
Silver tongue

Chapter one

Usually ,When a child is born there is always happiness ,Joy and jubilation but that's the opposite in castle Styrene.

Queen Augustine had just given birth to a child during the mid-hours and they have been nothing but wailing ,sorrow ,tears and grief at the palace .

She could been seen sitting on the floor in the personal chamber with her husband consoling her .

"Why hart thy God decided to bless me with a cursed child "Queen Augustine wailed in tears .

King Albert just sighed as he consoled his wife whose hopes have been shattered .

He had ruled since over four years,After his father died in the battle .

The kingdom of styrene had lived in peace since his tenure and he couldn't be more grateful .

"Your highness,Ye child has to be killed "The old priestess said as she muttered some inaudible words .

"Holy mother of styrene ,Isn't there something thou can do ?"King Albert asked as he pacified his wife .

"Yeah ! Ye shalt keepeth the child and put the lives of thy people in danger .Thou thyself hadst heard the story of the 36th generation"The old priestess said .

"That's proper good joke innit "The king snarled .

"I'm sorry my highness "The old priestess said .

"I was up all through the night crying ,I'm absolutely knackered and I'm actually loosing the plot ,How can thou kill a child cause of a minging prophecy "Queen Augustine yelled in tears .

"My Queen ,I understand thine pain but haven't thou hast of the story of Lucile .Thine child is the thirty sixth generation of this household which means she is the reader of Lucile and he is going to come for her and our lives shalt be in danger "The priestess said as she shook in fear .

"What if we keepth her away from him ,He shalt not have a glint that she is alive "Queen Augustine said in tears .

"I'm sorry Your highness but thou just talked like a thickie "The priestess said .

"Yeah ,Thank you . I'm a person of low intelligence but I'm a mother .Do you know what it feels like to carry a child for nine months ,The night of pain ,joy and sleepless night ,times of craving ,nausea ,mood swings"

"And then thou givest birth to the child and then the child is ordered to be killed cause of a minging prophecy,I'm thine mother of the infant and thou shall go through me first ,if thou wants to killest my child "Queen Augustine yelled In Tears .

"I understand my Queen but there is no other way out ,He is going to find thy child "The old priestess said looking at her in pity .

"Priestess ,I'll have to tell thy a secret .This child is my only hope .Since we got married ,We have tried to have our own children but we couldn't and I found out I'm a Git "King Albert said .

"Git ....you mean impotent "The priestess said as she looked gobsmacked .

"Yeah,I had to visit dukes -The greatest of all time ,he prescribes a medicine I used and he told me that the medicine would only work once for me and then I gave birth to this beautiful girl and that means if thou killest her ....."King Albert stopped as he stared at the priestess.

"Ye shall not have a heir "The priestess said completing the word of the king .

"But If Lucile finds her too..."King Albert said as he stared at her .

"The lives of everyone is in danger "The priestess said .

"How will Lucile know she has been born ?"Queen Augustine asked .

"I don't know ,I haven't met him but the prophecy of the first priestess in styrene states that the first child of the thirty sixth generation of the Campbell family is Lucile reader and he shall come for her,she is a tool he will use to do his devious work "The priestess said .

"We are going to tell everyone that my wife had a still birth and the child is dead "King Albert said .

"What about ye child "The priestess asked .

"I'll entrust her in thine care ,I have a castle in the southern forest and I want thy and my child to go live there .Take care of her like thine child and wiliest thou not do that ?"King Albert asked .

"I'll take care of thy child with my life "The priestess said .

"I'll come visit her once a month ,I'm going to miss my child "Queen Augustine said as she wept .

"Thou can't come to visit her once a month,the people are going to be suspicious and words might brew to Lucile ,I heard he can smell her scent from afar and I wouldn't want that to happen.You will probably visit her once in two years and that will be safer "The old priestess said .

"I can't even see my daughter anytime I wish ,I gave birth to a cursed daughter all because I married into this royal family .Well, I accept my lot and I'll visit her once in two years but please take care of my baby and teach her how to speak like a princess "

"I'm sad I wouldn't be there to see her make her first baby step or call me "Mum""Queen Augustine welt bitterly .

"Blimey ! Look at her "King Albert said as he shook his head in sorrow .

He would greatly miss his daughter but this would actually keep her safe but for how long ?

"Your highness,it's getting late I better crack on "The priestess said .

Queen Augustine walked to the cottage of her child who was sleeping peacefully.

The child was the most beautiful creature she had ever seen but it was sad that she would be leaving them soon .

She carried the baby as she pecked the baby all over the face .

"My highness,I'm absolutely gutted but I have to go "The priestess said as she collected the baby from the queen ,The baby stirred in her sleep .

"Please take care of my child like thine own and teach her values but remember she mustn't read a book "King Augustine said .

"I have definitely not gone bonkers your highness,I know the do and don't .She can actually read a book but she can't read stories ,fictions or the worst can happen "The priestess said as she clutched the baby tighter to herself .

"I'm so sad that my child has to go through all this ,Tell her I love her always and hope you aren't arsed "Queen Augustine said as she wept .

"Can't be arsed thy highness and farewell ,Adios !!"The priestess said as she walked out with the child .

"My baby "Queen Augustine said as yelped .

"It will all be fine "The king said as he pacified her .

"Nothing can be fine Albert ,I want my daughter alive but I'm afraid what if Lucile finds her ?"Queen Augustine said in fear .

"I'm afraid too cause he is a dangerous sod who have lived before the existence of man ,I heard he isn't a man but a spirit but I'm so scared for the life of our daughter ,ours and thy people's lives"King Albert said .

"But what does he wants my baby for ?Holy mother of styrene help me ,come to thine child rescue "Queen Augustine said as she wept bitterly in the arms of her petrified husband .

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