
Chapter 1

Ella pov.

Many people often say that having a stepmother is the best thing that could ever happen in one's life. However, to me, I say it was the worst thing that could have happened, and every second of it, I hate it.

After losing my mom, my father thought that having a second wife was the best thing for our family. At the time, I was just a little girl, and I didn't have any right to make a decision for myself. I could only agree to what my father said.

My father, on the other hand, was the Alpha Beta, and because of that, we were wealthy. Most of the time, I would hear my father tell me how the Alpha's son looked pretty and was around my age. He would say how he wanted me to grow up quickly, marry the Alpha son, and be his bride.

Most of the time, whenever I listened to my father, I wouldn't have anything to say but just to look at him.

On the 5th of May 1960, that was the day my life and story changed. That was the day I wished I had died alongside my mom.

My father married Miss Elina, who had a daughter named Lia. Lia was six years old, and I was also six with the same age. At first, I thought she was going to be the best mom, just like in a fairytale. But I was wrong; she was the worst and the cruelest.

A month later, my father had to go to war, and I was left alone with Lia and her mom. Every night, I looked out my window, and I prayed for my dad's return. But after a month, we received a letter that my father had died in the war.

I remember vividly how that day became a living hell for me. The sky was dark and heavy with rain, and the atmosphere was filled with sadness. Tears streamed down my face, and I didn't even bother to wipe them away. I just let them flow freely, and dry on their own.

Elina, my stepmother, stood there without moving an inch. All she did was call me a witch and blamed me for the death of my father. The accusation stung me like a thousand bees, and I felt so alone in the world.

Most times, I closed my eyes and wished it was all just a terrible dream. I hoped that I would wake up one day and see my dad and mom beside me, smiling down at me with love. But reality was harsh, and it had a way of crushing my dreams.

I always remembered the words my mother used to say to me before she passed away. "Be good and do not let evil win." I tried to understand what she meant by that, but I never quite figured it out.

One day, I was sitting in my room, lost in my thoughts when the door opened. I looked up and saw Elina standing there with her daughter, Lia. They both looked at me with cold eyes, and I felt a chill run down my spine.

Lia was a heartless girl, and I never liked her from the start. She always found a way to put me in trouble, and I couldn't stand her. As they walked over to me, I noticed that Lia had a bag of cloth in her hands.

"Ella," Elina's voice called out to me, sounding accusatory. I stood up and walked over to her, my eyes never leaving hers.

"Yes, ma," I said, standing there motionless. Since my father's death, Elina had insisted that I call her ma and not mom. I didn't like it, but I had no choice.

Elina walked past me, and I turned to watch her as she stopped and stared into my small eyes. It was then that I knew that things were about to get worse.

As I listened to Elina's words, I felt a surge of surprise wash over me. Why did she want to change my room and give Lia? I opened my mouth to speak, but Elina quickly held up her hands, silencing me.

"How many times have I told you not to interrupt me?" Her voice was cold and sharp as she glared at me.

"I'm sorry, ma," I murmured, looking down at my feet.

Just then, Elima walked past me, heading towards the door, She turned to me once more saying.

"You have five minutes to pack your belongings. I don't want to come back and see you here."

I nodded silently, but before she left, she turned to me once more with a warning.

"My daughter will be watching the things you take, and anything she likes, you are not to take with you. Do you understand?"

I nodded again, meeting her gaze steadily. "Yes, ma'am. I understand."

After Elina left, I turned to Lia, who was watching me silently. I walked past her towards my doll, but she stopped me with a yell.

"Don't you hear what my mommy said? You have to take the one I gave you. Drop the doll."

I felt anger bubbling up inside me, but I pushed it down and turned to Lia. "Then what do you want?"

"I want everything," she said with a wicked grin.

Before I could respond, Elina walked in, interrupting us. "Are you ready, Ella?"

I looked at Lia, then back at Elina. "Yes, ma'am. I'm ready."

But just as I was about to leave, Elina stopped me. "Aren't you taking anything, dear?"

I hesitated, not wanting to upset her, but finally spoke. "Your daughter said she wants everything."

I could feel Elina's smile even though I didn't look at her. We started walking, and I was assuming she was taking me to Lia's room, but as we passed room after room, confusion set in. Before I knew it, we were in the basement.

"This will be your room from now on, Ella. I hope you like it."

I couldn't speak as tears streamed down my face. I felt alone and abandoned in this unfamiliar place, but I knew that I had to stay strong.

My name is Jessica Molly and I want to say a big thank you for reading through the first chapter, if you like my novel do leave a review and vote and support in any way.


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