yells and pulls me along before hearing my response. I laugh and let myself dragged along. 'I hope he won't try to do this everyday' After we got back it was dark so I went to bed on the sofa bed that the hokage got me then went to sleep.

As the two years went by I was using restrictive seals to build up my body doing various exercises till I could finally do 100 situps 100 push ups 100 pullups and 10km running every day. i didnt use chakra when doing half the excersise then for the rest i did to put both my body to the limit and nourish and strengthen it with chakra. I did this all being watched but they didnt think much as they didnt know i had seals on. i now got the body strength and speed of a low joinin.So it seems even with a timelord body it will still take long time to get to high kage level with my body. I've also done all the chakra excersises. I even started seperating different colored sands with chakra, but it seems to be extremely hard even for me. It's as if something is telling the chakra to not obey me. I guess its normal considering to be smaller then that it be molecular level so ehh.Anyways tomorrow will be my first day in the acedemy.

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