
Tolerate Me Mr. Billionaire

Ava Jones is a skillful person who had only one outcome which is having anger issues that caused her so many problems to the point that it even got her fired from the company but surprisingly she got a job in one of the world's top companies whose CEO is a multi-billionaire named Rylan Nichols. Tolerate me Mr. Billionaire

Mehakfatima · Teenager
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20 Chs

Chapter 10 - HURT

*Ava Jones POV*

"What's your name by the way? ", I asked the charming guy who unexpectedly became my friend. A few moments ago I was just wishing to talk with him and here we are already being friends.

"it's Raider", he said politely.

Wow, everything is so perfect of him, even his name seems so cool.

Total opposite of his evil brother.

Is he single? What I am even thinking, it's none of my business I thought while smiling to myself.

If thinking carefully it would be surprising that he is not dating cause just look at him.

He looks like the walking definition of perfection.

His hazel eyes, tall height, fit, and top of that his soothing voice.

Should I try my chances on him? Naah ava what you thinking. Do the job which you were given.

And it's impossible that someone like him to even have the slightest interest in me.

During thinking all this, I didn't notice that raider was saying something.

"did you say something? ", I spoke when I came back to my senses.

"I was saying, sorry if we are not able to meet often in the future due to my busy schedule. But always remember that I am your friend and you can lean on me if you ever need help", he said while explaining carefully.

He is such a nice and thoughtful guy, I smile to myself.

It doesn't even seem that Raider and Rylan are blood-related.

"Are you guys done?!"

A loud voice interrupted both of us.

My eyes widened when I see towards the man who interrupted us.

"Rylan... " these words left my mouth unknowingly, the silence was so loud that it was so obvious that he heard me.

He looked pissed off but why is that. And what is he doing here?

"Now you even forgot your manners! I am your boss so address me like that", Rylan spoke while glaring at both of us.

Why is he shouting at me? I was about to speak but then Raider interrupted us.

"Woah calm down brother! It's ok why are you creating this as a big issue" Raider said while coming in front of me as if he was protecting me.

Rylan became quiet and was just glaring at me.

And I was looking at Raider with some kind of admiration. I don't know but Rylan again got so pissed off and it seems like he is only annoyed by me.

With his death-shot eyes, he looked at me and spoke.

"brother I think it's time for you to go home and ava come to my office", he spoke while gritting his teeth.

Raider defeatedly looked at me and make his way out of this situation.

Rylan eyed Raider until he disappeared and then he made his way toward his office.

I looked at my stuff which was still in my hands with the umbrella.

I was not in the mood to return it now so I placed all my stuff in my cabin.

With a heavy sigh now my feet were moving toward the devil or you could say, my so-called boss.

I wasn't wrong when I called him a professional mood fucker.

*Rylan Nichols POV*

I loosed all my patience when I see them together. It felt like my heart was being clenched.

This is all because of Raider. He always tries to do something which will annoy the hell out of me or which will ruin my company.

And why the fuck she was looking at him like she was admiring him. They just met and she is already trusting him blindly.

I think it was the first time I talked to my brother like that and it's all because of her.

I heard a knock on the door, Must be ava.

"come in!"

She came inside with a confused look on her face.

Does she still don't know what she is doing with me?

"yes sir? ", she asked.

I placed six files in front of her.

"I need it done by tomorrow morning", I said coldly.

She furrowed at me.

"why... ", she uttered lightly.

"what why? ", I said with no emotions.

"why am I the only one to get many files with less time due!! ", she shouted.

My eyes widened at her outburst.

"You know I was trying my best to have patience but you are trying to cross the limit", she said.

I was feeling guilty but I don't want to stay quiet.

"what limit! , it's you who is doing all this and testing me", I screamed at her.

She looked confused.

She has no idea what she even did.

For a few seconds, I looked at her with a blank face.

Seeing her clueless was filling me with more anger which could burst any moment like a volcano and unknowingly I spoke.

"You Are Hurting Me!"