
To Kill or Be Killed

Chaos reigns at Basilia Palace when power-hungry Christos seizes the throne and imposes tyranny on the realm after King Themis flees and hides to protect his daughter from Casimir, who is driven by a prophecy that states he will die at the hands of the king's child. While commoners suffer under Christos' tyranny, the king is faced with the tough decision of either fleeing with his vulnerable daughter or reclaiming his throne to save his people. As danger looms from all sides, the king must choose between duty and family, with the fate of the kingdom hanging in the balance.

msso · Fantasie
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48 Chs

A Daughter's Hope

As Adira returned to the tower, her expression was a mask of devastation, her once vibrant demeanor dulled by the weight of the tragedies she had endured. Blood stained her clothes, a grim reminder of the violence that had torn her family apart, leaving her with wounds that ran far deeper than any physical injury.

She was greeted by the worried faces of her fellow soldiers, their expressions a reflection of the concern that weighed heavily upon their hearts. They rushed to her side, their voices filled with anxious questions as they tried to make sense of the turmoil that surrounded her.

"Adi, what happened?" Ayira asked, her voice laced with concern as she reached out to touch her friend's arm.

The floodgates of grief burst open, and Adira collapsed into her friend's arms, her body racked with sobs as she finally allowed herself to release the torrent of emotions that had been building inside her since the tragic events had unfolded.

 "I... I can't believe he's gone. My father... he was everything to me." she stated. 

Ayira held her friend close, offering what comfort she could in the face of such profound grief. Beside them, Zagan, Avra, Mike, and Lucius stood in somber silence, their hearts heavy with sorrow as they grappled with the enormity of the tragedy that had befallen their friend.

"I can't... I can't bear it. " she sobs uncontrollably.

"I-I just want my sister back. I can't lose her too..." she continued.

 Each word was like a dagger to the heart, carrying with it the weight of her sorrow and the burden of her loss.

"We won't stop until we find her, Adira. We'll search every corner of the kingdom if we have to." Avra stated, as she clasps Adira's hand.

Themis arrived at the tower's front entrance, where he noticed a group of his daughters gathered around Adira. He approached them, seeming quite concerned. 

 "My dear Adira, I am truly sorry for your loss. Please, allow me to offer my deepest condolences." hie stated with a solemn expression. 

Adira looks up at the king, her eyes red and swollen from crying.

" I...I dont know what to do, your highness" 

"You don't have to worry, my child. We will do everything in our power to find your sister. But for now, you need rest. Let us take you to your room, and you can grieve in peace." Themis said as he placed his hand on Adira's shoulder.

"I'll help her to her room, Father." Ayira remarks.

Themis smiled and nodded as he let his daughter accompany Adira to her room. Zagan and Lucius followed the two as they began walking away from the tower gate entrance. 

As Adira was escorted to her chambers to rest, Mike, was consumed by worry for his friend. His gaze flickered between Adira's retreating form. 

"Your Majesty," Mike spoke, his voice tinged with determination,

"I... I cannot stand idle while Adira's sister remains missing. Please, allow me to gather a few soldiers and join the search."

The king regarded Mike with a solemn expression, understanding the depth of his concern. With a nod, he granted Mike permission to assemble a small team, knowing that every hand would be needed in the effort to locate Adira sister. 

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Mike said, his gratitude evident in his voice as he hurried to carry out the king's orders.

As Mike and Avra departed to assemble their team, Priest Damayanti approached the king with a grave expression etched upon his features. Sensing the urgency in his advisor's demeanor, the king turned his attention to Damayanti, his brow furrowing with concern.

"Your Majesty," Damayanti began, his voice low and measured

"We must find Adira's sister swiftly. Her disappearance may be more than a simple matter of concern for her well-being."

The king regarded Damayanti with a mixture of confusion and apprehension, his mind racing to comprehend the gravity of the situation. Had he underestimated the significance of Karasi's disappearance? Was there more at stake than he had initially realized?

"What do you mean, Damayanti?" the king inquired, his tone tinged with uncertainty.

Damayanti's gaze held a weighty significance as he responded, his words laden with hidden meaning.

"Your Majesty, it is possible that there are forces at play beyond our understanding. The child has three auras that may have her the target of individuals with nefarious intentions. We cannot afford to underestimate the danger she may be facing."

"It is as you say, Damayanti," the king murmured, his voice heavy with concern.

"The nobles, and perhaps even Christos himself, would stop at nothing to lay claim to the child's abilities. We cannot allow her to fall into their hands."

With a solemn nod, King Themis issued his command to Priest Damayanti, recognizing the urgency of the situation and the need for swift action.

"Distribute word among our mages," Themis instructed, his voice echoing with authority.

"We must assemble a team to aid in the search for the child. Every resource at our disposal must be brought to bear in this endeavor."

Damayanti bowed respectfully before the king, his determination mirrored in his unwavering gaze.

"It shall be done, Your Majesty," he affirmed, his voice steady despite the weight of the task before him.

Meanwhile, at the Cave of Asvattha, Karasi and the guy with crimson eyes entered inside, they were greeted by the warm and welcoming presence of Amir, a loyal companion whose playful antics brought a fleeting smile to Karasi's lips amid the chaos that surrounded her.

With a joyful bark, Amir bounded towards Karasi, his tail wagging furiously as he showered her with affectionate licks. 

As Amir's enthusiastic greeting subsided, Alias hurriedly approached, his steps quickening as he noticed the displeased expression on his master. With a contrite demeanor, Alias lowered his gaze and spoke in apologetic tones.

"Forgive me, Master Casimir," Alias began, his voice tinged with remorse.

"I did not mean to allow Amir to become overly exuberant in his welcome. I assure you, it will not happen again."

Casimir's gaze shifted to Karasi, who met his eyes with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity. With a silent nod, Casimir gestured towards a passageway leading deeper into the cavern, indicating that there was a bedroom prepared for her.

"We have a spare room that you may use," Casimir stated calmly, his voice echoing softly in the cavern's depths.

Karasi nodded gratefully, her heart swelling with appreciation for the kindness shown to her by these strangers. She followed Casimir down the dimly lit passageway, the flickering torchlight casting dancing shadows along the walls.

Casimir cast a glance in her direction, his expression unreadable, before offering a subtle nod in response to her inquiry.

"Yes, that is correct," he replied.

As they reached the modest chamber, Casimir held out a hand, inviting Karasi to enter.

"I hope you find it to your liking," he said warmly, his eyes meeting hers with a reassuring smile.

Karasi offered a grateful smile in return. As she stepped into the chamber, a wave of emotions washed over her, threatening to overwhelm her fragile composure. With Casimir's departure, she found herself alone with her thoughts, the weight of her recent ordeal pressing down upon her with suffocating intensity.

Her tears flowed freely as she allowed herself to succumb to the depths of her grief. With each silent sob that wracked her body, she found herself consumed by a torrent of anguish and uncertainty, her mind swirling with thoughts of her beloved father and the fate that had befallen him.

"Is Father okay?" she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper as she gazed into the darkness, as if searching for answers that eluded her grasp.

"Will he come back for me?"

As the weight of her emotions bore down upon her, Karasi succumbed to the exhaustion that gripped her weary soul, her heart heavy with grief and uncertainty. She drifted into a fitful sleep, her dreams haunted by visions of her father's face, his absence a gaping void in her heart...

As Casimir approached the entrance of the chamber, Alias stood at attention, offering a respectful greeting to his master as he neared.

"Good evening, Master Casimir," Alias greeted, his voice respectful yet tinged with curiosity.

Casimir acknowledged Alias with a nod, his expression inscrutable as he prepared to depart into the darkness beyond. Sensing Alias's inquisitive gaze upon him, he paused, meeting his companion's eyes with a steely resolve.

"Where are you going, Master?" Alias inquired, his tone tentative yet probing.

Casimir's response was terse and to the point, his words laced with a hint of coldness as he brushed off Alias's inquiry.

"Somewhere you do not need to concern yourself with," he replied curtly, his gaze piercing and unwavering.

Undeterred by his master's dismissive tone, Alias pressed further, his curiosity piqued by the presence of the young girl who had taken refuge in their sanctuary.

"And the girl?" Alias asked, his voice betraying a note of concern.

Casimir's response was swift and decisive, his demeanor leaving no room for further questions or objections.

"She will not be staying here for long," he stated matter-of-factly, his tone leaving no room for argument as he turned to leave.

With a final nod of acknowledgment, Casimir disappeared into the shadows, leaving Alias to ponder the cryptic words and the mysteries that lay ahead.