
To my love written in olive green.

There's a girl in my class with dark brown curly hair and hazel eyes. Everything about her can make even the coldest days seem warm, and The way her nose crinkles when she laughs, I've never felt this way for anyone before, but there's one problem….I'm a girl. When exactly did this all start?

"Sage get up your gonna be late for school again."

I wake up to my sister hitting me with my pillow.

"It's not even 7 yet let me sleep." I mumble as I pull the covers over my head.

" If you miss the bus again she's gonna have to drive you to school."

My left eye then opens as I throw my pillow at her and run down the stairs.

I then see her, my mom staring at me. After my dad died a year ago she's been working late almost every night at the hospital. She tries not to show it, but she's under so much pressure that I fear letting her down or making things worse for her. We never really had the best relationship even before the accident but now I just feel like we are strangers living in the same house.

"Good morning mom, how'd you sleep." My sister asks as she wraps her arms around my mom's small waist. "Good, I made some fresh orange juice if you want some." She says taking a deep breath while holding my sister's arms around her.

Even though me and my mom's relationship wasn't ever that good, Anna and her always seemed close, which I'm not jealous of because I'm happy that Anna has a good relationship, but it always made me feel out of place when being around.

"Sage, have you got your schedule for the new semester yet?" My mom looks at me dead in the eye.

"Ya they were posted, and I got my report card, all A's with one B."

"What class was the B in." she says disappointed.

"Chemistry ."

"Well, just going to have to study some more, maybe you can see if your sister can tutor you, she got A's in that class last year."

My sister then cuts in. "Mom a B is still really good, that is a really hard class to score that high in." I never really cared about school too much, but with my mom always having me study I've always been top in most of my classes. That and the fact that I don't really have a social life.

" I'm just saying that with more study time she could be getting better grades."

"Ok, I can give you my notes from that class if you want." My sister says then looking at me.

" What, oh. Thanks, I appreciate it. I got to go the bus is going to be here soon."

" ok bye!" my sister yells as I walk out of the house.

"Bye!" As the cold winter air hits my face the memory of how my dad would always drive me to school flashes into my head. I miss his warm embrace, he was the one person in my family that didn't see me as just a report card and a disappointment.

"Click tock tick tock"

Listening to the sounds of the room as I sit in my desk already wishing the day over with.

Then looking to my right I see Alice, my one friend from grade school.

"Hey, Alice" I whisper as the bell rings for class.

"Sage Sage Sage, I need to tell you something." She says as she sits.

" No talking after the bell rings" The teacher then interrupts hitting a ruler against the desk in-between us. I wonder what happened, maybe the guy from that band finally asked her out. She's been crazy about him for a while. The name of the band is pretty horrendous (dig bick virgins) I wonder what that says about him.

" Oh my god, he asked me to come to one of his concerts!!" Alices yells jumping onto me as soon as the bell rings.

" wow. Are you going to go?" I say unenthusiastically as I walk through the crowds of people.

" uuuu ya, why else would I be telling you?"

" I don't know maybe you were just really excited that he asked?"

"Well anyway it's tomorrow night at someone's house I'll write down the address, but you should come with me."

She's just gonna go to some random address this guy gave her? This will be fun, maybe if she doesn't die she'll have a missing kidney to tell stories about.

" I really don't want to, but if I don't go and you die I'll feel really bad."

" Really! Yes, ok you said you would no changing your mind." she says almost jumping with excitement.

"Ok ok, I'm going, but you owe me something for this," I say smiling at her.

" It'll be fun don't be like that."

She then wines.

Haha, cute.


The bell then rings as school gets out for winter break.

Walking down the street with the winter sun setting on me everything feels peaceful.

His voice laughing with me still lingers in my mind. I miss him. The truth is I've never made many friends in life, but with my dad around there was no reason to, we did everything together. There wasn't a thing I couldn't tell him, but then he was gone. Nothing has felt as empty as daily life is now. I just wish he hadn't left the house that day, then things wouldn't have changed.

"Your late Sage where were you?" My mom says standing in front of the door.

" I walked home today."

"You're not allowed to walk home alone, the sun's down at 6 now so it's not safe." She explains while following me to my room.

"It's not even that dark out."

" I don't care, I'm your mother so you have to listen to me, and tomorrow we have to help the church prepare for the event on Sunday ok." She says looking me dead in the eyes at the foot of the stairs.

I just have to swallow my words for now.

"Oh, tomorrow I was wondering if I could spend the night at Alice's house."

"Absolutely not, isn't she the one that is into those satanic boys? If you ever got with one of those boys you would be out of this house."

Satanic? The amount I want to say right now to her.

"No Alice is my friend from church remember, Abbys daughter."

"I know you're lying to me Abby's daughters gonna be helping us at the church all night. See this girl you've been hanging out with is influencing you to become a liar if your dad was here to see this...."

" What would dad do? I'm not doing anything bad, we're just gonna be at her house, and I got almost straight A's on my report card so shouldn't I be able to do something with that!? I wish dad was here, he would at least be less of a dick about it! "

" What did you just say to me! No Sage! This is my house you are not allowed to use that language with me."

Walking upstairs I can feel her watching me as I take every step. I hate being here. She obviously only cares about Anna if I were to die she probably wouldn't even bat an eye, and whenever I have anything she takes it.

As the dark consumes my room I feel restless. What is listening to her gonna do for me. Why should I? My eyes then open as I climb out of my window. With every step I try to not make a creek. Looking around off the side of the house I see a ladder left by my mom when she was hanging Christmas lights. I'm out. My heart beating and my hands sweating as I look out at my lifeless, dark house, where should I go now?

Walking around for the next hour I see a park bench lit up by the Christmas lights and the city around it. What am I doing out here still? Sitting on this park bench my eyes close as the feeling of warmth suddenly surrounds me.

"Hi, what are you doing out here." A sweet like honey voice says.

My eyes opening I flinch with fear, then feel calm as I see her. She's beautiful. Dark brown curly hair. Pale white skin with hazel eyes.

" Hi, I'm… I guess just trying to get away from my life for a bit." I say with a smile trying to hide my sadness.

" ...me too," She says letting out a sigh while looking up to the night sky.

"You know I never really can understand why people do the things they do. Why people leave or why people hurt others, sometimes I just what to get away from that you know."

She continues to talk to me. I've never met anyone that talks like her.

Then looking out at the city lights I say without even realizing what I'm saying. " I get that, sometimes I just want everything to fade away as my feeling are doing so. Or to finally be able to not put on a fake smile for once. You know everyone expects so much from you but why? It's not gonna affect them if I get into a good school or not, or if I am mentally ill or not."

" ya fuck what others think about you. And fuck pretending to be ok so that people feel better about themselves," she says smiling at me.

"what's your name."

"Sage .. what's yours ?"

"I'm August."

"Nice to meet you August."

Thank you for reading this far, I’m really excited to be writing this story. Honestly, as a lesbian girl, I can say that love isn't something you choose and to find someone you truly love is beautiful so don't let people tell you that you are wrong for that.

_olive_creators' thoughts