
Transcended as God Usopp

A man gets transported into the world of one piece as Usopp. what will he do with his knowledge of future events will he follow the same route as original Usopp or will he create his own new legend in the world of pirates?

_shinigami_san_ · Anime und Comics
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19 Chs

Captain Chainsaw Vs Usopp The End

"That was quite a clash..."

'He smirks at me, before revving the chainsaws once again and charging towards me'.

"You can use as many tricks as you want, you're still no match for me." 'Captain Chainsaw continues to rev the chainsaws, As he slowly walks towards me. 'As he aims to strike straight at my chest'.

'I roll on the ground and jump back to evade his attack as he rushes past me, his chainsaws whirring in sync'.

"You're annoying." He says getting annoyed

'He spins around, turning to face me once again'. 'While turning, he makes a move towards me with a kick aimed at my chest'.

'I duck at the last second, avoiding the kick that would have sent me flying. Captain Chainsaw quickly regains his balance, revving the chainsaw.

'As he aims to strike my throat with his left arm, I duck and move out of the way of his Chainsaw'.

'He approaches me calmly with a grin on his face, waiting to see what move I'll make next'.

'I leap into the air using air walk, while Captain Chainsaw raises the chainsaws in his hand, revving it louder'.

'The teeth of his chainsaw blades begin to emit a bright light, a sign that they're starting to heat up'.

'Captain Chainsaw continues to wait, as he slowly and calmly smiles while looking up at me above. He seems to be more entertained by this fight'.

"how about we end this fight now" I say with a Chicky grin while huffing'. Captain Chainsaw grins at me, his eyes narrowed towards me'.

"Very well. Let's finish this with a bang," he says as

he starts revving the chainsaws in his hand at full throttle, his face expressing a menacing smirk'.

'He crouches down in a defensive stance, preparing to unleash a final strike to finish off this duel. Captain Chainsaw starts running towards me, revving the chainsaws in his hand'.

'As I prepare a final strike as well, we both run towards each other with full force'.

'Just when it seems that the showdown was never going to end, they suddenly collided against each other creating flashes of light and explosion from the impact'.

'And in the midst of the clouds of dust and smoke created by the attack, both Captain Chainsaw and Usopp are nowhere to be seen within the cloud of smoke, both having vanished'.

'The chainsaw lay motionless on the ground'.

'A few seconds pass, and as the smoke begins to fade away, Captain Chainsaw slowly reappears within the dust'.

'His clothes are torn, his face covered in blood, along with a large gouge wound on his right cheek, but other than that, he appears to have remained unscathed'.

'He looked up and noticed me nearby on the ground'.

"It looks like we both knocked ourselves out," he said with a tired voice as he chuckled softly.

"...That was an amazing fight." he says as he coughs up a large chunk of blood, before spitting it out on the ground'.

'It drips down on his face, but he remains unfazed. Captain Chainsaw smirks at me, before falling backward unconscious, his chainsaws still lying motionless on the floor.

'His head lands on the ground, but he appears to be completely unconscious'.