
Weak Girl Role

Hi author here,if anyone ACTUALLY read this, This story is only for fun and I suck at writing and grammer but idk I feel like writing a story would be fun anyways bye I'll try my best and hope you will enjoy👋

warning ⚠: This story includes strong language and 18+ scene's


"Move bitch" a girl said as she shoved my shoulder making me drop a few things I had in my hand.

A few people chuckled as they walk by.This was like every day for me,you know same old same old getting push around like dog meat in this hell whole.

Oh I forgot to mention the school I go to is total crap makes sense cause my grades were the same. So this was the only option I got.

The student's who end up here at Crow Ford are sellouts,no future ahead of them,they either got expelled at there old school and transferred here or got shitty grades and going here was the only option.

This is the school parent's use to scare there kid's into getting good grade to go to a high league University or high school. They would say "hunny you better study hard or you'll end up in Crow Ford with those gangsters who's gonna eat you up don't want that do we".

Now that I finish ranting about my school I know what you might be thinking another POV of someone getting bullied in there non caring basic messed up shitty school.

Don't worry that's not what's happening here I just prefer to get bullied ,no this is not a kink it's just that I don't seem to mind since most of the bullying is verbal.

It's literally this school foundation. Bully the weak and praise the strong. If you can fight your way up your all good and I mean actually fight your way up you won't have any issue through Crow Ford.

.......But the thing is I don't have the energy to fight a bunch of loser to be top dog,so that's pretty much why I was targeted for bullying.

But I know I could whip all these Bitches ass,no sweat.

I join the boxing club in middle school and I'm pretty good at the sport not bragging or anything. I would feel guilty if I put someone child in the hospital.

Not only that I'm to invested in me being weak bullied poor little girl role I even bought big square glasses.

I also worn my hair in to pig tail and have also baggy clothes to give it that extra nerdy affect no point in going back now.

shoot I forgot to mention who the top dog is well I think you already know. But fun fact he was in the boxing club I was talking about we didn't talk tho. So it makes sense he doesn't recognize me but I don't know how strong he actually is we were in different groups but I did hear rumors,not that I really care.

He give me that "I'm gonna kill you if you look at me" vibes so it would be better to stay away from those kind of psychos. Better safe then sorry am I right.