
Tower of trials

Kelvin the main protagonist was once a loving father thinking no one will destroy his happy life till one day when he got home he saw his whole family perished and he became a loner and quit his job but after many years he became a lawyer who searched for the person who slaughtered his family and killed him then he was given a second chance.

Hajin_Gou · Aktion
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8 Chs

The Tower Of Trials

*keyboard noise*


Kelvin is working quietly at a company that his wife's dad owned and while working quietly someone blindfolded him.

"Guess who~"

"Oh honey you can't fool me"

Kelvin says as he remove the blindfold and saw his wife Rena behind him as he smiles contently he looks at his wife lovingly.

"You know you can't just enter without permission...but anyways what's for dinner?"

"you won't know until you get home~ now I'll take my leave because father might get angry~"

After that sometimes has passed and Kelvin got back home after work and as he open the front door he was shocked and devastated at the same time.

"...what is this...what happened here...."

Kelvin looks around as he saw blood everywhere he looks.

"This can't be...Rena? Rena where are you?!"

Kelvin desperately search the house for Rena and his two children then after sometimes he saw his two children laying down on the ground in the balcony missing a limb or two.

"Ah...no...no...no no no!!!"

Kelvin rushed towards his children and shed tears as he hold his two children in his arm embracing them while tears running through his cheeks.

"Why...why...how could they do this to them they are children!...wait...Rena!"

Kelvin put his two children on the ground as he searched for his wife.

After a while he saw his wife in their bedroom full of bruises, naked, not wearing any clothes and not breathing while laying down in their bed.


Kelvin screamed his wife's name but no one could hear him as he continue shedding tears while holding his wife and children close to him.

"Whoever you are I'll make sure to shred you to pieces and kill you slowly and painfully!!!!"

Kelvin continued cursing whoever slaughtered his family that he only had.

After that day Kelvin lock himself in his house training while shedding tears as he retired as an assassin and is now unemployed.

"Rena...i miss you..."

Kelvin took a break and wrote down every memory he has with his two children and wife in a notebook that his children gave to him.

During that day a year has passed and Kelvin is now working as a proper lawyer and working out building muscle and training for revenge, he also continued searching for the killer while still writing everything in the notebook his child gave to him.

Kelvin now has been working really hard as a proper lawyer and he is secretly investigating who slaughtered his whole family and after many many days he finally found him.

"Name is Rodrigo huh..."

Rodrigo was the one who slaughtered kelvin's whole family and it turned out he was his wife's stalker that is really obsessed with her.

"I found you"

Kelvin prepared everything he needed and head to the current location of Rodrigo.


Kelvin says as Rodrigo looked at him

"who are you? do you know me or something?"

"of course"

"how? what's your occupation and how'd you know me?"

Kelvin shot Rodrigo out of nowhere and rodrigo fell onto the floor and died with one shot in his heart making everyone who saw it panicked then kelvin calmly leave because he was in disguise and it's impossible to know it was him.

One day Kelvin got home at exactly 11:11 at night he is really exhausted because of work and training.

[Congratulations! You've Awakened!]

Kelvin falls down and was caught off guard for the first time.

"What the-the hell is this???"

[I Am The System That Guide's The Awakened Human To The Path Of God!]

"System?...God?...What the hell did i drink to much wine to hallucinate!?"

"If you mean system...do you mean that kind of cheat that overpowered main character gets?!"

[Sort of By The Way Say <Status> To View How Strong You Are]

"i guess it won't hurt to try so sure...<Status>"

Name: Kelvin {1}| Job: N/A

Title: Irregular

Skill: Mind's Eye {A}

Vitality: 1000/1000 Qi: 100/100

Strength: 20 Sense: 24 Intelligence: 33

Agility: 20 Point - 20 {!}

"What's this notice thing?"

Kelvin pressed the notice thing and the system started glowing and golden shiny particles started surrounding the system.

[You've gained the Divine System... System Evolving for the first time!... System Shutting Down For A Moment]

"What the-what just happened?

...shutting down huh....well i gotta read novel to process everything and to gain information for this system..."

Kelvin bought a whole library full of novel and he reads different kinds of novel and many things to pass time without getting bored and he also bought a whole gym to exercise and maintain his muscular body.

After that many days had passed since the system shut down.

[System Opening...Reloading Data...]

"Oh it's back! Well let's see what I've gained <Status>"

Name: Kelvin {1} | Job: N/A

Title: Ruthless, Death and many more....

Skill - Minds Eye, Refinement, Foresight, and 8 more...

Talent: absorb

Vitality - 5k/5k Qi - 1k/1k

Strength: 45 Sense: 34 Intelligence: 33

Agility: 42 | P - 20|Divine Blood - 100

Goal: Revenge (Accomplished)

Subspace: N/A

"Woah...i didn't know i was this strong..."

"now what's this oi system thing what's your goal and what do you do?"

[Our Goal Is To Help The Awakened Human To Climb Higher Floor In The <Tower Of Trials>! And Now You're Ready To Climb The <Tower Of Trials>!]

"can you explain more? like the ranking or something?"

[Say <View Rankings Floor> If You Want To See Who's The One Who Reach The Highest Floor! And <Rankings> To Know What Level They Are!]

"...<View Rankings - Floor>"

Rankings <Floor>: 1st - Zeus {678}, 2nd - Lucifer {600}, 3rd - Thor {577}...

"I see so Zeus has reached the highest while this...Freak named guy is the lowest with the 3rd floor...now let's see what they mean"


1 → 50 <human>,

60 → 100 <Irregular>,

150 → 400 <Demi-god,

500 → 700 <God>,

800 → 990 <Ascended>,

995 → 1k <Unknown>.

"unbelievable to think there is a higher level for this thing so it must meant that no one has reached the <Ascended> rank yet."

"now that i think about it system can i have anything i want once I've reached the 1000 floor?"


"can i bring back dead people or go back to the past?"

[I guess so]

"then I'm ready since I've been here enough."

[You've been invited by <The Tower Of Trials>]

Y\N {+10 all stats}

"Yes I'll accept it gladly"

[Entering <The Tower Of Trials>...]