

After descending from the top of the cliff and walking slowly to walk around the waterfall, Adi realized that the scenery under the waterfall was more beautiful than the scenery above the cliff.

Looking again around the waterfall, to see if there is any danger and also something good for him, Adi asked Diamond to scan the area around him, and after the results came out stating that it was safe, Adi started to walk towards the right side of the waterfall.

From the results of a scan carried out by diamond, there is a cave large enough to be a temporary resting place for Adi. Entering the cave and looking around, Adi nodded in satisfaction because inside the cave is dry and there is no seepage of water, so the temperature inside will be better for him, although now it doesn't affect him, but for convenience why not.

Cleaning the cave using wind magic, and taking out a petromax lamp to illuminate the cave, Adi begins to set up the tent and kitchen, to prepare the dinner that is coming soon.

After preparing everything, and seeing again that nothing was missing, Adi is now walking towards the waterfall to see around the flow of the waterfall, whether there are fish or shrimp that can be friends for dinner.

When Adi walked down the stream of the waterfall, he soon saw a fairly large group of fish with a size of 30-40 cm swimming in groups, and hiding in the shadow of a large rock, without much effort, Adi made water magic that formed a large ball of water, to trap the fish from running away, while directing it to the ground and then removing the fish.

Kill it and clean it sufficiently. then store it in space. After doing that, Adi goes back to looking for other prey, because he always feels there is nothing wrong with hoarding food, right, especially if it's an emergency, it's good to eat compact food but sometimes he needs food that he cooks directly.

After walking quite a distance from the original place, and not being able to see any other prey with his sense of sight, Adi asked diamond to scan for shrimp around here, after a while diamond replied that there was a large enough group of shrimp hiding under a tree. dead, near the edge of the stream.

Without much effort, Adi makes water magic which instantly makes a group of shrimp gather and lifts from the water, then puts them on the ground and again kills and cleans the shrimp, while not forgetting to put them all in the room.

Feeling that it was enough, Adi returned to the cave, to get ready for a bath and dinner.

After taking a shower and changing clothes, Adi took out a new compact meal and prepared to burn the fish and shrimp that he had caught, in addition to his dinner, seeing the portion of his meal had increased again Adi felt both happy and sad.

Happy because it means his strength increases, and sad because his points decrease a lot just for eating, that's why he hunts to reduce his point consumption which is rapidly decreasing due to food consumption.

Opening his compartment, Adi was happy, because the menu he received was Madura fried duck with sambal, knew this would be sad for him. because one portion is lacking, so he needs extra points back to make up for the others.

"Signing" A Signing for his huge appetite, but for now he put all that aside, and only focused on his food, eating his food, Adi muttered "it's delicious, ahhhhh the sauce must be left aside, make the grilled fish and shrimp dip" "

So for servings of compact food containing the Madura fried duck menu after he has eaten, adding 5 grilled fish and 1 kg of grilled shrimp, Adi's dinner party is complete.

When he was lying on the wall of the cave, Adi remembered the harvest from his battle with the big snake, which he had not received or checked "how many diamonds do I get, after defeating the big snake?"

"Wait a minute sir.... the points you got are 990 points sir, and congratulations once again Master has leveled up to level 20"

"" Ohhhhhhh, already level to 20th, yessss.....ckckckck big too yes the value of this snake "

"Well then please now, show me my status Intan"

[Yes sir]


Name Adi Setiawan

Race: Human

Level: 20

15 years old

Health: 70



Speed ​​:70

Defense 70

Ability: Fire Magic = Intermediate / Water = Intermediate/ Wind = Intermediate/ Earth= Intermediate / Space = Intermediate / Light = Beginner / Black = Intermediate/ Lightning = Intermediate

Magic Skill: Teleportation/ Dimensional space

Weapon: Fighting Knife/Small Ax

Points 2680 points

"woohoo... I can't believe it, I'm already level 20, and looking at the skills and points, I'm quite optimistic for the future, and finally, the Quest can be done, hheheheheh."

[That's right Sir, Once Master reaches level 20, System can perform Quests to add new rewards and skills for Master]

[Moreover, there is another important matter, Master can see the virtual form of Diamond now]

[How adi, are you interested in seeing my virtual body??]

Intan teases adi.

Adi, who heard diamond's words, was silent for a moment and a few moments later, he became happy and surprised because if the and didn't remind him, he would certainly forget.

"heeeehhhhhhhh, you're a right diamond, thank you for reminding me, ok...ok....it's time we see your vision form," said adi happily and also looking forward to what the diamond would look like.

[Okay sir, now master can close his eyes for a moment, and after diamond says open, then the aster can open eyes, so please close your eyes sir] diamond said very softly as if whispering it directly to Adi.

Adi, who heard the diamond's words, didn't wait long and closed his eyes while wondering what the diamond would look like "Come on, Intan hurry up... I can't wait to see your form now"

[Okkkkk Sir, wait a moment... now please open your eyes sir]

When Adi slowly opened his eyes, what greeted him was a cute beautiful loli, with big eyes, slightly chubby cheeks, and soft white skin, combined with two pigtails in her hair, and wearing gothic clothes, Adi's instincts immediately woke up, as if looked back at his little brother.

Tried to pinch the diamond's cheek but his hand smoothly penetrated the diamond's visual form "kawaiiiiiiiiii... whose child is thiseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...he complains can't touch intan "

[How sir, are you satisfied with the visuals of diamonds) said diamond with a cute and funny expression

Adi who saw the level of the diamond's behavior became heart-stricken instantly, due to the diamond's cute smile, and whispered in his heart," I'm not a lolicon..... I'm not a lolicon... I'm t a licon... I'm a big brother who kind and caring, well I'm a kind brother" smiled back while saying to Intan.

[why didn't you answer sir, how did you do it?] again diamond made a funny face and this time it was more fatal because there was a red color on the diamond's face when she puffed her cheeks.

Adi who saw that, felt like he was going to meet ijroil again, and complained, "why did this happen to me""as if lamenting his annoyance at not being able to pinch the diamond, and soon his eyes darkened and he fell asleep.

Intan who saw adi unconscious a little panicked, and tried to shake Adi's body with his cute hands, but unfortunately he couldn't touch, them and when he became more and more confused he realized, isn't a scan of your body enough.

After knowing what action he was going to take, Intan immediately scanned Adi's body, and soon Diamond realized that Adi had just fainted, fainted from the difficult situation to accept reality.

Seeing that Adi just passed out, Intan sighed, because he didn't need to worry too much, and a moment later he realized that Adi had not formed protection around the cave, and was lucky that Diamond could already be seen visually.

Then automatically he can use some of Adi's power, to protect Adi, of course, it must be Adi's permission, and in the current emergency, he is allowed.

Be in a cave, there will be a shadow of a small child who disappears from one place to another, like a horror movie scene that makes diamonds look like a child's ghost, which appears and disappears.

After a while of setting up the defenses around the cave, with a sigh of satisfaction, Intan put Adi into the tent with wind magic, and then turned on the pepetromax lamp outside the tent, to illuminate the cave, and closed the mouth of the cave to increase security. solving that all the diamonds back into the system space.

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