

For as long as humanity can remember, they have looked amongst the cosmos pondering their existence amongst the vast universe asking questions only they seemed to ask. Who are we? What created the universe? Why do we exist, What is our purpose? What came before the universe? What if there was a being with all the answers but none simultaneously? , who is also trying to discover itself? amongst and beyond the stars.

Deep_Dark_Gaming · Fantasie
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2 Chs


Nothing, that was all that was there, an empty void a shell, I felt as though I was breaking through something yet nothing at the same time where was I what am I? I began to feel a strange sensation I couldn't define it was like I had just awoken from something, from what?

I felt something building inside me as if I was about to explode I do not know how long I had this feeling I only knew that it was there at some point, it became unbearable the tension building and feeling more substantial, with a sudden thunderclap something that I have never heard before, there was always silence as though all the pressure that had been building up suddenly discharged giving me great relief.

Indulging myself in the passing of my "discomfort" I was blinded to noting that my setting had changed all around there were bright specs matter in different variations. If I had to describe it I would call it "beautiful" I continued to dance along to my new surroundings for how long? I did not know the sole thing I knew was that I was far more satisfied being where I was now than in that other place. creature

During my tour, I encountered a ball it was cerise the only meaning I could give for it, I approached hastily, dazed by its presence as I approached it began to trimer this event dazzled me even more drawing me closer, with hurried haste it burst into a fascinating bright light although I did not why. Its remnants had spread far wide into this new expanse.

Over time I began naming things to give them meaning as to why it was and why they occurred to further my understanding. As I explored I came across a stunning world with blue and green encompassing it, unlike the other worlds I had seen it was unique I had not seen anything like it before. My curiosity peaked as I got closer its detailed surface revealed its lush mountains and green lands and vast oceans.

I stayed above observing for quite some time although its gorgeous landscape fascinated me I had grown quite bored, before my departure I had noticed something deep in the aqua a small rugged round thing floating around aimlessly from what I have gathered so far this was no plant or debris from rotten rock no far from it, with my curiosity peaked once again I watched, I watched as it had split itself in two then four and so own consuming the land plants under the ocean, I studied, I observed as I watch this strange creature grow from small to big to few to many, the creatures diversified soon after watching untold birth the creatures had somehow adapted to roam upon the lands only to diversify more into splendid huge and small creatures each unique in their way.

After many great events and untold time, I noticed a creature with two arms two legs and one head, and a center torso they started bashing rocks together and putting them on sticks I found amusement in that, those silly creatures I thought to myself as I continued watching them however I had found that they used them to help kill their prey easier. These creatures were relatively weak I had seen them before, and I had paid them no mind thinking that they would eventually die off from being so weak, unlike many other creatures I had noticed they seemed to like staying together in groups I assumed this was because of how weak they where individually. These ones intrigued me they had come up with methods I had never seen before to make their lives easier, they created small flares to keep themselves warm and keep in light at night when the main flare was down, and they came up with tools to help kill to make up for their naturally weak form.

I was simply fascinated by them they brought down creatures 10 times their size something some other creatures could barely do, and although at times many of them were killed they still came out on top, after many flare rotations they had built themselves "kingdoms" they called it.

"Alright enough is enough I can't stand it anymore I have to down there I must experience it for myself I have to be among the mortals!" I shouted at myself but in my eagerness, I realized that I didn't have the form to blend into their civilization I didn't want my being there to disturb them. I looked at the many varieties they had in the world they had what they called Humans, elves, dwarfs, demi-humans, dark races, druids, and so much more I felt something that I rarely felt excitement.


Imperial Calender 376

A girl was walking along a dirt road to each side of the road were flat green lush plains used for farms the flare shinned bright starring down at the land giving warmth with slight cool rushes of air, with each rush the cut blades of grass sailed within the wind, peaceful birds chirped and sang gliding high in the sky, as the girl continued to walk she was holding a brown basket made of straw its contents where an abundance of fruits, leaves, vegetables each supposedly odd and special, the girl had messy cerise hair, and her eye's as blue as the azure sky, she was wearing a dirty brown tunic with a knee-high skirt to match.

"Lacus! Lacus where are you Lacus!" a voice from over the horizon shouts with a weary voice

"Lacus...There you are! what are you doing out here we've been looking all over for you you had everyone worried when you ran off like that" a young boy rapidly approached with a scared undertone to his voice he had brown eye's hair and a small frame, he wore something close to what the girl was wearing with only trouser's being the main difference in look between the two outfits.

Lacus giggles softly "I am sorry I really didn't mean to run off like that I just wanted to do something nice for Lilly as a surprise for her luna year, it was supposed to take me only a short while but it took longer than I thought it would sorry." Lacus said as she put her hand behind her head to scratch her head to disperse anxiousness.

The boy let out a sigh "Well I guess but that still doesn't let you off free you go off running on your own way too much" The boy said with an affirmative tone to his voice while pointing at Lacus "you're lucky that none of the adults have heard of you running away Again " he continued

Lacus lets out a defeated sigh while looking and the ground making a plump face "I know" she gibberish-ly stated

The boy grabs Lacus's hand, it was tough with smugged dirt with some under her fingernails presumably from picking the abundance of items she had in her basket

"Now let's hurry up and get back to the village before somebody notices we're far but we might make it back before nightfall," the boy says with an underlying fear in his voice.


Sometime later

It was already nightfall the duo hastily pushed their young bodies as hard as they could to make it back to the village the only thing guiding their way was the many flares in the sky.

"W-Wait Rufus" Lacus said with a timid and exhausted voice as sweat dripped down her face and neck she bent over to rest herself on her knees her rapid breathing one of the many signs showing her exhaustion "I-I am sorry if it weren't for me a-always running off we wouldn't be out here its all my fault," Lacus said holding back tears with the raspiness in her voice building with each word she takes.

Rufus turns around barely able to see her frame in pitch black night "Yeah it's ok I know sometimes you always like to go out on an adventure that's why I like being around you Lacus" Rufus boldly stated if it weren't for the pitch black Lacus bright red face from Rufus's comments would be revealed for all to see, "Besides we're pretty close now" Rufus slightly tugs Lacus's tunic to grab her attention he points over a small hill blocking their vision from seeing the village. The only indication was a bright orange glow that hummed informing them that something was there.

"Wow they sure are loud they lit all the torches just to look for you" Rufus jokingly said trying to lighten the mood. "Come on!" The sight of the village light brought up whatever reserves of energy they still had in their little bodies, pushing up the hill with glimmers in their eyes as soon as they had time to glance at their village to their utter horror their village was in flames, the flames raged on as if it were alive as a raging beast, any glimmer the two had in their eye's was gone Lacus dropped her basket it contents slowly rolling back down the hill, as they listen and watched the hill provide just enough elevation to give a perfect view, they saw one of the dark races goblins, hundred's of them rummaging the village. they heard the screams and pleas from the people in the village they had known for most of their lives as they watched they saw Abby a well-known vendor in the village, while they could only barely see her they saw her pleading for her life she was soon later dragged away and thrown in a cart full of woman and girls.

Tears began to stream down from Lacus's face "N-no no no this can't be happing this isn't real" Lacus responded to the horrors she was witnessing her hands covered her mouth she was violently shaking the only thing she could muster to do was to stand there in dread despair and astonishment, "no."

WONDER...Chapter 1 Part 2

A young woman walked gleefully admiring the flowers, vast landscapes, and all of the wonderful creatures that sang their tune, the flare was barely peaking over the horizon bringing a new day to the world.

The young woman crouched, plucking a flower that had many pedals and a large disk flower in the middle that stared back at her, her eyes sparkling while gazing upon it.

The woman herself was wearing fine clothes, she wore a white dress with gold trimming, and long white evening gloves, she had long white hair with pale skin to match she also had a gold clipping just above her neckline, and royal blue eyes, a beautiful woman.

As she continues to admire the flower, footsteps could be heard steadily approaching but loudly as if to make their presence known, "Hey princess you lost?" A stern and masculine voice could be heard as he approached the young maiden, he was wearing leather armor was bald, and welding a large club he was quite large as well with muscles built atop him.

" Hey Hey Hey!, you ignoring me or somethin?!" The man stated angrily while he began to rapidly approach the woman, he grabbed her arm laughing "Ima have some fun with you before I bring you back to the boys!, then I'll sale you I'm sure a plum-like you will catch a fine price on the market!" The man stated while he began to laugh maniacally.

"Please let go of me you're disturbing my first up-close observation" the woman stated in a soft tone with a hint of coldness to her voice

"Huh!" The man glanced at the flower she was holding, and then to the ground, there was a batch of them waiting to be plucked just in front of her

He walked over to the flowers still holding her arm he stomped out all of the flowers and then spat on the ground.

"What you gonna do now princess"

The girl glared at him "why would you do that!?" The man tried to bring the girl closer but to his surprise, she didn't move an inch, but before he could process what was happening he noticed the girl standing in front of him holding his arm.

He glanced at his arm blood gushing out forming a river of blood that began to stream down his remaining forearm.

A horrified look slowly began to form on the man's face."W-WHAT are you!?"

"Leave Now" the girl glaring at him threw his arm to the ground, in fear he lost his balance and fell but quickly gathered himself and ran off screaming. "Ah Ah it's a monster!"

"Ha ha so I heard there was a village nearby that burned to the ground just the other day I bet if we get there quickly we could sack some of the corpses for valuables"

"what about the survivors I bet there won't be too many of them lingering around after that too and if we're lucky we could pick them off," another man says while tearing into a large drumstick of some type of animal

" I mean yeah we already got lucky with one of them ha ha!" a third man says, to the side of him is a young girl with cerise hair laying on the mucky forest floor she was folding herself into a ball shaking with fear her clothes covered in ash and dirt she was also covered in bruises with parts of her cloths that looked forcibly ripped off specifically the lower and upper part's.

Suddenly loud rummaging could be heard through the thick forest rapidly approaching the group with this sound all three get on guard only to see one of their comrades with a terrified expression and his left arm missing, "M-Monster it's a monster in the forest!"


Sometime Later

"HA HA HA HA!, you tellin me a girl did that to you either got to be layin or hit your head a little too hard'!'

"Shut up she'll hear you!" The four men were crouched concealed in some bushes in the distance they saw a young woman with white hair and an exotic dress squatting down and looking at a plethora of gorgeous flowers.

"Screw this I'm done waiting," one of the men with a rough beard says as he strides out of cover heading to the girl, "what you crazy we gotta come up with a plan to beat this monster you see what it did to my arm it ain't human" the man quietly shouted at his arrogant partner

"Yeah yeah sure, come on it's probably just some noble brat that knows a little magic what's the worst that could happen?

"I would have to agree" "I three" two other men said " I'm sure if we rush her she would get overwhelmed

"See then it's a plan" "wait no!" before the man could stop his three comrades they had already run off at the girl.

"Hey, girl I heard you hurt my buddy over there that's true?"

"Yes I told him to stop grabbing me and he did not so I took his arm off" the girl stated bluntly"

"Wow, you don't mince a word do ya? ya heard that boys" the group laughs amongst them self "look I don't wanna hurt ya maybe if you listen to everything I tell ya maybe I won't sell ya for about a year, I mean we ain't no nobles but we can tell ya life as a slave ain't fun".

The man walked over to her grabbing her arms "if you do something funny I and my boys are gonna rip you up, the man said ruggedly "now be-" before he could finish his words his head tumbled to the ground spraying blood everywhere turning the girls once Cristine white dress into a crimson cerise "Wha-What" the girl glanced to the others and in a blink of an eye another man has died cut into two at the waist. The other man dazed with fear charged at her sword ready to kill the girl, but before he comprehended what was happening he was already looking at the sky, his head was on the ground with fear entrenched into his now dead face.

The man who had remained behind in the forest witnessed all of it, his comrades were killed within seconds he got up to turn around and run off only to bump into something he gazed up to see a lady in a dress that was once white now covered in crimson. Scared to death he slowly crawls backward to escape his doom.

"Please don't kill me!... I'll leave you'll never have to see my face around here again!"

The girl eerily stared down at him without saying a single word or showing any emotion suddenly the man implodes on himself scattering his remains everywhere and turning the once surrounding lush green trees and grass now soaked in blood.

Then abruptly a girl stumbles out of the forest breathing heavily hands tied in front of her, "A-Are you from the villag-" once the girl had gotten a good look at the figure she saw a woman covered in blood and entrails, her once hopeful attitude not emits a strong fear as she gazes into the woman eyes she notices that she could see no emotion at all blank.

"Ah-No please don't hurt me" she timidly said barely able to muster a word being filled with fear, the girl covered in red ominously walked over to the girl now huddled like a scared dog she then squatted in front of her and tilts her head, the girl can't help but to stare into her royal blue eye's, "I always wanted to see a young one up close like this, How odd and innocent you are" the young girl couldn't help but to get shivers up her spine based on the woman comments.

"Do not be afraid I see no reason to bring harm upon you say what's your name?"

there was a moment of stillness before she spoke "L-Lacus... what about you?"

"Lacus I see what a unique name indeed, as for me I have no name...would you like to give me one?"

The girl found this odd but wanting to please and not anger the stranger she responded "Deus y-you look like a Deus" the girl said softly while trimming she didn't know why but she felt small as if there was a great presence before her.

"I see then I am Deus nice to meet you Lacus!".