
Tower of all Wishes

Welcome to the Tower of Wishes where all your wishes can come true! Ron a normal man who longed for a life of fantasy had died and was suddenly transported to this tower. Now with the help of the wish store he could wish for anything! Now he will explore this tower and see if there is an end to it. A/N This is my first fic. English is not my first language but I am pretty fluent in it. This novel will feature populair characters and powers from anime, tv, manga or other fantasy settings.

AnAccountant · Anime und Comics
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51 Chs

Stray Summons

"Alright let's see here" Ron said when he saw the woman was done with the draft.

'The following contract between these parties must adhere to the following rules:

1. No harm may be done to all individuals with the intent of ill will for the duration of this contract.

2. No ill or perverse thoughts may be present for the duration of this contract.

3. No items shall be forced upon any of the individuals without their consent.

4. No use of the 'wish store' for the duration of this contract.

4.1. Any form of medicine will be excused and can be purchased from the wish store.

4.2. Negotiations are possible should other items be necessary to be purchased.

5. This contract will end once all parties are fully healed'.

It was a simple contract that Ron had no reason to change. Seeing the knowledge of the wish store Ron guessed that they were probably stray summons, but why would they add the outright banning of the wish store?

"You probably have your reasons for these rules, I accept them". Ron said. There was no reason to change them.

"And…you?" The woman now looked at Goblin Slayer, still a little guarded.

"I don't have access to this 'wish store', but I also accept them". Goblin Slayer said. As a contracted summon he didn't have access to the wish store.

"You're…also a…summon?" The woman was shocked. She thought they both were wish store users.

"Yes," Goblin Slayer answered.

"So we're all in acceptance of these rules, correct?" Ron asked both women for clearance.

Both women simply nodded and Ron now made the paper into a contract via the wish store. Making it into a contract costs another 100 wish points. Ron didn't even blink at the expenses and the incoming expenses for medicine. Why did Ron do this? Did he like them? Did he have enough to waste it all? Of course not.

The real reason for this whole song and dance to Ron was because they were stray summons and he wanted to help them and gain their trust. Gaining their trust was valuable for multiple reasons; one was that they didn't cost points if they followed him and helped him.

The second reason was that Ron had begun to value summons a lot more after seeing Goblin Slayer in action. Ron knew his limits and they only destroyed this goblin camp due to Goblin Slayer being the main carry. And the third reason was that Ron knew he had much to learn, not only in combat but also in survival in general lest he wanted to spend more points on food.

The contract came into effect and everyone felt it, it felt like a pressure on their stomachs and should the rules be broken death would be instant. It was a grim reminder of what was at stake.

The two women instantly relaxed and Goblin Slayer cut the chains and freed them. "I need to buy some towels, two bathtubs, medicine and some clothes. Is that okay with you two?" Ron immediately asked once they were freed. Both women just nodded and didn't say anything anymore.

"I am going to need to wash your bodies, I hold no ill will or perverse thoughts during these actions is that fine?" Ron asked while explaining what he needed to do. Both women were a little hesitant with the red haired woman looking Ron directly in the eyes. Ron could see her green eyes piercing him looking for any falsehood in his words. When she discovered none she slumped a little and quietly nodded. The other woman mimicked her seeing that.

Ron quickly got to work and he carried the red haired women and Goblin Slayer carried the blonde women. Ron purchased what he told them and paid 250 wish points in total for everything. They carried them to a different house where Ron cleared it out using his storage bag and dumped everything outside.

After using his lighter and some dry twigs that were everywhere, he quickly started a fire. He then put a bathtub on it and filled it with water. While it was warming up the water he prepared the second one. Goblin Slayer was looking for 2 decent beds in the village that weren't broken or dirty. Both women were currently on the floor in the house on a towel.

The red haired woman still looked at Ron as he was busy while the blonde woman was really asleep now. ('Alright let's start shall we') Ron thought as the water was a nice warm temperature and Ron put out the fire. As Ron was about to pick up the red haired woman she suddenly shook her head only to look at the blonde woman.

Ron, taking the hint of 'her first' nodded and picked up the blonde woman then put her in the water. The water immediately began to turn darker as Ron started to clean her body, subsequently opening her scabbed wounds.

"Hm?" Ron exclaimed from small surprise as he looked at her ears when he washed her. ('She's an Elf?') Indeed the pointy ears were a dead giveaway and her hair covered them up before. It was the first time Ron had ever seen an elf.

Ron finished up washing her body then picked her back up out of the water and dried her off. After drying her off he began applying the medicine to her wounds that had opened up and rinsed out. Goblin Slayer had come back before and was ready to bandage her wounds.

Ron repeated the process with the other woman noting that she was in fact human. He laid both women on beds before wanting to fall on one himself, he had also placed some clothes for them on the ground. He was exhausted from all the work he had done.

"You can rest, I'll take the watch" Goblin Slayer told Ron.

"As much as I appreciate that you do know that the longer you stay here the more points get taken from me?" Ron told Goblin Slayer tiredly. His point total was now down to 4,500 due to the spending spree and contracting of Goblin Slayer.

"Can't I become like them?" Goblin Slayer asked, hinting at the stray summon mechanic.

"I could but I can't guarantee more goblins will come in the near future." Ron said knowing that he valued killing goblins above all things.

"That's fine, I'll just return after you've rested," Goblin Slayer said. It was a little out of character for Goblin Slayer to care about someone like this.

"You're worried more goblins will come?" Ron asked. If goblins came while they were all sleeping they were essentially sitting ducks.

"Alright fine I'll release you from the contract and you can stay here and watch" Ron relented. "Also here take these if you get hungry" Ron said as he threw Goblin Slayer some MRE's "They taste bad but it fills you up" Ron warned him.

"Hm," Goblin Slayer just nodded.

"Oh before I forget, can you wake me up when they are also awake?" Ron asked Goblin Slayer. The red haired woman had also fallen asleep once she hit the bed. He wished to talk to them when they were healed up.

"Sure …name?" Goblin Slayer said before asking Ron his name. It suddenly dawned on Ron he had never even said his name to Goblin Slayer. That reminded him he also didn't know the names of the two women.

"Oh sorry I never mentioned it did I? My name is Ron" Ron told Goblin Slayer.

"Thanks Ron," Goblin Slayer simply said.

Ron cancelled the contract between him and Goblin Slayer as the latter became a stray summon. After that Ron looked for an empty house with a bed. He wasn't about to go into the women's house nor sleep on the floor. Once he found a house with a bed he just crashed on it and fell asleep immediately.

Ron slept dreaming about fighting more goblins. Was he going to become a second Goblin Slayer now? Oh hey speak of the devil he suddenly appeared in the dream. Hm? What's he saying? Wake up?

"Wake up Ron" Goblin Slayer said once more while shaking Ron's body.

"Ughhh". "What's wrong? Are we under attack again?" Ron was confused; he had just fallen asleep. Why wake him up now.

"They are awake and would also like to talk to you" Goblin Slayer said why he woke Ron up.

"They're already awake?" Ron was even more confused; he had just watched them fall asleep.

"Correct. It's been 20 hours already" Goblin Slayer just dropped a bombshell on Ron.

"20 HOURS!?" Ron yelped and shot to his feet before feeling no pain on his chest. Ron looked down and saw the bandage still there. He pressed on it a bit before not feeling any pain. He decided to take them off and inspect further.

Ron took off his bandages and saw no injury, just a faint line that was the scar that healed. That was some really good medicine that healed in just a day. Making his purchase already worth it in Ron's eyes.

"How are they?" Ron asked as he followed Goblin Slayer after putting a shirt on.

"See for yourself," Goblin Slayer answered as he walked. He sounded a little annoyed Ron had a feeling no goblins showed up.

"Nothing showed up?" Ron asked just to be safe.

"Hm" Goblin Slayer just nodded his head.

"Sorry to make you wait that long" Ron said, a little guilty about sleeping for 20 hours.

"It's fine. I also slept a little" Goblin Slayer just answered revealing he had also slept when he saw no goblin coming.

As they came to the house Ron decided to knock first, it was proper courtesy after all if they were awake. Suddenly he heard a scream come from inside and before he could decide what to do Goblin Slayer already kicked the door down.

The blonde haired elf was hunched over clutching her stomach with the red haired woman looking worried. "What's wrong?" Ron asked after seeing this. He expected an answer from her but instead the answer came from his side.

"She's pregnant" Goblin Slayer said with a hint of fury in his voice. The red haired woman noticed this and whipped her head to Goblin Slayer looking angry.

"It's not like we wanted this!" She screamed at him. Clearly taking offence at his words.

"Calm down he didn't mean it like that" Ron quickly said. "Let me help" Ron said, looking at them still under the effects of the contract he had to ask their permission when he wanted to help.

The red haired woman now looked at Ron hesitating a little. However, before she could answer, the blonde haired elf asked "Can you remove it?" While looking at Ron.

"Using the wish store an abortion like this should be easy" Ron answered. "I can also do one on you if you wish" Ron said looking at the red haired woman. She looked at Ron before giving her consent.

Ron came to both their sides before placing his hands on their stomachs. He wished to remove any non-human off-spring in their bodies which cost him another 100 points in total.

Immediately the elf's stomach shrunk a little as the wish was done and she calmed down quickly. "Thank you," she said to Ron.

"No problem, but I do have some questions for you two if you don't mind me asking" Ron said getting to the meat of the conversation immediately. Both women just nodded at him.

"First introductions. My name is Ron, this is Goblin Slayer. What are your names?" Ron decided to introduce himself and Goblin Slayer first before asking their names.

"Scarlett," The red haired woman said, introducing herself.

"E-Elwyn" The blonde haired elf stuttered a little, still shaken by what happend.

"Well nice to meet you all" Ron said with a smile. "Now if you don't mind me asking, what happened to you two?" Ron knew it was a touchy subject and trauma didn't disappear overnight but it was necessary for Ron to know what happend.

"If you don't want to talk about it I understand" Ron spoke as he grabbed a chair for him and Goblin Slayer as they both sat down.

"I can tell you what happend" Scarlett said. Looking as if she didn't care but Ron could still see the hurt in her eyes.