
Just give me one last chance...

A few days later after the debate. It takes place late at night as a home-schooled feral boy looked at the stars.

Eh, I really didn't get anything. All my actions... I screwed up, really. I even messed with mutants, I'm really an idiot. - Ezekiel said through tears. -

Why didn't I shut up in the first season? Why didn't I stop in the third season? I'm bankrupt! I'm not able to do anything useful... - Ezekiel said in a broken voice with dry eyes. Her eyes must have hurt from so many tears.

I really don't deserve to compete, huh? Pathetic, idiotic, annoying... I wish I could start over. Even if I don't deserve it. I almost don't deserve it. Give me one last chance. Let me be selfish. - Ezekiel would have continued suddenly the light of the star from the sky approached him.

Ezekiel's wondering eyes quickly realized with horror that the star had hit him. He let out painful sounds. The meteor would have seriously injured ordinary people. He was still alive because of his mutant genes. Even so, he barely survived, badly injured.

- Why? Why always me? I'll be the first to become a feral! I'm falling into a freaking volcano! Now this meteor fell on me! God do you hate me so much? Do you despise my existence so much? - Zeke asked, lying bloody among the remains of the meteor, looking at the sky.

The pieces of the meteor began to glow. A light means home-schooled feral boy. He couldn't understand whether he was imagining this or if he shouldn't be surprised by this. The light began to engulf him. Ezekiel experienced many emotions. Fear, anger, frustration and acceptance.

He was surprised to learn that he had woken up on a ship and was about to arrive on the island.

- I went back in time... - Zeke looked at the island in shock. He quickly tried to calm himself down. Fortunately, he had time for it.

Finally arrived. When Chris asks him, "What's up?"

Eh, Chris, am I imagining things, or is that bird flying around with plastic waste on its neck? - Ezekiel asked the unfortunate bird in surprise.

Poor bird... - DJ looked up in horror as if he knew what Zeke said.

- It's okay, you can rest easy, one of the assistants will take it off the bird if it landed somewhere nearby - said fake friendly Chris.

Cody, a tech-savvy nerd, arrives next and notes that the ladies have already arrived, a pathetic attempt at flirting that is interrupted when Leshawna shushes him. Meanwhile, taking advantage of this, Ezekiel gave a friendly shy wave to the others. DJ, regaining his composure, waved back in a friendly manner.

Apart from the bird, everything else is played as in the past. Nah, I think Izzy will come last... - Ezekiel thought shyly.

- Are you okay? DJ asked worriedly.

Eh, I think so. I was just thinking. Ezekiel answered awkwardly.

- I understand. But you act very shy. Can't stand being among many people? - asked DJ, worried about him.

- Eh, for the first time in my life, I'm talking to people of the same age group as me. My parents taught me at home all my life. Yes, I'm really afraid that I won't have friends. - Ezekiel admits awkwardly.

- As he says. He lives a very sheltered life, said Chris helpfully.

- No problem is understandable. Everyone's fear. It's brave of you to admit this at the beginning. I want to be your friend. - said DJ with a friendly reassuring smile.

- You don't have to worry, little friend. I already consider you my friend.- Owen said cheerfully, hugging the home-schooled boy surprisingly tenderly.

- Can I call you Zeke? Courtney asked friendly.

Eh, sure. - Ezekiel shyly.

- They completely shock me. Honestly, I'm not surprised because of DJ and Owen, but Courtney is so weird, she's friendly. - Zeke during his quick thoughts.

- Nice to meet you Zeke. Courtney said with a friendly handshake.After that, Izzy finally arrived.

Izzy, a happy, energetic and slightly hyperactive girl who however slips and falls into the lake after hitting her head on the dock. Courtney pulls Izzy out of the water, but she doesn't care about the accident and immediately starts asking questions about what they're going to do at camp. Chris directs the campers to one end of the dock for a group photo now that all the contestants have arrived. Unfortunately, the dock breaks under the combined weight of the campers during the photo shoot. Chris tells the campers to dry off and meet him at the campfire in ten minutes.

Chris tells the campers that this is Camp Wawanakwa, where they will be staying for the next eight weeks, and that the people sitting around them will be their cabin mates, competition, and maybe even friends, so Harold smiles at Duncan, but Duncan raises his fist to threaten him. Chris also says that the last person standing in the contest will win $100,000. Duncan asks for a bunk next to Heather, and she, disgusted, asks if the bunks are co-ed. Chris replies that each team gets a cabin, with the guys sleeping on one side and the girls sleeping on the other. Lindsay mistakenly calls Chris "Kyle" and asks for a lake-view cabin since she's "the prettiest," which is immediately refused. Chris continues to divide the campers into two teams: Gwen, Trent, Heather, Cody, Lindsay, Beth, Katie, Owen, Leshawna, Justin, and Noah form the Screaming Gophers; and Geoff, Bridgette, DJ, Tyler, Sadie, Izzy, Courtney, Ezekiel, Duncan, Eva, and Harold form the Killer Bass.

Katie and Sadie are adamant about being on different teams, but everyone ignores them except Courtney, who inspires Sadie to be brave. Chris mentions that the campers will be recording their thoughts in the outhouse confessional.

You will also be able to share your innermost thoughts on tape with video diaries anytime you want. Let the audience at home know what you're really thinking, or just get something off your chest. - said Chris.

Um, okay… So far this sucks. - Gwen.

I don't get it. Where's the camera guy? - Lindsay.

Eh, I'll do my best to be useful. Or if I can... - Ezekiel hurried out in confusion.

Hey, everyone, check this out. I have something very important to say. (farts, chuckles) - Owen.

While running, Ezekiel accidentally tripped and saw the axe.


"Damn, that girl can scream!" Leshawna noted.

"WHAT?! Kill him! Kill him!" Lindsay shouted, pointing at the cockroach.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" DJ didn't scream that loud, but like a girl.

Finally, almost everyone got scared when Ezekiel came in surprisingly. He took an axe and cut the cockroach in half.

"Well, that's one way to kill a cockroach." Gwen smiled.

"THANK YOU, THANK YOU FOR SAVING ME!" Lindsay hugged him and didn't even notice that she was burying him head between her breasts. As much as you sincerely want to, you really need to breathe. He finally let go.

"Oops, sorry Ethan!"

"This is Ezekiel." he fixed it nicely.

DJ gets off Gwen's bed with relief.

Eh, I see your bed is ruined. Zeke said.

- Yes. And then? Gwen asked.

- Uh, I could use the blunt part of an ax to put the part of your bed back. Anyway, I noticed that there were nails coming in from the outside of the window. I'm going for it. Then I'll nail back the part of the bed that came down. - explained Zeke, hurrying out.

He's so shy. On the other hand, he is very helpful. Leshawna said with a laugh.

- Yes. I was surprised that he came. Now he wants to fix my bed. It's very nice of him. Gwen said appreciatively.

- I'm so sorry I messed up your bed. Zeke is back. Help him fix it. DJ said regretfully.

How pathetic they all are. Especially Ezekiel is too weird. - Heather reflected on the scene.

Ezekiel rushes back with the nails. DJ helped make Gwen's bed. They said goodbye to the girls. Unexpectedly, Lindsay blew a heart to Ezekiel. He was embarrassed by this and pulled his favorite hat over his face. DJ accompanied his with a chuckle.

In the main lodge, Chef, the camp's chef and Chris' sidekick in the show, introduces himself and his plan to serve three meals a day, ignoring the campers' requests and complaints about the quality of his food. Beth asks if they'll be getting the major food groups, to which Harold agrees since he gets hypoglycemic if he doesn't eat enough sugar, but an irritated Chef just yells at him to sit down. Chef then asks "scrawny kid" to bring his plate forward, but the slop they're served returns to Chef's spoon. Leshawna tries to be friendly with Eva, but Eva just gives her a blank stare, which surprises Leshawna, who now says ""it's going to be like that"" between them but is scared when Chef calls the next person. Lindsay then tells Chef that her nutritionist told her not to eat any white sugar, white flour, or dairy products, but Chef remains silent and kills a fly with his hand. Lindsay's question is answered instead by Gwen, who says that it shouldn't be a problem. Gwen then goes on to say that she despises being the one to complain on the first day, but she thinks her food has just moved. Chef, with a blank expression on his face, just swings his meat tenderizer at Gwen's dish, and she walks away.