
Transformation In The Marvel World

THIS IS ONLY A TRANSLATION This was written by 想静静的顿河 The original name is 变身在漫威世界 I don’t own this work nor its cover, and anything mentioned in this belong to its respective owner. Synopsis : I traveled through time and became an unknown female hero, Quake, Daisy Johnson "Obadiah, my friend, is it just about shrinking the Ark reactor? Let go of that scientist, and I'll use my superpower to help you compress it!" "What? The Insight plan couldn't be executed? Let Dr. Zola rest for two days, and I'll use big data to analyse it for you." “Be warned, Thanos, don't mess with me unless you want trouble! Do you think my title as the World Destroyer is just a joke? With one punch, I can trigger a magnitude 12 earthquake! The Earth will shatter!" Tags : Male to Female, Female Lead, Romance, Harem, Yuri, Marvel, AI, Politics, Magic, Slow Paced, Weak To Strong, Strong Female Lead

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Going to Xavier's School

Nick Fury naturally knew where Daisy's father was, but he treated it as a trump card, pretending not to know and listening with interest to her story.

Blah blah blah, she recounted everything, specifically pointing out that Storm and T'Challa were currently in New York and most likely with Professor Xavier. If he didn't believe her, he could ask them.

Daisy then realised that it wasn't just her who was wary of meeting Professor Xavier; Nick Fury didn't seem keen on the idea either. After all, his secrets were no fewer than Daisy's, and relying on his strong will and technological devices to resist invasive telepathic scans and trusting in the moral standards of others didn't align with Nick Fury's style.

"Agent Johnson, do you think Wakanda has hostile intentions towards the outside world? Do they care about Western dominance?" Nick Fury asked straightforwardly.

Daisy didn't need to lie for Wakanda. "Opinions within Wakanda about opening their borders are not unified. There are even voices advocating for using advanced weaponry to conquer the world."

She shifted her tone, "But, I believe that's highly unlikely. They guarded advanced weapons very closely. While the general population still uses spears and swords, they lack a sufficient army. Relying solely on a few elders won't be enough to conquer the world."

"Furthermore, invading Wakanda would be difficult. Their defense systems are strong. Even with our advanced weaponry, a direct assault would result in significant losses."

Wakandans were like turtles, she had to admit. Their defense was not just strong, it was practically impenetrable. Whether Nick Fury fully accepted her assessment was uncertain.

Daisy's words were to be taken as a reference, as he intended to ask T'Challa face to face about Wakanda's stance towards the current human society.

Leadership required facing challenges head-on, so Daisy had to follow along. After all, she was also a stakeholder in this matter, and the old King of Wakanda had specifically asked her to help establish connections.

"Meet me in my office in half an hour," Nick Fury said as he prepared to leave. He had his own preparations to make, like clearing his mind and putting on the specialized anti-telepathy device.

As he was about to leave, Daisy hurriedly stopped him, gesturing towards the "African people's" gift – the rhinoceros.

"Let it stay here and feed it. Just bring the bill at the end of each month," Nick Fury waved his hand, indicating his agreement.

Then he remembered Red Tank, who was still sedated. "I'll send someone to take care of that big guy."

Shortly after, four agents arrived and with some effort, managed to carry away Red Tank while chanting slogans.

As for the rhinoceros, Daisy had to figure something out herself. Fury waved, indicating they would meet later.

"What use do you have? Should I just eat you?" Daisy playfully threatened the rhinoceros. Of course, she was only joking. This rhinoceros didn't look very appetizing...

She led the little lion back into the room, intending to have her maid take care of it. As for the rhinoceros, that was more of a challenge. Being a herbivore, where in New York could she find grass for it? Daisy thought maybe she should have her maid buy a few dozen pounds of carrots.

"Maki, I'm back," Daisy said as she entered the room. She had limited time and intended to exchange a few words with the maid before leaving.

Pushing open the maid's door, she was stunned by what she saw. The maid was lying on the bed, engaged in a certain rhythmic activity with her fingers.

Normally, this was a perfectly normal activity. However, Daisy noticed that the maid was staring fixedly at the wall, so she instinctively turned her head to look. Wow, the wall was covered with pictures of herself, Daisy Johnson, from various angles – front, side, clothed, and unclothed – a wide variety, totaling over thirty pictures.

Just as she was pondering whether she should leave or pretend she hadn't seen anything, the maid hastily stood up and, as usual, bowed to greet her.

She could only pretend she hadn't seen anything just now and pulled out the little lion that had been hidden behind her to ease the awkwardness.

"This is a pet I brought back from Africa, named Soup Bun You'll feed it later. Oh, by the way, there's also a rhinoceros in the garage. Look up what rhinoceroses eat on the internet. That's it!"

After introducing the little lion to the maid, she left the room in a hurry.

When going to meet Professor Xavier, she could wear anything, but she thought that if she wore the S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform, it would signify that she was part of the system, and he might be wary. So, she changed into the combat suit of an elite agent, leaving her sword, shield, and armor in the room and hiding the wristguards under her sleeves.

After changing clothes and greeting the maid, she teleported to S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters to meet Fury.

"Your coat seems different from before?" She scrutinized Fury from top to bottom, noticing several completely different frequency signals on him.

"Let's get going," Nick Fury said without explaining, leaving Daisy to drop the topic.

Her range of psychic perception had expanded, and now she could teleport even from Washington to New York directly. A slight deviation could be compensated for by her psychic powers.

However, she didn't teleport directly. Who knew how many anti-teleportation devices Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters had.

Professor Xavier's telepathic abilities were likely at the peak of human potential. He had earned numerous doctorates fifty years ago and was a true academic genius. Plus, he was wealthy and had plenty of free time.

Just like Daisy's teleportation, where science couldn't reach, psychic powers could provide a shortcut. Professor Xavier had done the same, wielding a vast number of mutants and mastering a significant amount of cutting-edge technology. Various factions couldn't ignore his presence.

Daisy called Storm to let her know they were coming to visit.

Storm warmly welcomed their visit.

"Your abilities have grown stronger? Can you teleport directly to New York now?" Fury curiously asked.

Daisy responded vaguely, calculating the exact coordinates of the school's location in Westchester, New York, in her mind. Then, she activated the teleportation and led Egghead through.

"Can't you optimise this teleportation experience a bit?" Nick Fury rubbed his old waist and grimaced, showing his displeasure after stepping out of the teleporter.

Daisy could only shrug. String resonance was like that. The further the distance, the greater the swing under mutual interaction, and the higher the demand on the body.