
chapter 11

She hoped this next class would end soon. P.E. or better known as the legal excuse for adults to torture children. She walked into the class 5 minutes early she found if she did this she wouldn't be as embarrassed with everyone staring at her and found the teacher.

Mr. Andrews was his name. Mr.Andrew she thought even though his name was unfamiliar and he looked somewhat familiar to her she didn't know who he was.

Mr. Andrews looked towards her and memories from the battlefields quickly crossed his mind as the memory scent of blood filled his nose. Respect and reverence also followed as he remembered how she unhesitatingly went into the field fighting off other werewolves and protecting not just her pack but others as well from the enemy. A particular scene also went by in those flash backs from when he fought a blackish grey wolf. Each snapping and retreating til he accidentally slipped in the muddy rain. Just as he was falling his opponent took the opportunity to try to bite his throat and end it to start with another. He could see this almost in slow motion but couldn't move and then from the side she appeared grabbing him out of the way and then ripping out the throat of the other wolf instead.

Just as he was going to thank her he saw her do a quick look over and move on to support the next alli in need. His other pack mate who was there helped to pull him from the field to a doctor so he could get patched up.

Later when he inquired about the girl who rescued him he found out that the Marrix clan who ran that side offered a deal. If the rebels who were fighting for rights and recognition traded handed her over they would hand over alive all 5,438,000 prison/test subjects captured.

He never really knew what happened to her in the end only that in the last battle she managed to escape and decapitate the ones who used her as a test subject and the main leaders of the enemies in one big swoop. Everyone thought she went off to die because of all the wounds and blood that she's from her body. He wanted to see wanted to ask but was afraid to ask.

All of this happening in just a few seconds a minute at most if you want to get technical. Mr. Andrews grabbed her information and looked it over carefully before telling her to sit down in a empty spot by the door.

Lana couldn't decide how she would think of this teacher. He kinda gave her some goosebumps for some reason. The way he looked at her and spoke to her while friendly seemed she didn't know how to explain it.

Class finally began when everyone went to get into their gym uniform and drop off their stuff in their lockers. Class was just about to begin when something strange happened the gym teacher mr Andrews left and put mr callock the assistant gym coach in charge.

Mr. callock looked around before saying "dodge ball tournament down the middle to each side are teams."

Lana couldn't wait she was on one side while her 2 brothers and supposed "mate" was on the other side. A gleam of revenge and a thinking she had a chance to hit them in the face openly with out black lash drove her enthusiasm up to a higher level while everyone else groaned.

Lana saw how everyone grouped together in different groups even though they were on the same team. She coughed real quick as she formulated a plan. She knew she didn't have much strength as she just finished her radiation treatment just a few weeks ago but she was still determined to throw at least one ball in all of their faces while using the group in front of her as a shield.

Everyone stood at the end of wall and when the gym assistant teacher blew his whistle everyone froze and the main culprits (the 3 dum dums) strode their way slowly to the balls. Before anyone could make a finishing move the assistant gym teacher turned around and went back into the office to get some paperwork for him to go over as the game went on.

While he was in the back Lana did a blitz to the ball and threw one towards the one closet to her. Her 2nd eldest brother she managed to get him straight on the nose with the red ball and he doubled over in pain. Right in the sweet spot she thought as she ran to the next ball.

The other 2 stood frozen just as she scooped up the next ball getting her so called mate straight in the forehead knocking him off balance while he was in shock. Last but not least it turned into a stalemate as her youngest but elder brother and her each had a ball did a western style stand off with 2 ball as the weapons.

Just as she saw his muscles moving she yelled "spiders!" He startled as she took advantage and rolled to the side throwing the ball and getting him in the left eye. He groaned as he too got hit in the soft spot as she moved over to the benches to hide. Just as she made it to the benches and sat down acting like nothing happened a coughing fit started.

The gym assistant came back just as the gym teacher came back. The gym teacher came back through the doors that where located by benches and looked around as he surveyed the situation. He walked over to Lana and said " Since you have a doctors note you can sit out and do paperwork to make up for the work." She coughed and smiled weakly saying "Thank you Mr. Andrews!"

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