
Tragic End Of A Heroic Life

Karan a hero of past who rose from dirt and became great. saved his country and fought to save his whole world. Let's follow along him on his way to achieve great things.

Enigma_tic · Ost
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22 Chs

Heavenly declaration

Old man Vishwas seeing his disciple so happy for achieving success in the task given by him felt a sense of familial love in his heart. It was an odd sensation that even he was confused with.

After listening to karan narrate his whole experience of sensing matter energy, old man Vishwas smiled lightly and patted his disciple on head and said " kid this was the first and most important step in becoming a matter energy master. now that you have finally sensed the presence of matter energy, it is time for me teach your next lesson. come follow me."

old man Vishwas again took his disciple to meditation room and asked him sit down and statrted his teachings.

" Now that you are able to sense the presence of matter energy, its time for you to know the basics of cultivation."

" Cultivation basically means an act of developing or refinng of skills, so to keep it simple cultivation of matter energy means improving your control of matter energy. Cultivation is the word i am going to use to make it simple. so cultivation is a gradual process ass you improve your control over the matter energy. Cultivation has many stages both major and minor that i will explain later, first lets start with the history of cultivation."

" There was a time when there were a lot of cultivators roaming around in this world. But not everyone had the necessary affinity with matter energy to cultivate, so the society was divided among those who could cultivate and those who could not. As you can think those who could cultivate considered themselves above normal human thinking of them as mere slaves. Overtime this feeling of superiority developed into digust towards normal humans, as cultivators even stopped considering them as humans and dictating there lives according to there whims."

" Slowly the population of normal humans started decreasing at an alarming rate. It would have hit rock bottom or even worse completely extinguished if not for some righteous cultivators who acted as guardians for normal humans. At that time, there were a lot of choas and a time came when there was an all out war among those righteous cultivators and those who forgot there humanity."

" At the point when this all out war reached its most crucial point, the sky above started cracking and everyone on the battlefield was suppressed and unable to move. dread spread among all present there leading to complete silence and this silence was to the point where the atmosphere was suffocating. breaking this silence was a voice that was divine,sounding all over the world as if it was coming from heavens."

" After the declaration from heavens that historic war came to a stop as almost all the evil cultivators started loosing there cultivation which they accumulated over the years and turned into normal humans again. but they were not the only ones affected as the righteous cultivators were less in number to begin with and many more perished in this war. those left alive were not unscathed as well."

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