
Toad Stool

There was a person names Nari, she was just a regular person living her highschool life but she absolutely loves reading about fantasy. But sadly she died to over exhaustion in her school works but she was reincarnated to another world The new world was full of magic and swords just like what she read, she was excited to live her new life. But what's this? She was reincarnated as a frog? Well that won't stop her from living her new fantasy life to the fullest. So Nari starts her journey to learn all types of magic in this new found world she was reincarnated into, what will happen next? Continue reading to find out! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Disclaimer: The Cover for this Novel is mine, it was made by AinsT1ck

CetusWritings · Fantasie
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38 Chs

Hunting Party - [ Chapter - 8 ]

Then Nari was about to read the book bu then Kameko heard some voices from afar so then he went to the tallest tower and then he saw some hunters coming to the goblin village and it seemed like they were going to clear it as well.

So Kameko quickly jumped down and then shouted to Nari, "We have to go, now!" as he put the book into the dimensional pouch, Nari was immediately confused since she thought they already killed all of the goblins in the village but then Kameko said.

"There are people coming into the village and we both know we don't want to kill humans.", after he said this her eyes widened so then she quickly jumped up and then tried out the new magic she learned in the advance book.

It was the similar spell to the teleport spell that the goblin shaman had but it probably required more mana and concentration and so she had to completely focus where she wanted to go and they were immediately teleported.

The hunters and mercenaries arrived a little after they teleported but when they got at the village they saw the massacre of the goblins and there were loads of rare and epic variants that were on the ground as well.

They looked around and saw that there were no loot left as well since Nari gave Kameko the dimensional pouch she made and told him to take all the loot he could fit inside the dimensional pouch because there could be good things there since there were loads of variants.

After that both Kameko and Nari were teleported outside of her house and then Nari quickly told Kameko to put everything out of the pouch now and so he did and there were many shiny and things that looked powerful.

There were just five things that interested Nari out of the huge pile of things that Kameko took and so Nari told him, "I will just take these five things, you can have the rest of them for yourself.".

Even though some of the things she left behind looked powerful they were mostly used in physical fights but she was a mage so it was completely useless to her so she took the things that she saw had a high amount of magic inside of it.

Then Nari went inside of her house and then she said before closing the door, "You can keep the dimensional pouch so you can bring all of that stuff to your house, I can just make a new one." then she shut the door.

Kameko smiled and put the things inside then shouted, "Thanks!" and then left to go to his house and then Nari immediately went and checked the book that the goblin shaman gave to her before it died.

Then even though she knew it was a different language it was just like she always knew it and after reading a few pages she found the spell that the goblin shaman was using to teleport around.

It was called "Mist" it was a weird name but it was a bit different from what they call human magic because the mana used in their was not any kind that she absorbed before it was a mana only found in goblins.

She didn't know the use for it before but when the goblin shaman died a light green mana was absorbed but she knew that wasn't any attributed mana she saw before but then she decided to call it "Goblin Mana".

Since when she tried mist just like the goblin shaman a light blue mist appeared and then she teleported to the place she was looking at and she saw what attributed mana was used to use that magic.

It was the goblin mana she named and it looked like that it was used for that and then she realized why she could use other race's magic, each race as she read before had a unique magic in their race.

And that was probably because of a mana that was attributed to their race but Nari was able to absorb that mana to let it become her own and so she realized that she would be able to use any race's magic she wanted.

But she would have to kill that race first in order to get mana from their race and to use their magic and that was kind of cool except for the killing part since she read that there were some kind races and she didn't want to kill them.

Then after that Nari beought out one of the items she took it was a marble but it glowed many different types of mana from inside of it so then Nari threw it and broke it on the ground and then the mana was released.

It filled the entire tree instantly and wasn't even done releasing yet and then it all started spinning inside of Nari like a vortex and she realized she was absorbing it and then she started feeling dizzy from it.

But then suddenly she realized her mana was enough to make the fourth ring and it was still going and so she stopped thinking and focused on making the ring and then it was created and a bonus she also made the fifth ring as well.

She was able to acquire two more rings because of that tiny orb that she broke and she still had a lot more mana left over and it looked like all of the mana was elemental but there was one mana different from the others.

It was a pure white one and it shined but she already has a light attributed mana but it wasn't as bright as that one so she didn't know what mana was that and decided to name it "Pure Mana" just for now.

Then Nari decided to leave the other three items alone for now because they could be dangerous since she was just lucky she could absorb all of that mana and there could be more dangerous things from them.

So then she started reading the book again and she learned that there was a spell called, "Note" that was used in the goblin race to memorize things because they weren't a smart race.

They used this so that could remember things and shaman and magic caster do this in order for their soldiers to remember their goal but Nari could use it to remember magic and the types of mana she has.

So she started creating magic notes in her mind but then she suddenly heard Kameko shouting, "NARI HELP! HELP! HUNTERS! MERCENARIES! THEY ARE CHASING ME!" then Nari quickly went out of the house.