

Sci-fi Romance
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My heart started thumping as he entered the room and locked the door behind him. He looked incredibly handsome in his black suit. His blue eyes were filled with lust and were piercing me like a dagger. I felt like a rabbit who is trapped in a Lion's den. He removed his suit and sat on the couch. He didn't take his eyes off me even for a second. " Come and sit on my lap," he said in a deep and stern tone. At that moment I realized that it was too late to run away. I just have to obey and do what he says me to do. Surrendering to him is the only choice I have left now. How am I going to survive this hot and intimidating guy ???? ************************************* Hannah lives a life of lies. She isn't aware of her own identity. Everything changed when she met Liam Eaton. She is obsessed with him from the very first day she met him. He is a ruthless Drug Lord under the disguise of a Hollywood movie producer. He is invincible in both underworld and the business world. He is desperately looking for ways to avenge his family members' death. He comes to know about Hannah's true identity and uses her to his advantage. He imprisons her in his cage in the name of love. Even after knowing his true intentions, Hannah loves him infinitely. Having suffered a tragic past, she sees him as the only light of her life. Her obsessive love changes her into to completely different person. She is even ready to take a bullet for him. It's too late when she realizes the person she has become due to her obsession. She tries to run away from her dark side but in vain. Her dark side follows her like a shadow wherever she goes. She becomes the most wanted target in the underworld. Will she break free from her trap of obsession and survive in the world of immortality? ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Join my discord server to view pictures of characters and more https://discord.gg/MCNHfvH7m8 Chat with the author directly there and give your feedback.

Riley_Steverose · Urban
234 Chs


Chuck Norris a renowned hard gangster, always down on his luck in his love life. Even at age 40, Chuck remains a virgin, despite his ardent effort for a girl to love. Every time he is about to get laid some weird twist of fate gets him. He later comes to know that the world is not so simple, as he witnesses the world of the supernatural and gods. Meeting the goddess of porn and the matron Succubus of the seven hells, Chuck walks his own sex, obscene and adultery, becoming a king of Porn, as a Porn God. Story Short scene: So, doctor, you’re saying that I can never get a “hard-on”-slash– “erection” –slash- “boner”? Doctor: No, no, and a definite no. Doctor, you don’t have to so sure about it, medical miracles happen all the time. Doctor: A desperate creature is always hopeful, but let me dumb it down for you. You have never masturbated or had sex or ever ejaculated in the 40 years of your life. Your sperms crystallized, which turned your balls into rock hard fossils. Your hormonal production went ‘kaput’. By the way, kaput means broken or useless. I know what kaput means! Doctor: Sheesh for a man with crystal balls you are super spunky. As I was saying your entire sex system is ruined. Being suppressed of sexual thoughts or sexual actions for so long, your body forgot all about sex. Your body forgot how to get a hard-on. That’s the end of my counsel and as a sympathy gift for the man with the useless d*ck, I advise you against using the little blue pill aka Viagra. I know that Viagra is a blue pill. Doctor: You know a lot of useless information for a man of your situation. Well keep away from medical stimulation for your broken d*ck, as the most hopeful thing that you can get from any sex medication is high blood pressure and a heart attack, but hey the news channels will have a field day covering the news of you being dead from trying to get a hard-on. Ha-ha-ha-ha. Doctor, I will be leaving… Doctor: Ha-ha-ha-ha, nurse, send the next patient after 5 minutes. I will need some time to laugh. Female voice: Hey don’t beat yourself up over your non-existent sex life. Though miracles are not that common, they do happen! What! Who?! Who just talked to me! Female voice: Don’t look around, silly, you cannot see me unless I allow you to look at me. [Gulp] who are you? Female voice: Me? I’m a Goddess, hehe.

xfables · Fantasie
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4 Chs


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