
Transmigrated as a Recruit into a Spaceship on its 25th Voyage

As a sci-fi enthusiast, Lev never missed out on every film or merch sci-fi-related. He even majored in physics and information technology due to his love of the beyond— space. One day, he fell asleep on his desk, just when a bomb set off in their office building and a fire ensued. That moment led to him being transmigrated to an unknown spaceship in the middle of the universe. How will he fare in his voyage to the unknown? Disclaimer— photo is not mine but all edits are mine.

DaisukiDayoSenpai · sci-fi
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164 Chs


"Oh, I'm not surprised. That actually explains many things." Dmitri responded. "No wonder you didn't recognize me... did you at least feel some sort of familiarity when you saw me?"

Lev nodded. "That's why I've decided to trust you," He continued.

"That's a relief... and when did you um... when did you lose your memory?"

"A few days ago, when I woke up in our space cruiser, I couldn't remember anything from my past."

"I see... now that complicates things a little bit." Dmitri rubbed his chin while glancing toward Lev and Titania. "You didn't happen to marry that girl, right?"

"What?! No," Lev responded as if he had been insulted. In return, he received an elbow by his sides from yours truly— Titania.

"All right. This is what we'll do. I have a small spaceship parked underground. You just need to run through the hallway, and once you reach the end, you will find a flight of stairs. Go down until you get to the floor named B12. Once you get there, look for a Tri-Wheel White Sleeker 2.0. If you don't know what that is, then just press this car key button and you will hear two soft beeps. Find the car, then drive out of here."

"What about you?" Lev asked. He could still remember the details of Dmitri's instructions so he didn't ask him to repeat them.

"I'm going to check out and then ride my space cruise to my apartment. I've already accessed my Tri-Wheel via my smartphone and set its destination to my apartment." Dmitri continued. "I don't want the public to know that I've involved myself with two wanted people hehe, meet me back at my apartment."

The three of them exited the room as cautiously as possible, not wanting to cause an uproar since there are other VIP's on the same floor. Just before they part ways, however, Dmitri stopped short and turned around. "Oh, and you might want to get rid of your comms device, Lev." He suggested. "That's a walking tracker you got there."

"Ah, right." Lev didn't hesitate to unstrap the comms device and step on it, crushing it under his feet. "Let's go," Lev continued, once again grabbing Titania by the hand and dragging her. Since her steps are much smaller than Lev's, she basically flew as Lev lightly sprinted.

Once they got to the fire exit, Lev ran out of patience and stared at Titania. "What?" Titania anxiously asked, covering her chest as she turned away from Lev.

"Sorry about this."

Before Titania could complain Lev literally swept her off her feet and carried her, princess-carry style. She squealed for a split second then she covered her mouth, realizing that she shouldn't cause a commotion while they were on their crucial portion of their escape. "What are you doing?!" She hissed, trying to shake off Lev's grip to no avail.

"You're slow," Lev answered as he began leaping from one end of the staircase to another.

Titania wasn't complaining though since she wanted to rest her feet. Even though she's a powerful Phase-Class human, she's also of the royalty so she didn't have that much of a hard time growing up. This made her somewhat weak on the physical side— the short run even left her out of breath. Unbeknownst to her, Lev noticed this and that's why he picked her up.

It didn't take long before they reached B12, one of the many floors used as a parking area by both guests and Council members alike. At first, Lev was taken aback at the sheer size of the place, not to mention the hundreds of unrecognizable car models that filled the volume of the floor. He looked around, and just as he had expected, he couldn't tell where the Tri-Wheel White Sleeker 2.0. Fortunately, he had the car keys for the said car and he didn't hesitate to click it.

Beep! Beep!

Two soft beeps resounded on the floor and Lev's ears perked up at the sound. One of the innate characeteristics of someone from the Carnage-Class is their heightened senses. Although the beeps were almost inaudible, it was loud enough for Lev. Without further ado, he started rushing towards the location of the Tri-Wheel White Sleeker 2.0. It's as Dmitri described it, much to Lev's relief.

"Get in," Lev said, prompting the backseat door open.

"I'm not riding in the backseat!" Titania utterly rejected.

"No, do you want us to get arrested? You're too small for the front seat." Lev continued, shoving Titania inside before closing it. He then grabbed the wheel and started the car.

"I didn't know there was such a thing." Titania mumbled.

"Trust me, the laws here in Main-Earth are oddly specific," Lev grunted as the seatbelt automatically wore itself.

With a click of a button, the car started. Lev immediately reversed before driving out of there. The car produced a steady hum as it softly rolled outside. 'Man, this car is smoother than my life' Lev said to himself.

[Activating, Autopilot]

[Destination, Smirnoff Residence]

[Have a comfortable and relaxing ride]

Lev let go of the steering wheel. He perfectly knew what autopilot was so he didn't bother doing anything. He assumed that if he touched anything, their destination might reset, and then they'll be back in square one.

"We got away," Titania heaved a sigh of relief.

"Don't jinx it." Lev interrupted her, to which she responded with a shrug.


A few minutes later, Lev and Titania found themselves in front of a huge metal gate, which opened before the car even stopped. They then found themselves in an open space. At the end of the road was a huge house, made out of wood and bricks. It was the perfect vacation house, or at least that's Lev's first impression of it.

"Welcome, you've arrived." Dmitri amicably greeted, opening the car doors for LEv and Titania. "I thought you'll get chased or something, but I guess such wasn't the case. How's your trip? Did you get a good look around Main Earth?"

"I fell asleep," Lev responded a-matter-of-factly.

Now I'm wondering how tall Titania actually is :)

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